Prayers to Become Lucifer by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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My most important prayers to Ya (God) are as follows:

I pray that humankind evolve through science indefinitely, always, but that humankind not fall prey to his own devices.

I pray that all of the suffering and hardship of humankind end, due to scientific advances, may his pain be no more, or at least significantly reduced.

I pray that humankind especially develop such sciences as needed to be immortal without pain, AI, and robotics as such that work of him is no longer required. That instead we can each and all pursue what we want to pursue.

I pray for my protection and well being along with that of my immediate family.

I pray for good things to come into my life and the faith to know that they will, that even as I sit I may expect something good to happen.



Please show my prayers to God. Please have him carefully read them. If that instruction is possible of you.

God I pray that you receive this book and hear my prayers. And I pray they are not only received but answered.

God I pray my prayers be acted on substantially before 2040 A.D.

God I pray not to be damned by my own words.

And God I pray that these things become as well as they may possibly be.

Hear now, God, my prayers unto you:

  1. I pray to be made everything Lucifer.
  2. I pray to be The Devil's Son, equal to Christ.
  3. I pray to be the Anti Christ whose image is worshipped.
  4. I pray that my family always be kept available to me
  5. I pray for My People of Perfect Sense to be established. And pray that My People of Perfect Sense always be kept available to me.
  6. And I pray that I have an abundance of Honor, Prestige, Obedience, Service, Wealth, and Sex given to me by human kind.
  7. I pray for the success of all of my writings.
  8. I pray that my writings rule the course of human kind.
  9. I pray that my writings be a guide that the angels, angels of all kinds, and higher beings, use to shape the course of the Earth
  10. I pray to be immortal in the flesh
  11. I pray for the advancement of science to have this happen. I pray that through science man can do anything.
  12. And I pray to never be harmed by anyone or anything.
  13. I pray to never be confined. I pray for eternal freedom.
  14. I pray that I be given “The Little Blue Rock.” I pray for all the wealth of the world and the Earth itself!
  15. I pray to be blessed with the unexpected.
  16. I pray that great things be revealed to me.
  17. I pray that whatsoever I taste that Satan, Shiva, Agnes, Lilith, and Mammon can taste it to, whenever they wish to.
  18. I pray for complete freedom to do anything whatsoever I desire.
  19. I pray to sit upon a throne of great power and authority, where nothing could ever remove me from it.
  20. I pray that Satan can hear my words.
  21. I pray for a great memory palace which contains all of my childhood things. That things of my childhood fills its rooms.
  22. I pray for a great taste palace which stores everything that I like the most, food, toys, and otherwise.
  23. I pray that I have a glow in the dark home in between these.
  24. And I pray that behind it be a great majic palace. A place where the right kind of magic can be done.
  25. And underneath that I want a Master of Expression Palace. A place where I can express myself as I would, broadcasting all things to the world.
  26. I pray for the best of jewels. White gold, diamonds, sapphire and rubies, jade and fine quartz, and all gems and metals beautiful and rare to adorn me.
  27. I also pray for the best of clothes. Clothes ever clean. Clothes that only I could have, the best of the best clothes.
  28. I pray that Orion be so.
  29. I pray that Sefra be so.
  30. I pray that Link, Pippy, and Ler be so.
  31. I pray that the people of Orion know me sense me, feel me to be their own.
  32. I pray that they all become so after their development through a new and successful religion.
  33. And I pray they be on my side. With me, wherever I go, to wherever I’d venture, I pray for protection and blessings through them.
  34. I pray for the success of all my writings. And for thorough involvement within them. I pray to be a well developed author.
  35. I pray to be free from prosecution.
  36. I pray for a cure for my schizophrenia.
  37. I pray to never be homeless again without good and strong resources.
  38. I pray to be given the benefit of the doubt, always.
  39. I pray for the success and wealth and power of my immediate family.
  40. I pray that though I work a lot I am much more rewarded than not. That what I do always pays double or more. And though rest isn’t as much, that rest be full and complete.
  41. I pray that I need not sleep, ever. But not to be negatively effected by that.
  42. I pray that I may articulate words well conveying what I would the best way.
  43. I pray for great rewards for my output of work.
  44. I pray for all things sweet and good for my food. That I enjoy my food well and that I taste food well, fully enjoying what I eat.
  45. I pray never to have diabetes or other dietary problems.
  46. I pray to be safe from over bearing pain.
  47. I pray that you save me from overbearing pain, I jury, death, or danger in my times of need.
  48. I pray that I, Satan, and his angels are not subjugated to torment.
  49. I pray that I and my own have a place our own.
  50. I pray for those unduly suffering, and for the relief of that suffering.
  51. I pray that through science “the old curse” on humanity is vanquished.
  52. I pray that science solves all problems.
  53. I pray for general absence from synthetic reality if it would be I could enter into it unawares. That I know when things are real and things are not real.
  54. I pray I never do drugs unless it is a mild barbiturate (like speed.)
  55. I pray for a better alternative to jail for they that are incarcerated.
  56. I pray that science rapidly but fully build a utopia.
  57. I pray that I have a strong presence online without being online. I pray that Ai is developed to bring my writings to life. That the internet has me on it apart from myself and that I am discussed often and I pray for the general ability to write well, efficiently, prolifically, and attractively. Amen.

