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“Poetry is Life”



Donna M. Solitario

Poems from the heart





















I am a Poet


I am a poet and I write from the heart

Some may call poets a gift of the arts

I believe that music and poetry are precious gifts from God

You could say that I am sensitive and wear my heart on my sleeve

That is quite ok with me

For I write for God who inspires my heart and voice

Perhaps someone who reads me may make a wise choice

I love to rhyme

To take the time

To follow God’s will

Jesus I adore you and always will

Yes I am a poet who writes from the heart

How great thou art

For I know no better way

To share who I am with dignity and grace

Some may not care for what I say

I am but a vessel for him and here is where I’ll stay

Many have told me that my words have touched their lives

What an honor and inspiration I hold onto tight

For what better way than to live one’s own life

Inspiring others through faith, hope, and light

Writing frees my soul

To a place I treasure and hold

For I am a poet who writes from the heart

It empowers me each day to make a new start

To follow my dreams

Become all that my father in heaven wills me to be

As I walk through my journey

I pray to always walk in harmony

Sharing with the world the amazing beauty

That still exists

Some ask how one takes such risks.

To bare one’s soul as open as this?

I thank God for his precious gifts

I believe that were all connected to one another

Sharing poetry can bring us all closer

Sometimes poems can be painful to read

Especially those of us who hurt and grieve

We can all reach down inside and believe

The truth can set us free

For poets write from the heart

To inspire others to make a brand new start

To love our sisters and brothers

Learn to live in peace with one another

I am but a poet who writes from the heart

I pray by the grace of God

I never stop



















Loss of Love

What doesn’t kill you in this in this lifetime

The good book says will make you stronger

Just look over yonder

The one who did not break

That gave it all their faith

There are consequences from every decision that we make

Then there’s the ones that had to forsake

The broken hearted survived

With an ache inside

Love will prevail all

The voice of an angel makes that call

What then will it be?

Carry on to be free








Shinning Divine Love


Love shines through

Sweet Jesus because of you

There’s a spark within

That can’t be dimmed

A bright mystical light

That shines beyond this world

The boys and girls

Feel the magic come alive

From the spirit of the great divine

They follow along

To eternally belong

Love shines through

To make hearts renewed

Hope is beautifully restored

Like never before

No more dreams to restore

For they have come true

Blessings go beyond compare as they consume

Every breath of life for the chosen one

Sent with faith, hope and love from the son







Blooming Love


Blooming love is in the air

Intrigue and passion explode with flare

Electricity flows like the oceans breeze

While he dreams of holding his love tenderly

She caresses his hopes and dreams

Love is blooming in the midnight air

Intrigue and passion explode with flare

A deep love of music and poetry is shared

Leaving their hearts vulnerable and bare

Risking the chance of heartache and pain

Two hearts sharing laughter in the rain

Never will their lives ever be the same

Lovers feeling happy and carefree

Love birds fly over them graciously

Fireworks light up the midnight sky

Gazing into each other’s big blue eyes

Lovers feel mesmerized

Nature peaks with enchanting beauty

Emotions erupt like a volcano splendidly

Lovers falling in love as if their sweet sixteen

Hearts soften when bonded in spirituality

Love is blooming in the air

Intrigue and passion explode with flare

Hearts open where they once did not dare

Having a childlike faith that can’t be seen

Trusting in Gods will believing in dreams

Praying it lasts for eternity








Upon Waking I Suddenly Realized

I had been running from grief deep down inside

Oh how it made my heart ache

I bowed my head down and began to pray

I thought that I had come so far

That my soul had renewed with a brand new start

Funny how we can hide the secrets within our hearts

The ocean tide swept away my dreams of fantasy

That you were still here with me


A Serenade of Soulful Bliss

He wanted to serenade her till the break of dawn

Forever and a day he had patiently longed

To bring his lyrics into her life

To him she was a cherished dream

Who shined like beautiful waterfall colors and starlit moonbeams

Filling his heart and soul with endless daydreams

His passionate voice blended in a magnificent harmonious rhythm

Serenading her until dusk

The sweet sounding and rhapsodic melody’s gently tugged

At her fragile heartstrings

As they strolled together sleepwalking in an enchanting utopia dream

A colorful fairytale of sweet bliss

Yearning for lovers first kiss

They embraced each other till the break of day

In a heavenly place













Love is Alive

There’s something in the midnight sky

That has captured all of my love tonight

Dancing with joy in the streets

The moonlight is romancing where lovers meet

Everything is magical and majestic

I visualize the face of Jesus

While holding me tenderly in his loving arms

Graciously blessing me to be faithful and strong

There’s something in the midnight sky

That makes my spirit to come alive

There’s a radiant glow all around me

Solace eases each breath that I breathe

A powerful spirit of never ending joy ad love

Shines down on me from up above

May you capture something special in the midnight sky

That will treasure in your heart until the end of time











What is faith?

