Principles for the Gathering of Believers Under the Headship of Jesus Christ by Gospel Fellowships - HTML preview

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1. Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken

2. If I Have Not Forsaken All

3. Holy, Holy, Holy

4. All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name

5. One With You, O Son Eternal

6. Go to Dark Gethsemane

7. My Jesus I Love You

8. Shepherd of Tender Youth

9. Amazing Grace,How Sweet the Sound!

10. O Worship the King, All Glorious Above

11. O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing

12. There is a Fountain Filled with Blood

13. Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me

14. Crown Him with Many Crowns

15. A Hundred Thousand Souls a Day

16. I Thirst, Wounded Lamb of God

17. Would Jesus Have the Sinner Die?

18. Guide Me, Onward, Heavenly Redeemer

19. Father I Thank You for Guiding My Way

20. Take My Life, and Let It Be

21. What a Friend We Have in Jesus

22. I’d Rather Have Jesus

23. Abide, O Dearest Jesus

24. We Praise You, Heavenly Father!

25. To God Be the Glory

26. Christian Hearts, in Love United

27. Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed?

28. On a Hill Far Away

29. Fill Me with Your Spirit, Lord

30. Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior

31. Abba, Father! We Approach You

32. Great is Your Faithfulness

33. Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior

34. When We Walk With the Lord

35. Down at the Cross Where My Savior Died

36. I Gave My Life For You

37. O Soul, Are You Weary and Troubled?

38. When This Passing World Is Done

39. What a Fellowship, What a Joy Divine

40. All to Jesus, I Surrender

41. I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

42. I Stand Amazed in the Presence

43. We Lift Our Hearts, Dear Savior

44. Lord God, the Holy Spirit

45. Lord, Pour Your Spirit From on High

46. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

47. Head of the Church, Your Body

48. Jesus, Your Head, Once Crowned with Thorns

49. Eternal Father in Heaven

50. O God, You Do Sustain Me

51. I Cry to You From Deepest Need

52. Jesus, Your Blood and Righteousness

53. Jesus Suffered In Our Place

54. Whether I Live or Whether I Die

55. The Savior Lives, no More to Die

56. Be Now My Vision, O Lord of My Heart!

57. Head of the Church Triumphant!

58. O God, We See You in the Lamb

59. Lamb of God, Our Souls Adore You

60. Jesus, Spotless Lamb of God

61. Behold the Lamb, Whose Precious Blood

62. All Fullness Resides in Jesus our Head

63. A Mighty Fortress is Our God

64. Here I Am Lord, Use Me Today



All to leave and follow You.

Destitute, despised, forsaken,

You my all therefore will be.

Perish every fond ambition,

All I’ve sought or hoped or known.

Yet how rich is my condition!

God and Heaven are still mine own.

Let the world despise and leave me,

They have left my Savior, too.

Human hearts and looks deceive me;

You are not, like them, untrue.

And while You are smiling on me,

God of wisdom, love and might,

Foes may hate and friends disown me,

Show Your face and all is bright.

Go, then, earthly fame and treasure!

Come, disaster, scorn and pain!

In Your service, pain is pleasure;

With Your favor, loss is gain.

I have called You, Abba, Father;

Fixed on You my heart will be:

Storms may howl, and clouds may gather,

All must work for good to me.

Take, my soul, Your full salvation;

Rise over sin, and fear, and care;

Joy to find in every station

Something still to do or bear:

Think what Spirit dwells within you;

What a Father’s smile is yours;

What a Savior died to win you,

child of heaven, frown no more!

Rush then on from grace to glory,

Armed by faith, and winged by prayer,

Heaven’s eternal days before you,

God’s own hand will guide you there.

Soon shall close your earthly mission,

Swift shall pass your pilgrim days;

Hope shall change to glad fruition,

Faith to sight, and prayer to praise.



In answer to Your loving call;

If I’ve kept something back from You,

Lord, give me light, that I might see.

Lord, help me judge myself each day,

To walk this new and living way

I seek Your grace with all my heart,

To be made pure, just as You are.

If anything upon this earth

Attracts me with its sense of worth;

If money has a hold on me,

Lord, give me light, that I might see.

If all my life revolves round me

And thoughts of my own family;

If I am living selfishly,

Lord, give me light, that I might see.

Is there some good I should have done?

Is there some soul I should have won?

Have I hurt someone thoughtlessly?

Lord, give me light, that I might see.

If someone’s failure has not brought

Concern and care within my heart;

If I’ve judged others inwardly,

Lord, give me light, that I might see.

If I have cared for men’s applause

Or sought my own and shunned the cross;

If I have feared man’s mockery,

Lord give me light, that I might see.

If I’ve not sought Your power in prayer

Because of earthly toils and care;

If I’m not longing after You,

Lord give me light, that I might see.



Lord God Almighty!

Early in the morning

our song shall rise to You;

Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!

God in three Persons, blessed Trinity!

Holy, holy, holy!

All the saints adore You,

Casting down their golden crowns

around the glassy sea;

Cherubim and seraphim

falling down before You,

Who was, and is, and ever will be.