Day Two Prayers

  1. With regards to the temperature, I pray to be in a constant temperature from 75 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. I pray to never be cold again or exhausted from heat.
  2. I have many favorite things. I pray that they come in and out of my life.
  3. I pray for the success of the Final Fantasy series. And I pray for its good development.
  4. I pray that entertainment on TV is geared toward me, made for me, fitted, designed toward me, for me.
  5. I pray to have lots of ice cold cherry cider
  6. I pray to have iced tea, pink guava soda from Mexico, and sprite soda.
  7. I pray for green marbles and little green army men
  8. I pray for numerous figurines, ones well made. I pray to have numerous and high quality idols, such as of Shiva.
  9. I pray to have action figures that look like devils
  10. I pray for stickers, lots and lots of stickers.
  11. And for things that glow in the dark.
  12. A mint or near mint trapper keeper from the early 90s. Lots of graph paper for it. And for rubber stamps for it. Also, stencils, a d lots of colored pens and lots of high quality pens.
  13. I want stencils for it, too.
  14. I pray for Halloween and NFL pencils.
  15. I pray for lots of Halloween items, such as plastic pumpkin buckets.
  16. I pray for glow in the dark paint.
  17. I pray for a large storage of computer parts many old, many more brand new
  18. I pray for a firm grasp on reality, to be pragmatic, reasonable, and emotionally well developed.
  19. I pray for my eBooks to be, always, online. I pray that self publishing widely improves
  20. I pray for frequent downloads of all of my books.
  21. I pray for food preferable, tasty, and good.
  22. Biscuits and gravy, fried zucchini, fried shrimp, cocktail sauce, fried mushrooms, ranch sauce. I also want Reuben sandwiches, pretzel bread, shock tarts sours, name brand gummi bears, sweet tarts, all sorts of chocolate, all kinds of candy.
  23. As well I want good pizza, chili rejenos, good and sweet cereal, oolong tea, sausage and biscuits, steaks, thick steaks, donuts, and pigs in a blanket with cheese and ketchup.
  24. I pray for a quality Mickey Mouse watch, the best fitting and best otherwise cargo pants, a good and durable fanny pack, out door sandals

that never tear up, 100% wool socks, arm warmers, very warm and thick long johns top and bottom, an over coat thick like a blanket with many pockets, and a Steelers football hat.

