One Heart; One New Spirit by Cj Randolph - HTML preview

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While feasting upon the glory, a small, stringy, tumble-weed-like cloud appeared from the East & moved quickly west—affecting about a third of our nation.  By the time it moved beyond my concern, something new caught my eye! It too came from the East! It was a Massive, Dark Cloud!—ominous beyond words... dense & evil! It had LIFE all its own!—pulsing and groaningfighting to rip through the lining and come upon us. It covered us north to south & moved slowly west, smothering all life beneath its weightas if by firetaking even the life from the soil.  It seemed to delight in our destruction! A voice scrolled 3 times thru my head,You will scream like a woman giving birth, but I will be there”.. .(3 times )   Frightened beyond measure— I backed away until coming to a sudden halt as I crashed the logs of our home & noticed the two clouds had formed a pregnant woman upon her back…screaming. I felt as I would faint when at last He said, “From out  of  your  pain, you will  be born of new life” (3 times!)



“In January of this year 2006, He came to me in songoffering Hope & Comfort—though His heart was heavy…His disappointment with us great.  He explained what He has given & what He had expected.  We fell short, and He is pained beyond measure like a parent who gives everything, yet is spit upon and ignored.  It played out over time …and worsened generation to generation.  We have not “Served One Another” as  He expected.  We have not “LOVED One Another” as  He expected.  We did not Love our Mother as He expected.  We did not Teach our children as He expected.  We did not forsake all others as He expected—and Hegave (us) LiFE!”  


We took EVERYTHING for granted—including HIS “Son”!   He  gave us  everything! !! His  Life…His  Son…His  Self…His  Spirit…His  Arms …His  Will…His  Feet,  His  Hands , His  Eyes , His  Mind—ALL!  He gave us Life!  Yet we live carelesslydisrespectfully—we do not say, “thank you”, but we whine for  more .  He gave us commandments to live by, and He sent prophets to share His Word & Will.  


He sent His Sonthe CHRIST as Promised to the Father's of  old. He sent HIS SON!


Please, Do Not turn away!

It does not matter if you agree or disagree.  There is no argument here.  There is no room for debate here.  


Just hear me out!  There is a message from God—Our Fat her…Our Creator  here.  His Son stands in the narrow gateway of Heaven as I speakcalling out our names.  

He sent me to Come and Get You,  “by the hand in          “—to gather you To Him— to stand with Him.  He said, “No matter  what happens —I will not leave you.  I will wrap myself around you (all whom gather close) like a Father & take the 1st hit upon my own back.”  ( See, despite our ingratitude:  “Still” HE LOVES &Still” HE FORGIVES, but it doesn't guarantee a seat at His  Table…unless  we truly BELIEVE & abide in Him in full faith!)

So come on PeopleCome On AmericaPrepare for the Storm— Join Hands in and “Look up—Look up High”.   He IS Calling Out  our names.  Turn your life over to Him now.  Call out His name—fall upon your knees & cry out


HUMBLE yourself!!!  Do Not ask for money or things—ask instead for truth” & forgiveness! Ask Our Father, Our Creator to show you TRUTH, & He WillBut do not hesitate for Time Is Out & Soon the door way will close.”   


Matthew 22 in part:See, I have prepared my dinner…and all  things are ready.  Come to the wedding.” But  they  made light  of it  and went  their ways…And the rest  seized his servants, treated them spitefully , and killed them…when the king heard about it, he was furious…he sent  out  his armies…and burned up their city.  Then he said to his servant s, “ The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy…' “For many are called, but few are chosen


*May the TRUTH, PEACE, Comfort & Victory of Our Lord Yeshua (Jesus) CHRIST be with all   cj As  you see, I've calmed down, but HIS MESSAGE Never CHANGED. My calmness is 3-FOLD:  I TRUST YAHVEH, I BELIEVE in & follow YESHUA, & the Ruach ha Kodesh shares all things heard. 


