Principles for the Gathering of Believers Under the Headship of Jesus Christ by Gospel Fellowships - HTML preview

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Epilogue: The Call To Gather as Fellowships

Epilogue: The Call To Gather as Fellowships

THIS BOOK has been prepared to encourage believers to gather in small gatherings under the Headship of Jesus Christ.795 Thus no man is head over the fellowships as a whole that gather in this way. Though servant leaders are submitted to, there is no one brother over all fellowships controlling them. True submission to authority in the Church should not be because of someone who was voted in or hired but because of their spiritual walk with the Lord. Thus people submit to them willingly seeing Christ formed in them and desiring to emulate their walk with the Lord.796

Each Gospel Fellowship meeting is autonomous and accountable to the Lord directly,797 and as the Lord networks groups together they will mutually submit to each other for accountability as the Spirit leads them. Leaders will be raised up by the Lord as He brings out their giftings.798 When gatherings multiply and expand some brothers will have responsibility over many groups to shepherd them.799 We believe there is a movement of the Spirit to gather believers as the Bride of Christ. We believe this book is simply to be a response to what the Lord is already doing in these last days, to purify and grow His Church and His Kingdom.

Even though being called of God to start a gathering does not demand that you be accountable to another spiritual brother, there is great wisdom in seeking to be under an elder brother. It is helpful to be connected with other brothers in the local area that you can respect and unify with in already established local churches. Even if a brother is involved in a denominational church, it can be wise to be spiritually submitted to800 that brother although the new gathering of believers will not be under that denomination. Yet, in a time of apostasy especially, there will be situations where you cannot submit to other pastors in your area and you are free by the leading of the Lord to start a new work though it can come with ridicule and misunderstanding.

You do not need permission to gather as the Church in groups of even just 2-3 believers.801 You do not need permission to break the Lord’s Supper or baptize someone who is clearly following Jesus Christ as a disciple.

“The first step to starting a house Church is to pray. House Church ministry must be birthed in prayer. Though it is a simple step, without prayer and God’s leading, we invite trouble.”802 Prayer is the foundation of every true work of God that builds the Lord’s kingdom. Thus to begin to pray and cry out to the Lord together in small gatherings will be a healthy atmosphere for the Lord to begin to show favor to the humble.803 From there also allow the Lord to practically guide and be Head of the meetings.

The rest of the book is given as a resource for such groups gathering under the Headship of Jesus Christ: Preparing the body of Christ for persecution (Appendix I), Select teachings for Gospel Fellowships (Appendix II), Gospel Fellowships additional resources (Appendix III).

These Appendix sections are here for reference and study as needed. We encourage believers gathering in small groups to use them as a basis of unity. Believers might not fully agree with every statement in this book but we do believe the majority of statements are an effective unifying tool for the body of Christ as they gather together under the Headship of Jesus Christ.

Gospel Fellowships is about Jesus Christ.804 He is the purpose for everything.805 He is the reason for us gathering.806 His Name is the greatest Name.807 He is the Head of the Church.808 The Life of the believer.809 The glory of God!810 Jesus and Him alone should be our attention. Many have not yet experienced and know811 this glorious Name above every name.812

May God give us a firm faith in the work of the Holy Spirit to network and birth gatherings in local areas as we follow the Lord in obedience.

“At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the Bridegroom! Come out to meet Him!’”813 “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.”814

Lord, Your Church will never fail. We look to You as the end of the age approaches. May all glory be to the Lamb. May His Gospel be shared with all. Please do this Father for Your Name’s sake and honor. We long to be with You in robes of white in endless eternity. Redeem Your Saints at the appointed time. Gather Your Elect to be a Bride for Your Son. Through Your Spirit work a work no man can put his name on so all glory will be given to You. Amen.