Principles for the Gathering of Believers Under the Headship of Jesus Christ by Gospel Fellowships - HTML preview

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Principle 30 Reading the Entirety of Scriptures

Principle 30

Reading the Entirety of Scriptures

FOR MANY Christians in countries with no persecution, having a Bible—the full Scriptures495—is often not appreciated. We do not realize that the Bible is our greatest physical treasure in this world. In persecuted nations our sisters and brothers weep over the Word of God and often only have parts of the New Testament or literally scraps of paper with copied Scripture verses on them. Yet for some in the body of Christ there is great abundant access to full Bibles in literally hundreds of translations.496 Amazingly, access to God’s holy Word, in many languages and many countries in the world, has increased immeasurably via computers, whether on digital devices or in audio form, or in book form. Yet sadly, compared to the Christians in other persecuted countries we have the least desire and love to read the Scriptures. As blood bought followers of Jesus Christ our life is not our own497 and therefore we should have the desire to be in the Word of God daily. Even beyond that of our appetite to eat, the Scriptures should take precedent over anything else in our daily lives.498 One reason for the lack of intense Bible study is the fact that we really do not believe what is written in the Book. If we truly believed the Scriptures and that the life to come matters much more than this life499 then we would be more diligent to be steeped in what God desires of us now and for eternity.

Scriptures say we cannot live by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.500 We need physical food and spiritual food. If we count the time it takes to eat physical food three times a day, and if we were to spend the same time every day to take in spiritual food—by reading the Word of God—we would have personal revival.

Of all the ways to read the Bible one of the most beneficial can be a survey reading of the entire Scriptures, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, and book by book. Beyond this even a chronological reading of the Scriptures can be of great benefit to know exactly when events took place. If all believers in many areas would commit501 to being those who read the Word of God constantly and consistently in context, there would be a great strengthening of the body of Christ. Before reading the Word of God pray briefly asking the Holy Spirit to illuminate and explain to you what you will be reading. Then read the Scriptures slowly, taking time to let each word sink in. This slow reading and asking the Holy Spirit what you should learn will bring much truth and understanding to you, helping you every day in your daily activities. We must therefore read our Bibles carefully and slowly.

We must not be as those who take out a favorite few verses or even many verses to support individual viewpoints or doctrines. We must follow the entirety of the Word of God as our standard and rule. We must not try to only delve into deep mysteries and secret things in the Word of God but rather read and believe simply502 what is written and allow it be become real in our practical daily lives.503

The Holy Scriptures are to be read constantly, memorized, treated as more important than gold and silver. We should esteem the Scriptures more than our daily food. God’s Words should be our delight and hope. May we follow the example of our dear underground Church brethren in different countries where they read the Scriptures for many hours daily.

To help with our practical response to this we have listed a reading schedule that goes through the entire Bible chronologically (Arranged in order of time of occurrence) in Appendix III of this book. Believers can commit to read a portion daily so that in 365 days the entire Scriptures can be read in context and in their fullness. We believe this will dispel many doctrinal errors504 that have been held by some and allow us all to be more versed in the Holy Scriptures that are a light to our path505 in this earthly pilgrimage.506