I feel compelled to mention that GOD SAW TO IT that I DRINK the sweetness of our nation…this “land of milk & honey”, for the first time in my life before souring my stomach with the VILE!   Like I mentioned in the letter, there were no borders, boundaries, or lines -of-division by states.  We were one continuous whole (short of Alaska & Hawaii.)  Canada was not there.  Mexico was not there unless we consider a small stem…that hung down out of California like a tail.  The oceans were not there.  The SKY STORY was ABOUT & FOR us in the UNITED STATES


As I dined on that FEAST—I was unthreatened by the presence of the stringy tumble- weed cloud…and didn't want to be bothered by it…at leas t until it became the head of the screaming woman!  Later the SPIRIT allowed me to understand it represented bad times falling upon many in its path.  I literally leaned left then right —whatever it took to avoid it interfering with the beauty I saw.  At one point, I actually became  annoyed by its ' sheer presence!  It equated to the way we deal with matters that affect others : like a  friend's  divorce or loss  of a loved one, even far reaching matters like 9-11 & Hurricane KatrinaInitially, we jump in heart,  soul, mind, & hands …whether personally affected or not, but when we're  not personally affected, we grow tired of it …even annoyed by it & lean away long before the CLEAN-UP on AISLE THREE is complete—choosing to eat the candy bar and ignore the Brussels ' Sprouts .


Then…next thing we  know, GOD IS TIRED of IT!  And we meet the WRATH of man AND GOD!  That's  what the second storm represented…I believe.   A friend advised that I don't attempt to explain the SECOND STORM.  He said, “When the Lord came to John in a dream & REVEALED all we know as THE REVELATION, John didn't attempt to explain …he just shared.  So, we'll roll on with that philosophy.


GOD warned me thru Ezekiel the prophet, that if HE GIVES me something to share with you & I  don't —that your BLOOD is on my HANDS.  HE warns, “eat what I give you…don't you be a rebel too”  He tells me not to whitewash HIS TRUTH, but to serve it up whole.  So there's no choice but to de liver GOD'S NEWS…pleas ant or alarming. So HERE I am…delivering what I have been given!! !!! !! !!   PLEASE take, eat, & grow


So much has  happened…it is not possible to share everything, with you in this letter… or it will never get delivered, and GOD'S WORD will not be returned void!!!  ~Selah



As He Sang, I lost awareness of myself, for although the WORDS flowed from me, I felt like the audience.   Several ad monitions  took me by surprise …aside from “ I have given MY LIFEMY SON for you!” For  instance, it truly stung when He said,  “I thought you would teach your children,” and “I thought you would love your mother.”  And the phrase “to hell with all of you,” has  been painful & bitter.   I've replayed it so many times in my mind…wondering…hoping that I added it in utter disgust with us!


Some people have gotten really uptight about the “to hell with all of you” phrase.  So me have questioned whether or not, our FATHER would say such a thing.  Others  have recoiled and said things  like , “ A GOD of LOVE would never say that!”   Trust me,  I've hoped that it was my response to the evil HE POINTED out.  Possibly it was.  I have no proof either way …for  either of  us.  But we must consider the things HE says thru the scriptures, like on May 28, 2006, for instance, when HE sent me to read from the book of EZEKIEL where HE said,  “eat what I give you Son of  Dust…& swallow it”.   He tells that it will first be sweet like honey…then sour our stomachs .  And it surely has!  HE warned EZEKIEL about prophets  not delivering all they're given. I'm CONVICTED to DELIVER the WORDS intact.  


You will have to pray & study about it for yourself.  TRUST me—I FEAR GOD ALMIGHTY & RESPECT HIS WORD enough to handle the insults, rebukes, & glares that I receive.  GOD IS GOOD, yes GOD IS GREAT for HE KNOWS exactly how much we  can handle…and to this  point, HE has seen fit—to send along brothers & sisters who lift us each time we take a one, two punch to the heart.


If it were not for our Father quickly adding, “But still I LOVE, & still I FORGIVE,” it would be harder to handle. It's  the GREAT “ I AM'S” PLAN & EXPECTATION that we DELIVER what HE GIVES…just as messengers & watchmen of the past didYou see, it's  not my role  to edit, but to share what I hear & see...and to GATHER you TO HIM!


Something to add: Yesterday, August 24, 2009,  while  at the music promoter's  house, GOD LED me to research “ FUEL” using   What I discovered is  alarming … so PRAY HARD and stay faithfully obedient to the FATHER...BENEATH the VEIL of HIS SON.   


Oh, and here is  something cool to share.  We had gone to the promoter's  house so my husband could help erecta metal building outback “by the hand in love”.  Meantime, I edited.  At one point, I was  digging through the BIBLE when the promoter's  son came in for  a drink of water .  He spoke, and I  told him what I  was  seeking.  Next thing I know, he handed me a laptop computer…cued up to!   You see, GOD CHOSE the hands of the promoter's  sononce again to serve as a bridge to link me with something I needed “by the hand in love”!            I thank Reno, & PRAISE GOD for HIS GLORIOUS WAYS


Ezekiel 21:32 (KJ Version) 

Thou shalt be for fuel to the fire; thy blood shall be in the midst of the land; thou shalt be no more remembered: for I the LORD have spoken it.


