Reunion of Light by José Cruz - HTML preview

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As many of you, many times after hearing a song, that song

come to repeat in your mind for hours days or even months

consecutively broken record type, that often leads you to despair,

this is due to a breach of positive energy, the mind will get the

energy circuit. As the mind has the ability to create whatever it is,

it is only by assimilation and repetition that goes on the senses. In

analysis it is noted that when the song appears in the mind, only

the letter and never appears to music.

For all that is musical, vibrating and is only identified by the

Spirit. The song always comes back to speak out whenever they

feel, sometimes weaker or confused that derives from it. How the

mind when it comes to this point to command the individual.

She wants to completely take control of being. Want to come to

you. By this time it has taken root in his heart, so no one can ignore

or remove the power that has in one way or another it was given.

How do you give back!

Let's start with calm her down because she has created because

habits can never fight it, in part because these are habits that keep

us and this would be fighting against ourselves, which would lead

to madness to death in many cases physical.

José Cruz

So we have to deal with it all Love, Affection and Respect.

When the song appear in your mind, applying the consciousness, it

is said, or through words or mentally.

Mind Thanks for reminding me of the song, and it automatically

stops immediately or go back one or two more times to ring you in

the head, if this happens again thank you, when to stop listening.

Congratulations because his conscience tells her to mind nothing

more than just a servant. You gave the first signs of wanting to

regain command of him consciously. It is possible when the song has

long walked in the head, which is not just race for the first time you

become aware of it. Because the mind has not yet identified the

power of consciousness, when the song or some such negative

thinking reappears, always follow the same criteria to send away.


Reunion Of Light