Many say that faith cannot be seen

One just has to believe…

Such as an unduly storm causing a shipwreck at sea

When the captain feverishly seeks

To gain control

He prays there won’t be any lost souls

Could the ships destiny depend on simply letting go?

Will an abiding light begin to unfold?

Yes shelter from the storm is regained upon the shore

It will soon be the light of day!

Everyone aboard bowed to pray

Woes over yonder soar in mind air

Calmness is felt and life seems fair

Radiant light sends an intoxicating glow

The captain had faith, did his part, and let go

An awakening to paradise is adored

Gratitude for life is felt like never before

A cold shiver that was once felt from within

Is replaced with faith, hope and cherished love begins

As faith is reborn with an abiding peace

Holding dearly onto ones beliefs

Letting go of what could be

Walking in faith and being set free

Trusting in God surrendering effortlessly

For faith has been restored

By his amazing grace forevermore

Once lost souls reach out to humanity

By the grace of God their faith made them free





















Losses from the heart

Loss appears to be everywhere today

I woke up this morning feeling grave

I wondered what happened to being brave

Since I was taking my losses as they came

My heart took over and had something to say

This morning I felt empty and enraged

Trying to do the next right thing I prayed

At the touch of dawn I thought I truly gave

All that I could day by day

Sometimes it seems it won’t matter any way

One just can’t please some it’s just their way

Loss of love can hurt

Disappointment will tuck at your self-worth

Heartache can make your soul burst

I pray and go to church

Feelings of abandonment tug at the heart

It’s not always easy to make a new start

People can often break your heart

People, places and things

Can make your heart sing

But when losses of the heart

Are relentless and dark

Then you feel the pain

With faith and inner strength you can regain

Loving feelings once again

Call a cherished friend

Pray to the heavens

Ask God for meaningful blessings

Try to be grateful for all that you are

For we are all shinning stars

The great Divine will mend your heart

It’s ok to feel the losses of the heart

Feel the pain, let go, and know who you are

A beautiful child of God












To the Alter


As I come the alter dear God today

I bow down my head to pray

I’m so grateful to receive your holy Eucharist

Today in my beautiful church

I only feel gratitude and heavenly grace

My soul is filled as I enter a heavenly state

I leave my brokenness behind

For you are the great Divine

I sing the psalms and praise your holy name

I give you thanks for all that you gave

The blessings that you bestowed upon me

Sing the hymns in harmony and glee

I pray for world peace

For every man woman boy and girl

I pray wholeheartedly to follow your will

Meditate and pray to keep still

To take up the cross

Pray for those who are alone and lost

Thank you for your undying love

I’m soaring through the skies like a dove

I hope to pass onto others your goodness and light

Praying for peace as I lay down tonight

You fill my heart and soul with dignity and delight

You are my God and you’re the only way

For sunshiny brighter days

Thank you for your amazing grace

















































A Poem of Song


Sing a simple lullaby

Make a silent wish tonight

Write a poem of song that reaches the hearts home

To place comfort for those who roam

Embracing solace for the ones who mourn

To give life to those unborn

Earths essence searches for loves sweet fragrance

Majestic, hypnotic, symphonic, melancholic, extravagance

Beckoning souls to a golden door so that darkness will endure

Only the light of daybreak

Surrendering souls at heaven’s gate cherished words whisper truth and magic

Helping to offset the tragic

Loneliness and grief within its waking shell

Never to endure the anguish of hell

Only life’s true meaning to endure

The spirit of a tender poem of song

Leaving traces of love and solace forever






















I’m going to Utopia

Yes I am

As soon as I get there

I’ll reach out my hand

The people will be gentle as a lamb

There is no violence

Voices remain silent

To gossip or judging others

One just feels the love between sisters and brothers

There’s always plenty to eat

A nice warm home to rest my feet

The children will be precious and sweet

We’ll help each other the best that we can

God will be pleased with his perfect plan

I’m going to Utopia

Yes I am

As soon As I get there

I’ll reach out my hand

The people there will be gentle as a lamb




Thank you Jesus for your Precious Love


I have no words dear Jesus to express

The gratitude I have in my heart for your loving kindness

