Pursuing the Divine Nature of Christ by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust. 2 Peter, ch. 1, vs. 4.

Nothing is more important to the believer than being FILLED with the “divine nature of Christ.” Peter said we have been given the opportunity to be partakers of His “divine nature.” We obtain the “divine nature” by believing and receiving the great and precious promises of God. We have access and power to receive the “divine nature of Christ” through the promises of God. As we grow in Christ we become more and more sensitive to the things which are most important in life such as grace, mercy and faith.

When we speak of the “divine nature of Christ,” we are speaking of the divine personality, attributes, and moral character of Christ. Being FILLED with the “divine nature of Christ” should be the goal of every believer. Without the fullness of the “divine nature” we cannot live, move, or have our being in Him.

If we are not rooted and grounded in Christ, you can be sure we will be subject to being “blown about by every wind of doctrine” by the cunningness of ungodly men. Without Christ we are like a ship on the ocean without a sail. The wind will take us in the direction it is blowing, not in the direction which we may need or want to go.

The Lord spoke to me a few years ago and said, “My people are not pursuing me enough.” The word pursue means to “follow” or “chase after.” God is not playing hide and seek with us, nor is He trying to run away from us. God is waiting on us to listen and obey His voice when He speaks. He is waiting for us to follow the directions He has already given us in His Word concerning our walk with Christ.

Christ has a plan and purpose for each one of us. If we are going to fulfill His plan and purpose for our life, we are going to have to FOLLOW (pursue) Him on a daily basis-not once or twice a week. We have not been called to be weekend warriors but full time soldiers of Christ.

Why does Christ desire for us to pursue Him? Does He have something we need? Yes, He does. Above all things, we need HIS “divine nature.” Does Christ have something He wants to say to us? Yes, He does. He wants to explain to us why we need His “divine nature.” Does Christ have something He wants to give to us? Yes, He does. He wants to impart to us the “divine nature” so we can be FILLED with His FULLNESS.

Does Christ need us to communicate with Him? Yes, He does. He desires for us to tell Him we love Him and we are willing to follow Him wherever He may lead us. Does Christ need us to do something for Him? Yes, He does. He needs our time, our feet, our hands, our finances and our voice to take His Word to the four corners of the Earth.

Christians need to be focusing more on pursuing the “divine nature” than pursuing information about Planet-X, the Nephilim, Chemtrails, Bigfoot, Flying Saucers, and other conspiracy theories. If the body of Christ would spend more time studying and learning about the things which positively affect them, they would find themselves experiencing more of the glorious Life Christ has to offer them. Basking in the presence of Jesus is much more desirable than worrying about being kidnapped by Aliens, poisoned by Chemtrails, bitten by Bigfoot, or crushed by Planet-X.

Without the “fullness of Christ” Christians will be unable to distinguish between falsehoods and the truth which is found only in the Word of God. The “divine nature of Christ” is called the “divine nature” for a reason. The “divine nature” is the “divine essence” or character of Christ who is the express image of God.

Without the fullness of the “divine nature of Christ,” Christians can and will be easily deceived into accepting a substitute gospel or false doctrines. False doctrines come from demonic entities and sources which are anything but “divine.” Being FILLED with the fullness of Christ will enable us to discern between the truth and lies which the enemy is trying to establish in the hearts and minds of those who “walk in the flesh.”



Direction for believers today is one of the most important needs in the body of Christ. Everywhere I go I find that many Christians are seeking direction for their lives and ministries. We must first find the plan and purpose of God for our lives before we can find His direction for our lives. If we do not know what God has called us to do, we will never find direction or purpose for our lives and ministries. Therefore, it is imperative that we seek God to find His direction for the work He has called us to accomplish.

Many Christians are seeking worldly pleasures instead of godly treasures. Many are missing the “mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” because they have failed to understand the importance and purpose of His “divine calling.” Many Christians are confused, bewildered and heavy laden because they do not understand the purpose of the “divine nature” of Christ and how to “pursue” His righteousness. Many do not know or even understand why the “divine nature” is so important to them.

When we are born again, we receive the divine nature of Christ. However, the seed (Christ) which has been planted in our hearts must be “watered daily by the Word of God” and kept free of any hindrances in order that the seed can grow and become spiritually fruitful. Our spiritual strength will depend upon how much of the “divine nature of Christ” resides, rules, and reigns in our hearts.

The pursuit of the divine nature of Christ is the pursuit of truth and righteousness. The righteousness of Christ is imputed to us through our faith in Christ who is the TRUTH. Therefore, it is our faith in Christ and truth and righteousness which transforms us into His image. Without an impartation of truth and righteousness, we cannot and will not be partakers of the “divine nature.” We must continue to pursue “Christ” with our whole heart until we have become filled and saturated with Christ and His overcoming power.

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross and follow Me.” Matthew, ch. 16, vs. 24.

Jesus told us if we are going to follow Him we will have to make changes in our lives. The first thing we have to do is “repent of our selfish ways,” “pick up our cross” and “daily follow Him” wherever He leads us. To repent means to “express our sincere regret for our sins, turn around and go in the opposite direction.” In other words, we can no longer think only of ourselves and what our wishes and desires are, but what God desires for our life.

