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Principle 43 North Korea's Leader, an Image of Antichrist

Principle 43

North Korea’s Leader, an Image of Antichrist

A GROUP of Christians was discovered in North Korea. They had worshiped God and His Son Jesus. Their children were with them. The adults were told by those who had captured them: “If you do not acknowledge our Dear leader as god and if you do not renounce Christ, your children will be hanged.” One of the children looked up at her mother. What would she do? Earlier that morning, twenty- eight other Christians had been bound and taken before a screaming crowd of North Koreans. The guards made it clear: “If you don’t deny your Christ you will die.” The mother thought of her child but she could not deny her Lord. The other Christians quietly made the same decision. Their God was real. The North Korean guards again shouted: “Deny your Christ, or we will hang your children.” The children looked at their parents. The parents loved their children but they knew there was an eternal heaven for them.667 They could not deny their Lord. One mother leaned down to her child and whispered with confidence and peace: “Today, my love, I will see you in heaven.”

All the children were hanged. The adults who were still bound had to lie down on the pavement. A large steamroller was brought which was used to flatten the road. They were given one more chance. The guards told them if you give up your Christ you will live. If you don’t give Him up you will die. The Christians thought of their children in heaven and started to sing softly. As the steamroller started to roll over them crushing them to death they were singing: “More love, O Christ, to Thee, more love to Thee.”

Christians in North Korea live under unimaginable horrors and tyranny. Worshipping in public or if caught in private brings systematic torture, imprisonment and at times death. Carrying a Bible or speaking to others about Jesus Christ can bring a cruel death. If a North Korean Christian believes, he affects three generations of his family including the children. The parents, spouses, uncles, aunts and children must all suffer and will be incarcerated in death camps. It does not matter whether they believe or not.

North Korean Christians aren’t simply killed for their faith in Christ. They are annihilated with construction equipment and other means. In the death camps some Christians are killed by being tested with biological weapons, or starved to death, or worked to death, or shot or electrocuted. Others are shot in front of children. Newborn babies have their brains crushed or a needle inserted into their spine in front of their mothers. These are crimes against humanity reminiscent of Auschwitz to which the world declared “Never Again!” Just a few years later such atrocities are being perpetrated against North Korean Christians—and the world stands by.

The dictatorial rulers of North Korea have been members of the Kim family since the 1950s. They are ruling over the nation as god kings. Their control is absolute, they are secretive and they rule with unimaginable brutality and tyranny. Kim Il-Sung, who was the original leader of this family, died in 1994. He was made god and was deified, embalmed and is worshipped as a permanent god. His reign was followed by the son of god namely Kim Jong Il who died in 2011. He was succeeded by Kim Jong Un the grandson of the god. Kim Jong Un is the current leader.

He oversees a nation of approximately 25 Million people with the fourth largest army in the world of 1.1 million soldiers. No outside news is allowed. TV and the newspapers are state controlled. There is no internet nor are there cell phones for the public.

The state religion called Juche declares Kim Il-Sung, the first leader, as god. The Government claims that the second leader also has divine attributes. Supposedly Kim Jong Il was born on Mount Paektu, a sacred mountain on the border with China. His birth was to have been announced by birds, a double rainbow and the birth of a new star. The facts are different.

According to the North Korean constitution Article 1, section 1, all North Koreans are required to worship Kim Il Sung with all their heart and might, even after his death. They have to worship the pictures and statutes of Kim Il Sung. A North Korean witness said: “We must hang Kim Il Sung’s picture in our homes. Displaying the portraits of the Kim family is compulsory for every household. The portraits must be hung on the best wall of every home, and nothing else can be hung under the portraits. The pictures indicate that Kim Il Sung is god. We hang the pictures for the purpose of reminding ourselves that we depend on him.” Only Kim Il Sung is god in North Korea.

All citizens of North Korea are required to worship their god and their current leader. Citizens are required to attend regular self-criticism meetings which include the singing of songs of praise of Kim Il Sung from a 600 song hymnal, readings from the writings of Kim Il Sung (including Sung’s Ten Principles, reminiscent of the Ten Commandments), and emotional professions of faith to the Kim leadership.

Everyone is trained from birth to love and worship their Dear Leader as god. The indoctrination starts in Kindergarten and requires total submission and allegiance to a divine supreme being, that of the Dear Leader. A refugee commented: “We must worship him. Christians say grace to their God. We must say grace to our god Kim Jong Il.”

Having faith in the Christian God is an act of espionage. Any open worship of the true God, including Bible reading, Christian literature distribution and witnessing is met with horrifying executions and death camps. Where one Christian is found, three generations of that family will be eliminated through death camps and executions. North Korean Christians endure the most suffering in the world.

Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il are examples of a future world leader who will also declare himself as god.668 Scripture says about the coming antichrist:

“Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be god.”669

Antichrist will declare himself god and persecute Christians:

“It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander His Name and His dwelling place and those who live in heaven. It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.”670

“I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the Word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”671

In Revelation chapter 20, verse 4, we are reminded that Christians will be beheaded for their witness and faith worldwide when they do not worship antichrist. This will affect Christians in the future who are in the world at that time. For our sisters and brothers in North Korea—because of their witness—persecution and death is reality today.

The question we must ask ourselves: “Would we stand up for Jesus when the time comes for us or would we deny our faith?”672 If we say we will stand up for Jesus then the question is why are we not witnessing today in our countries where there is no persecution?