Holy, holy, holy!

though the darkness hide You,

Though the eye of sinful man

Your glory may not see;

Only You are holy;

there is none beside You,

Perfect in power, in love, and purity.

Holy, holy, holy!

Lord God Almighty!

All Your works shall praise Your Name,

in earth, and sky, and sea;

Holy, holy, holy;

merciful and mighty!

God in three Persons, blessed Trinity!



Let angels prostrate fall;

Bring forth the royal diadem,

and crown Him Lord of all.

Crown Him, you martyrs of your God,

who from His altar call;

Praise the Stem of Jesse’s Rod,

and crown Him Lord of all.

You seed of Israel’s chosen race,

you ransomed from the fall,

Hail Him who saves you by His grace,

and crown Him Lord of all.

Sinners, whose love can never forget

the price He paid for all,

Go spread your trophies at His feet,

and crown Him Lord of all.

Let every tribe and every tongue

before Him prostrate fall

And shout in universal song

the mighty Lord of all.

One day with all the heavenly host,

we at His feet will fall,

And join in everlasting song,

crown Him Lord of all.



Joined by faith in spirit one,

Share we in Your death inclusive

And Your life, O God the Son.

One with You, holy Son beloved,

Part of You become through grace,

Heirs with You of our one Father,

We are Your Spirit’s dwelling place.

One with You, Son of God incarnate,

Born with You, the Man of worth,

We, the members of Your body,

Tarry with You here on earth.

One with You, Son anointed,

Sharing too the Spirit’s power,

We in full cooperation

Labor with You hour by hour.

One with You, Son of God forsaken,

Judgment and the curse has passed;

We to sin are dead forever,

Hell beneath our feet is cast.

One with You in resurrection,

Death can never us oppress;

We live in Your new creation,

Bearing fruits of righteousness.

One with You, Son of God ascended,

Seated with You on the throne,

Your authority we share eternally

Rule with You, servants you own.

One with You, Son of God returning,

Glorified with You we will be one day,

Forever to manifest Your beauty,

One with You forever to stay.



You that feel the tempter’s power;

Your Redeemer’s conflict see,

watch with Him one bitter hour,

Turn not from His griefs away;

learn of Jesus Christ to pray.

Follow to the judgment hall,

beaten, bound, reviled, and maimed;

O the wormwood and the gall!

O the pains His soul sustained!

Shun not suffering, shame, or loss;

learn of Christ to bear the cross.

Calvary’s mournful mountain climb;

there, adoring at His feet,

mark that miracle of time,

God’s own sacrifice complete.

It is finished! hear Him cry;

learn of Jesus Christ to die.

Early hasten to the tomb

where they laid His breathless clay;

All is solitude and gloom.

Who has taken Him away?

Christ is risen! He meets our eyes;

Savior, help us so to rise.



I know You are mine;

For You all the follies of sin I resign.

My gracious Redeemer,

my hand is to the plough;

If ever I loved You,

my Jesus, it’s now.

I love You because

You have first loved me,

And purchased my pardon

on Calvary’s tree.

I love You for wearing

the thorns as Your crown;

If ever I loved You,

my Jesus, it’s now.

I’ll love You in life,

I will love You in death,

And praise You as long

as You lend me the breath;

And say when the dew of death

forms on my brow,

If ever I loved You,

my Jesus, it’s now.

In mansions of glory

and endless delight,

I’ll ever adore You

in heaven so bright;

I’ll sing with the glittering

crown on my brow;

If ever I loved You,

my Jesus, it’s now.



Guiding in love and truth

Through devious ways;

Christ, our triumphant King,

We come Your Name to sing,

And here our children bring

To sing Your praise.

You are our holy Lord,

Christ the incarnate Word,

Healer of strife:

You did Yourself abase,

becoming sin’s disgrace

That You might save our race,

And give us life.

Ever be near our side,

Our Shepherd and our Guide,

Our staff and song:

Jesus, the Christ of God,

Your love now shed abroad,

Lead us where You have trod;

Our faith make strong.

So now, until we die,

We lift Your Name on high,

And joyful sing:

In weakness make us strong

We to Your Church belong

Unite our hearts in songs

To Christ our King!



that saved a wretch like me!

I once was lost, but now am found;

was blind, but now I see.

Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,

and grace my fears relieved;

how precious did that grace appear

the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils, and snares,

I have already come;

Grace has brought me safe this far,

and grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me,

His Word my hope secures;

He will my shield and portion be,

as long as life endures.

Yes, when this flesh and heart will fail,

and mortal life will cease,

I will possess, within the veil,

a life of joy and peace.

When we’ve been there ten thousand years,

with endless days to come,

We’ve no less days to sing and praise

The glories of the Lamb.



O gratefully sing His power and His love;

Our shield and defender, the Ancient of Days,

Full of great splendor, and girded with praise.

O tell of His might, O sing of His grace,

Whose robe is the light, whose dwelling is space,

His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form,

And dark is His path on the wings of the storm.

Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail,

In You do we trust, nor find You to fail;

Your mercies how tender, how firm to the end,

Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend.



