Reunion of Light by José Cruz - HTML preview

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To what many people call destination, not more than a series

of actions that human beings tend to develop a life force, the fate

and the fate to which many people regard it as a pre-defined path

in life from birth or other before it.

There are more than a human being placed in a condition for the

Universe to evolve by itself and nothing else.

I will mention, that this part, applied the so-called cause and effect

of it. It works as follows:

When the Spirit has not yet been embodied in a human breast, it

remains in Komati, place the light in your Soul and in the Astral

Plane Soul is preparing its next reincarnation through the Spirit.

In this plan it has the possibility to twist in time and see all his








Why! So she can see where mistakes had not led to a complete

illumination of his Soul, as with Jesus, Buddha and others who

have become Spiritual beings of Light Eternal, without the need to

return to Earth in human form.

In this state the soul conscious knowing where it might have

evolved more and did not, then determines the Universe more than

a Reincarnation back to Planet Earth, with the term we call

mission to evolve in ways that did not earlier in Reincarnation.

José Cruz

This way you can say that it brings a predefined task to accomplish,

and nothing more.

But we know that is not so. For since the soul gives permission to

the spirit which can embody a particular human breast.

Humanity as a whole has evolved.

From your physical birth the Spirit will begin to demand that

brought him to the earth without knowing why, because this trip is

all Conscience him off. Getting you all the memories of previous

lives trapped in the Soul. The Spirit remains alone in its quest


Is not getting carried away by the mind, easily find the way to get

there at the same time it will generate certain capabilities within

themselves to take him to overcome, which in a previous life failed

to materialize, about the rule of cause and effect of it. He added

that people live and behave in mundane life, the law of

multiplication of the Universe, everything that is somehow always

returns in duplicate.

Hence, for whom this kind of feels, while carrying out the mission

that brought him to Earth, going at the same time building their

own destiny.

This is quite easy when we are in contact with the intimate. If this

is not to insist on so boo to the capability of the application of

Conscience. In everything we do.

At the end of this exercise that only depends on the unique ability

of each person. The following is fit to be a lifeline in accordance

with his designs. For those who have forgotten what is called the

rule of cause and effect, direct or indirect, will describe this



Reunion Of Light

If we water every day we a little flower over this act can be called

the cause, as we water every day she grows up that growth, is

called the effect, considering indirect effect.

A direct is that is immediately before our eyes.

When the flower waters them before it was dry that gets wet is an

immediate effect.

This is a practical example of what many people call destination.

José Cruz


Reunion Of Light