One Man's Walk with God: Preparing for Trials and Fears by Jeremy B Strang - HTML preview

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Chapter Six

Armed by You




Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking...”

1 Peter 4:1


Father, I thank you this day as you have yet again reminded me, although my heart is deceptive and cannot in itself be trusted,145 yet You can and do often right my emotions; and how is it I know if my emotions and desires of my heart are right, are of You, do they not conform and agree with Your word, Your will and in the truth. I praise You for the Holy Spirit, His guidance and correction, His confirmation and witness146 in my life. Oh, You know Father just how frail I am and how I need Your encouragement and hope. Cause me Lord, develop and strengthen me, that I might increase in strides, that I might arm myself with the same way of thinking. Since Christ suffered for me in the flesh, may I full up in the sufferings147 of the flesh, denying myself, picking up my cross and following after You.148 May I come to see this, much deeper and truer yet, that this is a joyous place in You to be found, and not because any works or sufferings of mine could ever earn me salvation, but that my response in trials would be to think like Jesus.

Shall I not set my sights so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for Your will?149 And what is Your will for me in this? Is this not love? Oh most certainly yes! And yet in this area I need to grow so much more. Your will regarding the context of this mindset, regarding suffering, thus starts here –

Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful creator while doing good.”150

It is indeed good for me that I recognize that any suffering I experience is already known by You, and in recognition of this light, I must respond by entrusting myself to You, the faithful creator. Am I about the doing of good during such times, and at all times? And should I be surprised when fiery trials come? No, for such is the testing151 and promises for those who have even a desire to be godly in Christ.152

Lord, here I feel I must thank You yet again, for You have reminded me that context regarding Your word matters a great deal. I should never use Your word to justify my sin, nor use it to avoid suffering, nor even use a part of it to attempt to nullify another part where I am lacking in understanding. No never let this be of me.

Now having these things before me, I want to be reminded, over and over if that is where I am in need, to Your truths, promises and commands found prior to the words, “Since therefore”, as found in 1st Peter 4:1 and the surrounding context down to 1st Peter 4:19. May I see the further necessity of doing good and entrusting You in these passages; help me, encourage me and cause my response during trials to be that which honors and glorifies You.

A prior review (1 Peter 4:1) for a mindset on Christ, Your promises and my edification in responding rightly.

  1. Jesus suffered for me that He would bring me to You. – 1 Peter 3:18 (John 17:3)
  2. If I am jealous for what is good, who can harm me? – 1 Peter 3:13 (Matthew 10:28; Luke 12:5)
  3. a.) honor Christ the Lord as holy; b.) to always be prepared to make a defense for the hope that is in me; c.) do this with gentleness, respect and with a good conscience. –1 Peter 3:15-17
  4. a.) I must have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind; b.) not repaying evil or reviling, but bless others – 1 Peter 3:8, 9
  5. Even in the privacy and intimacy of marriage, and context of submission to God, and suffering, my conduct must be radically opposite of this world – and for my prayers not to be hindered. – 1 Peter 3:7

A surrounding review (1 Peter 4:1-19) for the good works I may be doing in the midst of suffering and trials.

  1. To live for the will of God. – vs. 4:2
  2. To put away foolishness and lawlessness. – vs. 4:3-6
  3. To know that the end of all things is at hand – the start of the end of days and the beginning of the labor pains. And yet, my response needs to be according to Your word, self-controlled, sober-minded, again, for the sake of my prayers. – vs. 4:7
  4. Above all, I must keep loving one another – vs. 4:8
  5. Show hospitality without grumbling – vs. 4:9
  6. Use the gifts to serve one another, being a good steward of Your varied grace. – vs. 4:10
  7. In everything – You may be glorified through Your dear Son. – vs. 4:11
  8. Rejoice insofar as I share Christ’s sufferings – Why? That I may also rejoice and be glad when Christ’s glory is revealed. – vs. 4:13
  9. If I am insulted for the name of Christ, I am blessed – How? …because the Spirit of glory and You rest upon me. – vs. 4:14
  10. Do not suffer as an evil doer. – vs. 4:15
  11. Be not ashamed if I suffer as a Christian, but rather glorify You and in Your name. – vs. 4:16
  12. For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the Gospel of God? And, ‘If the righteous is scarcely saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?’” – vs. 4:17, 18

Lord, I praise You for Your word and right viewpoint for how I ought to respond and act as a true Christian, and this in response to Your true grace.153 I see so many areas, even after these last two decades, I am still so lacking in my obedience and conformity to Christ. Make these passages sink deep in my soul and may they pave the way unto good works and a right mindset, especially amid the trials and valleys.

And yet, to have Your will and this way of arming my mind to think, shall it not require devoted time in the word and before Your throne? Shall it not require me being transformed by the renewal of the mind,154 not in ways of this world, but through Your word? Does it not mean I must be mulled over so that I may be tested, tested that I may discern what is Your good, acceptable and perfect will? And does it not require greater amounts of Your grace? And does this grace not come from You? To all the above – YES. And will You deny me any good thing according to Your will shall I ask? No. Then shall I not ask for more of You, and to have You as the primary interest of my life? And although there is a great amount of practicality that is applicable to doing Your work, responding to my trials and my proper daily reactions and interactions, how can I know the truth? and respond in truth if I am lax to walk in the truth? For whatever do I have to offer anyone in way of lasting eternal help and hope, truth and power, if You are not powerfully working in me a life of sanctification and humility? For Your kingdom does not consist in word, but in power.155 You are able to do far more abundantly than all I could ask or think.156

Lord, in the midst of all the evil and straight up demonic activity of this current day, and all that the enemy has purposed to do against You and against Your church, I ask that You would make me to be a man after Your own heart, a man holy and set apart to mature in You. Like Jeremiah, who was surrounded by enemies and false witnesses, cause me to be like him when he says,

If I say, ‘I will not mention Him, or speak any more in His name,’ there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot.”157

And make me to be like Micah, who was also surrounded by enemies, feeling undone and gleaned, and unable to trust anyone, said,

But as for me, I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.”158

Oh what resolve, what fortitude of Your Holy Spirit in such men. Oh Lord, make this to be the continual increase of my life, and to be marked by deep permanent love, to increase in loving You and my fellow man – for this is the type of arming of the mind that I need so much the more.