Jeremiah 4:3 (The MESSAGE) 

Here's another Message from God to the people of Judah and Jerusalem: "Plow your unplowed fields, but then don't plant weeds in the soil! Yes, circumcise your lives for God's sake. Plow your unplowed hearts, all you people of Judah and Jerusalem. Prevent fire—the fire of my anger— for once it starts it can't be put out. Your wicked ways are fuel for the fire.


Jeremiah 21:11 (The MESSAGE) 

"To the royal house of Judah, listen to God's Message! House of David, listen—God's Message to you: 'Start each day by dealing with justice. Rescue victims from their exploiters. Prevent fire—the fire of my anger— for once it starts, it can't be put out. Your evil regime is fuel for my anger. Don't you realize that I'm against you, yes, against you. You think you've got it made, all snug and secure. You say, "Who can possibly get to us? Who can crash our party?" Well, I can—& will! I'll punish your evil regime. I'll start a fire that will rage unchecked, burn everything in sight to cinders.'"


Isaiah 9:19 (Young's  Trans lation)

In the wrath of Jehovah (YAHVEH) of Hosts Hath the land been consumed, And the people is as fuel of fire; A man on his brother hath no pity,


Romans 2:5 (The MESSAGE)

You're not getting by with anything. Every refusal and avoidance of God adds fuel to the fire. The day is coming when it's going to blaze hot and high, God's fiery and righteous judgment. Make no mistake: In the end you get what's coming to you—Real Life for those who work on God's side, but to those who insist on getting their own way and take the path of least resistance, Fire!


2 Peter 3:5 (Whole Chapter)

They conveniently forget that long ago all the galaxies and this very planet were brought into existence out of watery chaos by God's word. Then God's word brought the chaos back in a flood that destroyed the world. The current galaxies and earth are fuel for the final fire. God is poised, ready to speak his word again, ready to give the signal for the judgment and destruction of the desecrating skeptics. 






Thru the 


Known on earth as


Son of Man—Son of Dust


Following the Guidance of 


RUACH haKodesh


Holy Spirit






IF “I AM; I AM your FATHER” ...HIMSELF, SANG  to youTHRU YOU!!!... and THENSTOOD BEFORE you IN SPIRIT, and somehow you fully KNEW HIM as FATHER—' THE FATHER' & ' THE PERFECT TRUTH'3 yet 1!!!and HE SPOKE TO you AND TOOK you on an AMAZING JOURNEY BACKWARDS THRU TIME to SHOW you THINGS NO ONE ELSE ON this EARTH HAS SEEN, as far as you know.   What if you saw & heard things you never would have believedIF HE HIMSELF had not shown them to you?  What if HE TOLD you “IT'S 'too' (as in 'RIPE') LATE” & INSTRUCTED you to, “GO NOW—GET…BRING…GATHER as many 'TO ME' as humanly possible by the hand in love




WHAT IF—5 months after HE SHOWN you HIMSELF & 


HE PARTED the SKY & SHOWN you something new… something so INTENSE you nearly fainted!!!  WHAT IF 'that something' HE SHOWN would affect your ENTIRE NATION?  WHAT IF, HE SAID,  “ You will scream like a woman giving birth, but I will be there.  You will scream like a woman giving birth, but I will be there.  You will scream like a woman giving birth, but I will be there”?  WHAT ' IF' just as  you thought you would faint OR die, HE ADDED, “From out of  your pain, you will be born of new life.   From out of your pain, you will be born of new life.   From out of your  pain, you will be born of new life” ?  WHAT IF as you WRAPPED your HEAD AROUND HIS WORDS & POURED YOURSELF into telling others what happened & calling them to 'COME' —they thought you were CRAZY!... and ignored you just like you IGNORED HIM THROUGHOUT the AGES? 




If in your effort to CALLas many as humanly possible, you sent LOVE LETTERS to ALL of your CHILDREN…and to everyone else's  children too…regardless  of age , wouldn't  you HOPE, PRAY, & ANTICIPATE the letters be READ…whether good news or bad…whether appreciated & treasured or not? 'WHAT IF' your LETTERS forewarned, your dearly beloved earth mates, about some 'BIG STUFF' COMING down the pikeTHINGS they REALLY NEEDED to KNOWTHINGS your FATHER SHARED with you?  WHAT IF THEY were received with appreciation, but instead of being read…start to finish, they were simply picked at…little bits  & pieces  at a time, OR w

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