My great Redeemer’s praise,

The glories of my God and King,

The triumphs of His grace!

My gracious Master and my God,

Assist me to proclaim,

To spread through all the earth abroad

The honors of Your Name.

Jesus! the Name that charms our fears,

That bids our sorrows cease;

It’s music in the sinner’s ears,

It’s life, and health, and peace.

He breaks the power of canceled sin,

He sets the prisoner free;

His blood can make the foulest clean,

His blood availed for me.

He speaks, and, listening to His voice,

New life the dead receive,

The mournful, broken hearts rejoice,

The humble poor believe.

Hear HIm, you deaf; His praise, you dumb

Your loosened tongues employ

You blind, behold your Savior come,

And leap, you lame, for joy.

Glory to God, and praise and love

Be now and ever given,

By saints below and saints above,

The Church in earth and heaven.

I felt my Lord’s atoning blood

Close to my soul applied;

Me, me He loved, the Son of God,

For me, for me He died!

Look to the Son and cry out,

Your God became like you;

Saved by faith, Christ died for you,

Justified by His blood.

See all your sins on Jesus laid:

The Lamb of God was slain,

A sacrifice for sin was made

For the soul of every man.



drawn from Emmanuel’s veins;

And sinners plunged beneath that flood

lose all their guilty stains.

The dying thief rejoiced to see

that fountain in his day;

And there have I, though vile as he,

washed all my sins away.

Dear dying Lamb, Your precious blood

shall never lose its power

Till all the ransomed Church of God

be saved, to sin no more.

Ever since, by faith, I saw the stream

Your flowing wounds supply,

Redeeming love has been my theme,

and shall be till I die.

Then in a nobler, sweeter song,

I’ll sing Your power to save,

When this poor lisping, stammering tongue

lies silent in the grave.



Let me hide myself in You;

Let the water and the blood,

From Your wounded side which flowed,

Be of sin the double cure;

Save from wrath and make me pure.

Not the labor of my hands

Can fulfill Your Law’s demands;

Could my zeal no respite know,

Could my tears forever flow,

All for sin could not atone;

You must save, and You alone.

Nothing in my hand I bring,

Simply to the cross I cling;

Naked, come to You for dress;

Helpless look to You for grace;

Foul, I to the fountain fly;

Wash me, Savior, or I die.

While I draw this fleeting breath,

When my eyes shall close in death,

When I soar through realms unknown,

See You on Your judgment throne,

Rock of Ages, cleft for me,

Let me hide myself in You.



the Lamb upon His throne.

Hark! How the heavenly anthem drowns

all music but its own.

Awake, my soul, and sing

of Him who died for you,

And hail Him as your matchless King

His love makes all things new.

Crown Him the Son of God,

before the worlds began,

And you who walk where He has walked,

crown Him the Son of Man;

Who every grief has known

each sorrow, every test,

And takes and bears them for His own,

that all in Him may rest.

Crown Him the Lord of life,

who triumphed over the grave,

And rose victorious in the strife

for those He came to save.

His glories now we sing,

who died, and rose on high,

Who died eternal life to bring,

and lives that death may die.

Crown Him the Lord of peace,

whose kingdom will not end.

From east to west and north to south,

All boundaries it transcends.

His reign shall know no end,

and round His nail pierced feet

The song of the redeemed ascends

before the mercy seat.

Crown Him the Lord of love,

behold His hands and side,

Those wounds, yet visible above,

in beauty glorified.

No angel in the sky

can fully bear that sight,

But downward bends his burning eye

at mysteries ever bright.

Crown Him the Lord of Heaven,

enthroned in worlds above,

Crown Him the King to whom is given

the wondrous Name of Love.

Crown Him with many crowns,

as thrones before Him fall;

Crown Him, you kings, with many crowns,

for He is King of all.

Crown Him the Lord of lords,

who over all does reign,

Who once on earth, the holy Word,

for ransomed sinners slain,

Now lives in realms of light,

where saints with angels sing

Their songs before Him day and night,

their God, Redeemer, King.

Crown Him the Lord of years,

the Architect of time,

Creator of the rolling spheres,

amazing in design.

All hail, Redeemer, hail!

For You have died for me;

Your praise and glory will not fail

for all eternity.



Are passing one by one away

In Christless guilt and gloom;

Without one ray of hope or light,

With future dark as endless night,

They are passing to their doom,

They are passing to their doom.

They are passing, passing fast away

In thousands day by day;

They are passing to their doom,

They are passing to their doom.

O Holy Spirit, Your people move,

Baptize their hearts with faith and love

And consecrate their gold.

At Jesus’ feet their treasures pour,

And all their ranks unite once more,

As in the days of old,

As in the days of old.

The Master’s coming now draws near;

The Son of Man will soon appear;

His kingdom is at hand.

Before that glorious day can be,

This Gospel of the kingdom we

Must preach in every land,

Must preach in every land.

Oh, let us then His coming haste,

Oh, let us end this awful waste

Of souls that never die.

A thousand millions still are lost;