How you died on the cross brings tears to my eyes

The pain you suffered and keeping it all inside

How you forgave the ones who crucified you

Teaches me forgiving others bears great fruit

I love you my Jesus I praise your holy name

I promise to serve you while helping your people; for the rest of my days

Mother Mary I love you so much too

How your heart must have ached, the way your son was taken away from you

I hear the whispers of your need for all of us to pray

Love one another and be blessed by God’s grace

To enable us to do our part to make the world a better place

Dear Jesus I kneel before thee

With hope in my heart for others to find your love and peace

My precious Jesus thank you for dying for me





















Violins Danced Upon the Heart


Upon the hearts drum

Echoes slipped through the morning sun

Rose petals sprung across the window pane

Chariots of fire rained

Upon the breast of a motionless heart

Anguished clusters of darts

Were thrown in the heated

Torn and defeated

Tunnel of visions

While the mission

Is mysteriously replaced

The flute expressed a golden grace

That heightened desires of the heart

The piano struck a fallen note

A chord broke

Suddenly the harp

Dressed the moonlight with a hidden glance

Deeply tucked inside a trance

Where drums suddenly awakened

To a gracious nightcap

Listening to astounding horns blowing eagerly


All music ceased as violins whispered superstitions

Replacing a peaceful sleep

The heart remembering

Its paradise of contentment in Surrendering




















There is something about that twinkling star


Way over yonder

Thousands of light years afar

I feel a stars energy fly over the moon

I get a sense of peace watching it from my room

It speaks to me in the language of my heart

I can only adore you oh little star

What secrets do you hold?

Will you still be there as I grow old?

After I’m gone, will you remember how your bright light lifted my soul?

Have you unspoken tales to be told?

Dazzled by your beauty and gentle peace

Do you hear the dreams human beings dare to speak?

Is it possible that you shed tears each time, a lonely soul weep’s

Are you disappointed in Humanity?

The tales of our brothers and fathers


The tales of our sisters and mothers

What about the innocent we try so hard to protect?

Were there countless times that you have wept?

For the fallen souls, and the dark secrets in which they kept

Please pray for us oh little star

Even though you’re so very far

I hold the essence of your inner beauty and light, deep within my heart


I’m Not Perfect

I am not perfect I am a human being

Perhaps if you gave me the opportunity

I could surprise you

With a heart and soul that is true

It’s possible that I could disappoint you

It would hurt me, and leave me feeling like a fool

To God and myself I must be true

If you don’t like what you see

Well just maybe

You don’t really know me

Sometimes I have different sides

It makes me feel alive

To just be me

As I continue my journey

To become all that I can hope to be

As I learn and grow

Please have faith and lie low

For there is so much more that I need to know

I dare to believe in my dreams

Won’t you walk alongside of me?

Often if one is given the opportunity

To walk in dignity

Please give me the benefit of the doubt

Together with God, we can work it out


























A Treasured Love


A treasured love is a gift from God

It can soften a hardened heart

Adds sunshine to a dark and lonely soul

Awakens a heart of stone

No longer are you all alone

Makes one feel grateful to be around

It brings out the best that life has to offer

With treasures of love to embrace forever

A pure love which is kept within the highest plane

Being protected and cherished, as it lessons disappointment and pain

A parade of joy in the midst of autumns dazzling colors

Sparkles over the land with magic and wonder

Yes, a treasured love is a gift from God

Filling one’s life with precious love











Star Gazing

Did you ever gaze at stars in the sky?

With someone special by your side

Could it be that the stars hold a great mystery?

Along with enchanting beauty?

I always see a special twinkling star

It sometimes seems so far

It makes me feel peaceful inside

While I think of the miracle of God

Stars appear to give the soul peace and love

A special gift from up above

Such a treasure for the imagination

Filled with enlightenment and fascination

The twinkling stars in the sky and the golden sun

Are wondrous gifts for everyone

While a special star can catch your eye

One can breathe in joy and peace inside

The stars in the sky

Help to make a spirit come alive








Unknown Forces

Unknown forces generate

A dee

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