One Man's Walk with God: Preparing for Trials and Fears by Jeremy B Strang - HTML preview

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Chapter Five

Your Example




“For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.”

1 Peter 2:21


Lord, tonight I cannot but help to think of how You are a strong and might tower,110 and yet just how weak and fragile I really am; help me Lord to run to You for I know that in my way and in my eyes, I am too often blinded; so weigh me, show me how to commit my work unto You.111 I do not want to merely have some ‘sense’, or ‘feeling’ for which way seems right, for surely if left to myself, the end of this way is death.112 Oh Lord, teach me Your statutes113 and paths, and may Your truths, Your will, Your incredible attributes be stamped forever in my mind. I must here ask, am I sincere and true in my devotion and relation to You? Do I really seek to be conformed and comforted, with increasing fervor, by and through Your word? Shall I heed the beautifully narrow, yet oftentimes difficult and at times humanly lonely, paths of Christ? Shall I conform my life to Your will, especially when trials come and tarry for an extended season? If I shall say yes, then because Christ suffered for me, shall I not walk out in His footsteps? Oh Lord, by Your Spirit shall I do so; convict me114 and teach me this path and let my eyes be transfixed upon Christ as He was no stranger to the trials, the temptations and the fears as well.115

Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though He as in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”116

Is it not better for me that I should suffer for doing good, if that should be Your will, than for doing evil?117 Most certainly! However, I must admit Lord, knowing this when in study or when the throes of many trials seem but far away, is a simple thing, one I find, left too quickly in thought and rarely transmitted to application and praise. When the trials, fears, doubts, or even anger they come, Jesus should be the very first and final focus of my eyes; however, I must admit that this is not always what I first do. Lord, cause me to turn to you in the good and the difficult and dangerous seasons that I might praise You, seek You and listen to Your Spirit as the very first of my responses. Oh Lord, keep sin, evil and temptations far from me,118 especially here where people look to see if I should fall, and then to accuse You of not being real. Oh for Your great name, build me into such a person who dwells with You and is ever learning from Your word.

And yet, how shall I respond to the trials I face today? Is not Satan, that devil of old,119 seeming to work overtime today? So how and what shall be my response this day? Shall I cower and retreat, shall I make a claim to grace and yet live in sin,120 shall I only be in prayer and do nothing? No. I must respond according to Your will. These times, although looking darker moment by moment, are not nearly as dark as the hearts of men really are121 in comparison to You and Your holiness. All of these things are of no surprise to You, for You alone are sovereign and all together omniscient, there is no new sin under heaven.122

Oh praise be unto You, for You have not left me an orphan123 nor unaware,124 but You have left me Your will, Your way, the very example of Your dear Son; more amazingly yet, as if that were not enough to praise You already, He (Jesus) calls me His brother.125 How could such amazing grace be granted me? Lord, may a great many people come to know such grace, such mercies, such incredible love – may they experience and grow in You, not in the things of this world, but in You – for You alone are immutable.

Lord, cause me to learn from Your word, trust in Your word and live by the rule of Your word, especially during the preparation and execution of the fiery trials that come.

He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in His mouth. When he was reviled, He did not revile in return, when He suffered, He did not threaten, but continued entrusting Himself to Him who judges justly.”126

Lord, so much learning is found here, so much conviction and so much pure spiritual gold. It is amazing to think that Jesus left such an example; it seems so impossible, and indeed it truly is apart from You and the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit.127 For Lord, You, by Your divine power, has granted to me all things that pertain to life and godliness,128 so never let me become so nearsighted that I am blind, having forgotten.129 So may these words above be in me and remind me when in trials to follow the example of the Lord Jesus when He suffered.

1.) He committed no sin

2.) There was no deceit found in His mouth

3.) When He was criticized with bitterness, heavy anger and direct enmity, He did not act such in return

4.) When He suffered, He did not return threats – furthermore, He responded…

5.) …by continuing to entrust Himself to You. Lord, help me to develop this as my response in the midst of trials.

I am reminded of what the Apostle Paul said, “For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”130 How content am I Lord, for Christ’s sake, when I am in trials that are lesser than these? Forgive me when I complain and grumble131 when such things are common to the true Christian.132 Over the years, Lord, You have been teaching me to consider it all joy133 and to authentically praise you while patiently enduring134 the valleys of this life. I still remember the first time I was given greater grace to praise You during a time of a burdening trial – Oh such a sweet fellowship and tremendous joy You bestowed upon me. Forgive me for not always prevailing and learning from that experience, forgive me for not always trusting You in my trials. Oh but You, yes You oh Lord, even when my heart condemns me, You are greater than my heart!135 Would it not be better to experience sovereignly placed thorns in the flesh, that I might be able to have a greater revelation of You, of Your grace, and of Your power?136 Oh yes! For these thorns are designed to humble me and break the pride and conceit, so shall I not praise You? Most certainly, however, You know just how much grace I need, Your grace and Your power is what I need to see clearly, be alert and understanding my need to praise You in the trials. Lord, grow me here!

For if I seek to escape the trials and the appointed thorns, am I not saying that I know what is best for me? Am I not saying that I desire for the lesser things of this life and ease of the flesh? Cause me to say and earnestly mean,

But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”137

Regardless of what comes my way, whether sleeplessness, a burdened mind, physical pains that tarry, or more like my blessed brothers and sisters who currently (and past generations) suffer so greatly, may I be found to say, “I do not account my life of any value…” Strengthen, oh Lord, my brothers and sisters who…

Some were tortured, refusing to accept release, so that they might rise again to a better life. Others suffered mocking and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were killed with the sword. They went about in skins of sheep and goats, destitute, afflicted, mistreated – of whom the world was not worthy – wandering about in deserts and mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.”138

Help me to remember, that You are always in full control and that there is no place where I can escape from You.139 For even when Jesus was on the cross and cried out, “Eli, Ele, lema sabachthani?140 – was He not quoting, thus proving Himself, in full-control? Oh Yes! He suffered and fulfilled everything according to Your inspired, all-sufficient, infallible and immutable word – He was the very word.141 He was the crushed worm of Psalm twenty-two, He walked through the valley of the shadow of death of Psalm twenty-three and He commanded that the gates and ancient doors be lifted up that He, the King of glory, would enter. Since You are in such control, how can I not trust You in and with my trials? Shall I not let you be the victor and hero of my life? Or shall I look to myself, casting You aside, by trusting in my own strength? Would it not be better to see Your strong arm prove Yourself? Absolutely, yes and amen. So then, Lord, teach me to get out of Your way and to look to Jesus and the example left for me.

Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips! Do not let my heart incline to any evil, to busy myself with wicked deeds in company with men who work iniquity, and let me not eat of their delicacies!”142

Although I face many types of distractions and temptations, trials and fears, and a culture of sin, death and a world of sissified grace, may I be a man who is truly seeking to walk with you always more closely. May Your strong hand be revealed to me, in me and through me that I would see You always as my greatest of treasures and most precious of all things. May I become more aware and alert to Your nearness, like the preacher of old Thomas Chalmers used to preach, that the expulsive power of Your new affection would remove all idols and old affections.143