Pursuing the Divine Nature of Christ by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commands: for length of days and long life and peace they will add to you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart, and so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and men. Proverbs, ch. 3, vs. 1-4.

Those who are FILLED with the “divine nature of Christ” will keep the commandments of God because His laws are indelibly written upon their hearts. Obeying the commandments of God will add peace and long life to those who “walk in the Spirit.” The favor of God rests upon all who seek to obey the call and the will of God for their lives.

The word “favor” in the “divine sense” means to “pursue with grace.” When we find favor in the sight of God, He pursues US with His grace or “unmerited favor.” We become candidates of His favor when we pursue the “divine nature” zealously.

Believers are accepted by God because of what Christ did for them at Calvary. The favor of God was always upon the Son. Christ had “divine favor” with God because He was quick to obey and always sought to please the Father. Jesus always did what He saw the Father do. Everything the Son did was pleasing to the Father. The favor of God rests upon ALL who are FILLED with the fullness of Christ. It is the “nature of the Son” which dwells richly within us which pleases the Father.

“Divine favor” is available to all Christians. However, many Christians are not pursuing God or the benefits which come from possessing the fullness of Christ, thus the favor of God eludes them. When we are not seeking to please God in all we do, we are missing out on ALL the Lord has to offer us.

God favored Abraham and blessed Him because he sought to please God. God called Him His friend. (Genesis 12:1-3). Because Abraham believed God he was blessed, and in being blessed, he became a blessing to others. God’s favor and the blessings of Abraham are available to us today and come upon us because of Christ and His sacrifice at Calvary. (Galatians 3:14- 29).



But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews, ch. 11, vs. 6.

The Bible tells us “God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek or pursue Him.” God’s “divine favor” rests upon those who obey His voice and His commandments. God’s blessings come upon those who seek and are clothed with the “divine nature.”

God is always blessing those who bless Him and keep His commandments. If we are not keeping the commandments of God, we cannot expect to be filled with His grace and favor. Some Christians are missing many of the blessings of God because they do not seek or praise Him enough. When we withhold praise and worship from the Father, we cannot expect God to bless us.

Christians who are clothed in the “divine nature” are not interested in the favor of men, but in the favor of God. They are not expecting a reward for what they do for Christ. Their reward is bringing honor and glory to the Father by imitating and portraying the nature of Christ wherever they go.

The Bible says to be “Imitators of God as dear children and walk in love.” (Ephesians 5:1-2). If we are going to be imitators of Christ, we will be walking in love wherever we go. When the love of God dwells in us richly we will be sharing the love of God with people we meet.

“Divine favor always rests upon those who are at rest in Christ.” Jesus IS our rest. Rest is one of the virtues and characteristics of the “divine nature.” When we are at rest in Christ, we will have peace which passes all understanding when everything around us seems to be falling apart. We can be at rest in Christ at all times because we are faithfully trusting in Him and His precious promises.



Many Christians are seeking to be “clothed and filled” with the “divine nature,” but they do not know how to get there. They desire to have the “favor of God” but seem to lack the understanding of how to obtain His favor. The enemy continually places obstacles in their way which keeps them from finding the peace and rest which comes from abiding in the grace and mercy of God.

There are many who try to please God but end up failing in their pursuit of righteousness. Many are failing to get the right teaching and training from shepherds who are hirelings and are not interested in the wellbeing of the people.

A good shepherd is willing to give his life for his sheep. He will protect and guard them from all negative outside influences. He will expose them to the “true riches” which are only found in the “divine nature of Christ.” He will lead them to feed in shady green pastures FILLED with godly wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Unfortunately, many shepherds are hirelings, and are not interested in feeding the sheep and protecting them from the wolves which are waiting in hiding to attack them.

The favor of God comes to those who are faithful. Favor comes to those who possess faith. “Divine favor” comes from the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon those who diligently seek to please the Lord and keep His commandments.

“Divine favor” does not overtake us until we have learned to be faithful and obedient to God. (Deuteronomy 28:2) God rewards the righteous. God rewards those who have been justified and cleansed by the Blood of Christ who continue to walk the paths He has ordained for them to walk down.

God will pursue us with His favor when we pursue Him with our undying love for Christ and His Word. We can be assured the favor and blessings of God will overtake us as we continue to work and serve Him with pure motives and attitudes. When the greatest desire of our heart is to “KNOW CHRIST AND THE POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION,” we will find “divine favor” with God.

Many Christians today are attending churches or fellowships led by shepherds who are failing to lead them into a deeper walk with Christ. They are not being taught how to be transformed into the” divine image” which gives them power over “all the works of the enemy.” The strategy of the enemy is to portray the ‘Nature of Christ” in a way which is not appealing to people by offering them a substitute Christ.

When we have given our all to Christ, He gives His all to us. His “divine nature” is available to ALL who will seek Him earnestly and diligently. When we seek Him with all our heart, we will find Him. (Jeremiah 29:13).