One Man's Walk with God: Preparing for Trials and Fears by Jeremy B Strang - HTML preview

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Purpose and Design of This Book


In this day of technology, political narratives, self-absorption and narcissistic impulses, it seems that the world all-around is imploding. People are growing exceedingly anxious and fearful, and experiencing trials in increasing measure. As darkness seems to be manifesting all over the planet and in every area known to man, so many are feeling completely hopeless. However, for the true Christian, these things should come as no surprise; sadly though, many believers seem to be struggling with how to relieve their fears and continue forward, navigating the dangerous waters of the daily unknown.

In this book, One Man’s Walk With God, author Jeremy B. Strang brings to the pages a personal approach regarding our need to authentically walk with God, especially as it pertains to preparing for the many trials and uncertain fears. Whether you are in the throes of personal darkness and various types of difficulties, or you are seemingly on the mountain top of life, you will want to read this intimate account. Each chapter is presented in the form of a letter and close conversation with God, and applicable for the reader desiring to grow in the faith.

It is Jeremy’s hope and prayer that you will be edified and challenged, given peace and freedom, and most importantly, encouraged to walk closely with the Creator. Proceeds from the purchase of this book benefits Jeff and Stephanie Bys, AFM missionaries in Kenya. Learn more:


The world is not spinning out of control; in fact, not one atom or despot or demon acts in any respect to hinder the fulfillment of what God has eternally ordained. To know this God, and better to be known by him (Gal. 4:9a), is to enter into the security and confidence of a lifetime of trust in his never-failing arms.”1