Pursuing the Divine Nature of Christ by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Many pastors in churches today are using a military style tactics to intimidate, discipline and control their congregations. We call this practice “Shepherding.” This form of Shepherding was once called the “Discipleship Movement.” This movement began in the late 1970s and early 1980s and is still going on in many churches today.

The concept of Shepherding and the term “Discipleship Movement” sounds biblically correct, but it is far from biblical. The chain of command in the churches involved in the “Shepherding Movement” was patterned much like a military organization.

The leaders of the churches which were involved in the movement operated their churches under the disciplines of control rather than the discipline of love. The Shepherds did the “Shepherding” while the sheep became “sheeple.” The sheeple were monetarily and spiritually “fleeced and sheared.” The word “sheeple” is derived from the two words “sheep” and “people.” Sheeple are defined as “people who are docile, foolish and easily led astray.” That sounds a lot like many people in churches today.

God has called many to be shepherds over His flocks, but what these church leaders did was for their own benefit, not the benefit of the sheep. A true shepherd “loves his sheep” and will give his life for the sheep if need be. (John 10:11). A hireling does not love the sheep. His reward is in what he gets “paid” for watching over and “fleecing” the sheep.

There were many spiritual and physical abuses which became features of the Shepherding Movement. We still see some of these abuses in churches and organizations today which were not involved in the Shepherding Movement of the past. Some churches and denominations have always followed the disciplines of “Shepherding.”

Many of the leaders who were involved in the Shepherding Movement repented of their transgressions and have become productive leaders in the body of Christ today. Sadly, others have not. There is still much abuse in many churches around the world today. Many church leaders who were NOT involved in the Shepherding Movement of the past control their congregations through fear and intimidation today.

There is progress being made in some churches concerning the “spirit of control”. However, there is still much work to be done in this area. Educating and informing believers of how a true church operates and exposing these believers to the true “divine nature” will go a long way in fixing the problems in many churches today.



Because they are not taught many Christians fail to realize there is more available to them than what they are receiving in their dry church services. Christ came to set people free from dead religion and pious, so-called religious leaders. Christians will never find peace and rest for their weary souls until they are set free from dead religion.

Religion without the true freedom found in the “divine nature” tends to bring people more sorrow and heartache than they had before they became Christians. A religion without Christ is just a “form of godliness” which leads to eternal damnation rather than to eternal life. Many churches that were once endued with “power from on high” have become apostate. We cannot expect to be a HOLY Church unless we have been transformed into the “image of Christ.”

Religious expression without the demonstration of the power of God working in people’s lives is merely “religious oppression.” We cannot be effective witnesses of Christ to others if we are bound by the same oppressing spirits and sins which they are bound by. We will be unable to set others free if we are not free ourselves. When the blind lead the blind, they will both fall into a ditch.

Many Christians are reluctant to step out and share their faith with others because of fear of rejection or persecution. They find it hard to express their true feelings regarding their relationship with Christ, thus they “hide Him within their heart.” True freedom from the fear of sharing Christ with others will be eliminated when the “divine nature” takes preeminence in their lives.

When we are FILLED with Christ, we will BECOME Christ-like. We will not be fearful of man, but God. The Bible tells us the “fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” (Psalm 11:10). When we are FILLED with Christ, we will be FILLED with the “wisdom of Christ.” When we possess the fullness of the “divine nature,” we will have access to all His “divine attributes” which will empower us to become effective instruments and witnesses of His “divine power.”



When we are “divinely connected” to Christ through the power of His “divine nature,” He will connect us with those He has chosen for us to work with. God will place us with the people He has ordained that we associate with in order for us to accomplish the work He has assigned to us.

There is a place of blessing for all Christians which God will lead us to in order to help meet the needs of those around us. It is a place where we will FIT IN with others who are like minded so the plan and purpose of God can be fulfilled in the Church. The “place of blessing” is the place where His “divine purpose” for our life will be realized and completed. That “place of blessing” for us may be changed from time to time in order for God’s plan and purpose to be fulfilled in our life.

Many Christians move from church to church looking for that “perfect fit,” but never seem to find it. The “perfect fit” is not always what we think it may be. Many people become offended in their “place of blessing.” When offended they will leave the church and run to and fro looking somewhere else where they think they will FIT IN. Unfortunately, they fail to “fit in” every place they go because they are out of the will of God. Running from church to church can become a never ending cycle. Christians will never find their place of blessing unless they stay and grow where God has planted them.

When we are “divinely connected” with Christ, we will become “divinely perfected.” Our “divine connection” will lead us to “divine perfection.” When we work together with those who God has chosen for us to work with, we will find His “divine purpose” for our life. We will also find freedom from depression and oppression as we weather the storms of offence and rejection.

We must remember that part of discipleship training is learning to stand “strong in battle” during ALL the attacks of the enemy. Many times those attacks will come through those who are nearest and dearest to us. Offence is a trap of the enemy which he uses to discourage us from continuing the battle for our souls and the “peace” which the “divine nature” is able to instill within us.