Pursuing the Divine Nature of Christ by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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The ear that hears reproof of life will abide among the wise. He who disdains instruction despises his own soul, but he who heeds reproof gets understanding. Proverbs, ch. 15, vs. 31-32

We saw in Chapter 18 that our eyes are gateways and windows of the soul. In this chapter we will see that our EARS are also gateways to the soul. Like our eyes, our ears also receive information which is transferred to, processed, and stored in our minds.

If we desire to be transformed into the image of Christ, we must set our affections on those things that are above where our life is hidden in Christ. (Colossians 3:1-2 and 3:3). If we are going to be filled with the fullness of Christ, we MUST keep our affections set on Him and Him only. Our desire to be clothed with the “hidden treasures” which are found in the “divine nature” can only be realized when we diligently seek Him with our whole heart.

Hearing plays an important part in our lives. What we hear will become part of our vocabulary depending on what knowledge, thoughts, and ideas we accept or reject. What we receive and believe plays an important role in how we conduct ourselves privately and around others.

We will seek the wisdom of God if we desire to be wise. We will seek to hear the “voice of wisdom” which leads us into all truth. Hearing gives us the ability to receive, perceive, and interpret sounds around us. Words enter into our “gateway ears” then into the databanks of our minds, where they are stored for future use or recall.

The purpose of God’s Word is to lead us “into all truth” so we can become “kingdom minded.” To be “kingdom minded” is life. To be “carnally minded” is death. The carnal mind cannot receive the things of God because it is enmity with God. If we do not believe or receive the truth when we HEAR the truth, we cannot and will not be set free from the bondage of carnal mindedness.

What we hear, perceive and interpret as “truth” will determine our ability to either walk in freedom or in bondage. The truth sets people free while carnal minded thoughts keep them enslaved and in subjugation to Satan.

The words which we speak will either lift us up or bring us down. The words we speak to others are able to do the same. Our words have the power to bless or curse. Jesus said, “By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matthew 12:37). Words can humble us or lift us up in pride. Words can and will affect the way we think, act and react. Some words can heal the spirit. Other words can wound the spirit.

Studies have shown that musical sounds can affect and change the moods and attitudes of people. Some music makes people feel “happy and glad.” Some music, on the other hand, makes people feel “sorrowful and sad.” Words are the same way. Words can be creative and words can be destructive. The “Word of Life” produces Life. The Word of Truth” produces truth in those who believe and receive it.

The “divine soul” is impervious to the thoughts and desires which rule the carnal mind. The “divine soul” has been raised in the likeness of the “divine nature of Christ.” It is rooted and grounded in faith and truth, and will not accept a substitute.

The “divine soul” has put on the mind, motives and attitudes of Christ and will not become prey to the wiles and schemes of the devil. When we set our hearts and minds on things above, we will be strengthened by truth and righteousness. Righteousness and truth always prevails and triumphs over impiety and the indiscretions of sin and immorality. The “divine soul” is clothed in the truth and righteousness of the “divine nature of Christ.”

If they stumble and fall, the righteous have a God who is always there to pick them up and help them continue on their journey through life. The unrighteous have no one to pick them up when they fall into grievous sins because they do not have a covenant with the Father.



Everything that enters into our “gateway ears” can affect our lives. Some things we hear may be helpful and useful. On the other hand, other things we hear will not be helpful, but harmful and detrimental to us. What we “hear” and “adhere” to will help forge our destiny.

The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. Proverbs, ch. 18, vs. 15.

Those who seek a “divine destiny” will seek godly knowledge which will help them secure a successful future. Those who are wise will seek the “knowledge of God.” The Bible tells us to “grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18). When we grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ, we are “growing up” into His “divine nature.” We grow in the grace and knowledge of God by believing and receiving “the voice of truth.”

The carnal mind cannot accept the truth because it is unable to process the truth. The “divine mind” is wise and accepts truth with joy and thanksgiving. The wise see trouble ahead and prepares for the future. The fool is blind and cannot see the dangers which lie ahead. A wise man seeks the truth and strives to keep the commandments and precepts of God. A fool hears and adheres to what he wants to hear. A fool hates the truth because it exposes his guilt and sin.



The fool says in his heart there is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none who do good. Psalm, 14, vs. 1.

Atheism is the belief that there is no God. Theism is the belief there is a God. I once heard someone say, “It takes more faith to believe there is NO God than it takes to believe there IS a God.” Many are struggling with these same two concepts today.

Atheism is considered to be a philosophy. A philosophy is defined as “the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence.” That tells me a true atheist has researched and studied the philosophy of atheism and has come to the conclusion that God does not exist. A true atheistic philosopher cannot call himself a philosopher unless he has researched and studied the disciplines of atheism.

I have heard many stories about “atheists” who started out to disprove the existence of God but instead found Christ as their Lord and Savior. The very thing they set out to disprove they found to “be true.”

People who call themselves atheist are not really atheists. They just do not wish to retain God in their knowledge. Men who call themselves atheists “suppress” the truth because they hate God and the concept of righteousness. (Read Romans 1:18-32).

Several years ago I heard a story about a man who owned a Trucking Company. Before he would hire anyone he always gave them a lie detector test. One of the questions which was asked of the potential employee was the question “Do you believe in God?” To believe in God was not a requirement for a person to be hired, but just one of the questions which was always asked during the test. When every potential employee who did not believe in God stated so, the lie detector machine showed they were not being truthful.

The heavens declare the glory of God. And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night utters knowledge. Psalm, 19, vs. 1-2.

Even the heavens (sky above) testify of the glory of God. Creation itself proves there is a greater power than we can see with our natural eyes. Nature by design proves somebody had to design and create everything in this universe. Where there is design there must be a designer.

For many atheists their intellect is their higher power. Their intellect sits on the throne of their heart and rules and reigns in the place of the true God. In professing to be wise, they become fools. The will of man who is not born again sits and rules and reigns in the darkness of his empty, godless, inanimate spirit. Unrighteous men who hate God will never admit there is a God. They do not have the capacity to know or understand the truth when they hear it. They continue to follow the path which leads them to destruction and eternal death.



My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand. John, ch. 10, vs. 27-28.

Jesus said, “His sheep know His voice” and they will follow Him. The voice of Jesus is the “Voice of the Spirit of Truth.” Jesus will never lead us in the wrong direction or down the wrong pathway of life. Sheep will always follow the voice of their shepherd. The sheep are familiar with the shepherd’s voice because they have heard him speak many times. They know and trust that the shepherd will protect them and lead them to greener pastures.

Unlike sheep, some Christians have “selective hearing. They only hear what they want to hear and do what is most convenient for them. “Hearing” and “following” the voice of the Shepherd is important if we wish to be clothed with the “divine nature.”

The Great Shepherd will always lead us into greener pastures where we can eat from the “Tree of Life” and drink from the “River of Life.” The Great Shepherd will always lead us to the River of Life where we can drink freely of the waters of Salvation. Those who are clothed with the “divine nature” will follow the Great Shepherd wherever He leads them.