Reunion of Light by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Faith is no more than but believe in their own capabilities to

achieve a certain objective and determined, is in the Spiritual,

physical or mental.

The being has the perception of being supported by something.

The Universe how does one apply when the feeling of conscious

faith, is because he feels the need for something and how restricted

their mind, it cannot conceive of such a request, being about to turn

to the whole.

Faced with such a request as it exemplifies how formerly, when this

need that part of the mind, because it is who has the need to evolve

from hierarchically below the filter of Conscience, and if it find

that the request has legs to walk the same in turn transmits it to

the Spirit.

Which is always in the application form will light Soul.

That is how it is that the judge of all this evaluation.

After examining the request leaves mature for some time, which can

be moments, days, years or Centuries.

After their maturation and writing to all always eternal and

infinite in its heart of light, it gives permission to the Spirit come

down on the return and will be the request by instinct, to its

implementation, without going through Conscience.

José Cruz

That is why many people are sometimes made to do something

(unthinkable) and insignificant in your life due to, but a day later

because it is intuitively feel that this has been provided.

If the person identifies him immediately, then it has to do with this

life, living earth, which was a previous request, if not identified as


It was a Reincarnation of a previous request that the Soul was

ordered to be placed at the disposal of, so that it identifies as a sign

for your application and give its resulting evolution.

As is the case with many children who have young children,

without yet having learned to speak and have not yet reached the

age to attend school without ever having taught the man. Show

detailed knowledge on all kinds of issues that many adults are

experts in these areas a real puzzle.

As is the case more and more children from the time they begin to

speak in various languages. Getting parents and too impressed with

that fact that in most cases is not understood by them.

But for those who feel these things is nothing more than an order of

the Soul to still be that small.

That through him that many people call it a gift, will inform the

world that, for its increasing development as a future recognition of


This type message that you can call as such, has the mission to be

spreading throughout the world people come to understand each


For this message be conveyed that early and good company to do so

by law, to be instructed as to the extent that is growing in all

aspects, will become a global communicator. Like Jesus, Buddha

and others some Popes.


Reunion Of Light

Because this child was born with open channels through which it

passes all the necessary energy that will be channeled to the outside,

in many different ways. As some will even happen with Mother

Teresa of Calcutta., as always had this energy channel open at the

top of the head, which many people flame brains that can feel and

see your sync after the birth of any baby, never having closed, even

until after his physical death.

To be in constant contact with the Source of Light was in the same

way that the Universe has added another pillar where Energy is

already refined Spiritual Light, as with the Pyramids in Egypt and

other sacred places.

José Cruz


Reunion Of Light