Reunion of Light by José Cruz - HTML preview

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From the moment that man gives the first cry after birth, as

we all know is to put your lungs working.

Only during his life many people forget how to breathe

appropriately, for the maintenance taking into account the physical

body as well as your mental and Spiritual development, in everyday

life, many people with blindness and want to achieve certain

specific Social and material levels.

They spend the day running from one side to the other without the

least discernment of how breathing, where breathing and quality of

the air they breathe, when one ceases to Self Conscience how to

breathe, given the varied circumstances of our life.

Then get the energy blocks, going immediately affect the psyche of

the person, then the physical body.

As is well known that start in always its inception in the forum

psychic, why, because the people allow themselves to be soft and be

conquer to the mind, leaving to connect with their Spirits, because

by being in contact with the inner core, which includes Conscience

and Intuition together to become Self-Conscience.

José Cruz

For a certain way and unconsciously breathing the same way when

they were children, and breathed only intuitively, and intuition of

that this is living healthily.

Because the way we breathe in our lives will reflect in general.

For example: A sportsman knowing breathing when performing

certain physical activity without thinking, but only by intuition he

is always feel the Mother Nature, because it gives him everything

in the quantities necessary for their performance.

Thus the athlete by just relax and go by your own body energy, he

just being an observer, and feels that the body itself is telling to go

the proper way to breathe, when this harmony is installed to have

the feeling that there is an individual as developing, but something


This feeling happens because it no longer attached to watch what

goes on in the mind.

Returning to resonate with our which as the teacher, it is

noteworthy that when do not mind lets in this territory, at the end

of the exercise or performance of the same, there is a sense of

freedom, pleasure, lightness and well being, often inexplicable.


Reunion Of Light