If we are going to be followers of Christ, we are going to have to travel closely behind Him or hand in hand with Him in the direction which HE is going. Jesus does not lead from behind, nor does He follow from behind. Neither does He follow us where we want to go. The old gospel song does not say “Where I lead Him He will follow,” but “Where HE leads me I will follow.” Jesus can only lead those who repent of their sins, deny themselves, and pick up their crosses and follow in His footsteps.

After we have repented of our sins, we MUST pick up our cross and follow Christ. We will be unable to follow Him if we fail to deny ourselves and pick up our cross daily. The CROSS is the most important commodity we can carry within our hearts as we follow Christ. Without OUR cross, we cannot and will not be able to crucify OUR flesh.

A cross is an instrument of death. Our cross is the place where we put to death the works of the flesh so the Life and “divine nature” of Christ can be found within us. The Apostle Paul said, “I die daily.” If we are not picking up our cross daily, we will not be able to follow Christ daily. When we fail to pick up our cross daily and follow Christ, we will find ourselves falling farther and farther behind into the Wilderness of Sin.



Jesus has a Church to lead, guide and direct. Unfortunately, there are many who are not sincere about following Christ down the pathway of Life. Many who are travelling along the way of Life hinder the work of Christ by putting obstacles in the way of those who are working diligently to promote and take the gospel to the world.

Unknowingly and unwittingly many people fall behind and become the pawns of Satan. They are standing in the WAY as Christ leads His sheep to greener pastures. Many attacks on Christians trying to fulfill the plan and purpose of God for their lives come from within the “ranks” (pun somewhat intended) of “Christian Soldiers.” Many “Christian Soldiers” are shooting others in the back as they move forward toward enemy lines.

Today many laborers are falling behind and are disrupting the advance of the Church because they are not SEEKING the plan and purpose of God for their lives. They have become selfish seeking only to please themselves and men rather than God. They are not pursuing Christ and the “divine nature” which qualifies them to be called by HIS NAME.

Jesus is on a journey across the land and over the Earth to seek and find lost and dying souls in order to set up His Kingdom here on Earth. He bids ALL who will “come and join Him in “His quest.” However, many believers are not yet fully prepared to take on the responsibility of preaching the gospel and/or reaching out to the multitudes which are languishing in the Valley of Decision. Many people today are lost and dying without Christ because the GOOD NEWS of the GOSPEL OF CHRIST has not yet been shared with them.

Jesus invested in and has given His ALL to His Church through His sacrifice at Calvary. He died on the cross freely shedding His blood to fill the Church with His Spirit, His power, and His grace and mercy. Jesus expects a return on His investment. (read Matthew 25:14-30).

Listen to me, You who follow after righteousness, You who seek the Lord: Look to the rock from which you were hewn, and the hole of the pit which you were dug. Isaiah, ch. 51, vs. 1.

As we pursue the “divine nature of Christ” righteousness must be our goal. Once we start on this journey pursuing the “divine nature,” we must never allow obstacles we find in our way to hinder our purpose and progress.

Jesus has given believers everything they need in order to fulfill His plan and purpose for their lives. Many Christians who have heard the “good news” and have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior continue to reject the call He has on their life. Many fall by the wayside because the call to “walk with Christ daily” is too much of a sacrifice for them to make.

I was having lunch with a Pastor and was telling him He needed to be “making disciples” out of his church members. He responded to me by saying he was unable to find anyone in his Church who wanted to be discipled. If we are going to follow Christ we have to begin as “disciples” of Christ. If people do not desire to be discipled, they will be unable to follow Christ. Most Christians do not even realize what it means to be “disciples of Christ” because Pastors fail to have a good understanding of the word “disciple.”

Christians need to be discipled or they will never be able to live a life free from spiritual oppression. They need to be discipled so they can be free from the deceitfulness of riches and the cares of this world. Without wisdom and understanding Christians will continue to remain in bondage to the wiles and schemes of the devil.

Churches should be Training Centers instead of social clubs. Without “spiritual discipline” there will be no discipline in the Church. Many pastors lack discipline themselves. Pastors who lack “spiritual discipline” will be unable to teach “spiritual disciplines” to their congregations.

Many people cannot or are not able to endure sound doctrine, thus they will not have a desire to gain the knowledge they need to withstand the tests and trials which are to come. Those who cannot endure sound doctrine cannot expect to be FILLED with the Spirit of Christ. In time the tests and trials which plague them will overcome and devour them and they will fall by the wayside.

We can only be FILLED with the FULLNESS of Christ if we are seeking with our whole heart to be FILLED with the FULLNESS of His “divine nature.” Unless people hunger and thirst to be FILLED with His righteousness, they will never be filled with His righteousness. God does not impose His will or His righteousness on anyone. Read Matthew, Chapter 5, Verse 6.

The scripture tells us Jesus is coming back for a Church without spot or wrinkle. There will be no BLEMISHES found on the garments of the Bride of Christ when Jesus returns for her. If we are going to become a Church without spot or wrinkle, we must be FILLED with the FULLNESS of Christ. We must “put on” Christ and the Breastplate of His Righteousness along with the “whole Armor of God” which enables us to stand against “all the schemes of the devil.” Read and study Ephesians, Chapter 6, Verses 10-18.