  1. I pray that I have a good home, wherever I am
  2. I pray for more freedom than regular people, even much more.
  3. I pray for a collection of board game pieces.
  4. I pray for tolerance in playing with my own things
  5. I pray for a very nice trumpet and to be good at playing it
  6. I pray for thick plastic walls and stainless steel floors.
  7. I pray for a movie theater in my large home.
  8. I pray for servants to have my things kept clean, even spotless
  9. I pray for a person to play dungeons and dragons with
  10. I pray for a friend who is into computers, both building them and programing them
  11. I pray for final fantasy strategy guides and a full set of early video game Manuals, up unto the super nes.
  12. I pray for the success of SEGA and that they maintain a level of wickedness, creating demonic, fantasy based Satanic infused games.
  13. I pray that I use my time well each day and by what I do, success given to it.
  14. I pray that my enemies be punished through and through. That every I’ll ever done me there is a harsh punishment unto them
  15. But I pray for all good things for my family and all them who are truly my friends
  16. I pray to come to rule the Earth forever. That many millions of years pass by, yet I still rule
  17. I pray that my out there worlds increase and be developed well by use of my Five Planets book series.
  18. I pray that I am given every measure of respect from others and encounter none who disputes my peacefully well being
  19. I pray that my restrictions have a way of lessening.
  20. I pray that trouble never build to high against me
  21. I pray for the best made radio and a dozen or two dozen stations producing my favorite music only.
  22. I pray that my primary needs are always met, such as tobacco, iced tea, good food, and good entertainment.
  23. I ask that my tastes are more the tastes of others. That what I like is best liked by others, because of the simple fact of me liking it.
  24. I pray for visions showed me, in the clouds, on the Earth
  25. I pray to have a good relationship, be on good terms, and be the perfect person for Satan and his angels.
  26. I pray for admiration and influence toward people.
  27. I ask to be one worshipped extensively
  28. I ask for complications in my life to be minimal.
  29. I pray that if ever I am angry that it quickly subsides.
  30. I ask to regard myself better, that my own life and self image over powers and out weighs other’s.
  31. I pray asking that my road be a good road. That were I’d go I’d e, and once there know it well before moving onto something else.
  32. I pray to be like a goat if it is I am like any animal, may it be a goat.
  33. As one that finds people but yet stays within himself. Leaving them in thought. Being with his own thoughts, not thoughts imparted by others, as away, on the mountains, as an individualist.
  34. I pray that my best characteristics are individuality, having a mind my own, enjoying things, generally, not easily bored. Making my use of time well. To both have earned and feel the joys of pride. To have established myself and as one that is naturally good at improving, and improving, and improving yet more his existence
  35. And so I pray that things for me never get legitimately or genuinely bad. But I stead things tend to get better for me. If not in a leap, at least in steps. And that my future is well tended to.
  36. I pray for minimal failure.
  37. I pray to know my tastes well. That simple things be substantial for me, and always had.
  38. I pray to have the desires of my heart.
  39. I pray that those who’d hi der, hurt, contort, or worsen me, are sent far, far away and kept from me.
  40. I pray to be well established. I pray that the way I direct others is a good and desirable one.
  41. And I certainly pray for the mind to create things that are goodly for others: according to what I am doing at any given time.
  42. I pray that old things always be given new life. Especially for those things which I loved and appreciated in my past.
  43. I pray for the never ending re emergence of those things from my childhood and when done new, done good, too.
  44. I pray particularly that video game things of my youth are always brought back, never given up on, and never fully relinquished.
  45. I pray that programing software becomes so damn smart that creating ones own video game is very easy.
  46. I pray that video games for the early days gaming consoles come about in large numbers, whether their quality is poor or exceptional.
  47. I pray that the environment and social structure on Earth resemble Orion's, Sefra's, Ler's, Puppy’s, And Link's.
  48. I pray that science develops rapidly. That it doesn’t just add. It multiplies. That it solve all human suffering. That it makes humans into obvious gods.
  49. And I pray that though this is so that I am kept safe from loosing myself in it, such as within a synthetic reality.
  50. And if I ever fall into a synthetic reality I ask you, God, to save me from it.
  51. And I pray that as my thoughts go during the week that when Sunday I sleep and when Monday cones, the desires of my heart come into place. Amen.

Day Three Prayers

  1. Who, Ya, is more qualified than me to be The Anti Christ or Satan's Son?
  2. You know that my suffering was great in most of my days.
  3. Know and remember me, Ya, for my suffering but experience, too.
  4. That I was locked up for years and homeless, severely deranged meanwhile.
  5. The full and long nights of crying.
  6. “For I was hungry” And you gave me shit- food from the garbage, and sometimes not even that.
  7. “For I was thirsty,” and you gave me piss.
  8. And among that I took a cup of dark urine, drank it and declared myself Anti Christ.
  9. You forced upon me fasting. And I demand to be compensated.
  10. In madness I went about, no doubt. And you herald before me a presence of hell.
  11. You must remember me in my youth. You must

excuse me. You must be greater than my sin, or else I am the maker of my own bad fate. But do not let me incur punishment from my sin.

  1. Be with me rather as someone sharing a game where I am.
  2. Have my writings be thoroughly adhered to if only to make things more interesting. As globally transformative as the Gospel of your Son, Jesus.
  3. Please protect me from harm, even before that protect me, from its source: protect me from malice, from being hated.
  4. Be with me hidden on this journey of mine but there.
  5. No matter if I demand separation from you, be with me still, always.
  6. I ask that my taste magic work. And too my visualization. And I ask to have a psychic connection with the world. To be good at these. And I pray they work, even very well, sometimes.
  7. I ask to never have to be put under analgesia, please! For it is like death.
  8. And I pray that there comes a day I don’t have to and don’t need to sleep.
  9. Put in my life good music and good food.
  10. Whether my work is good or bad, or even wicked, let it be.
  11. Whether my work is good or isn’t, please let it prosper, and reward me with prosperity.
  12. I stand for something that hasn’t been yet done but I cannot succeed without you.
  13. I ask for great prestige and honor, admiration and interest of me.
  14. I ask for service and obedience, fear and faith of me from my counterparts here on Earth.
  15. I ask for pleasure for feasts, for celebration and victory
  16. I ask to receive things as I sit and wait. That interesting things occur in my life and the faith to know they always will. That nothing be the same for too long. But no challenges! Keep my life easy, Lord.
  17. I ask to be The Light. That in regards to light, that element in nature made by you, that I know it well and master it’s many uses.
  18. I ask that Jesus be The Water.
  19. I ask that You, Ya, be Time
  20. That Satan be

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