Reunion of Light by José Cruz - HTML preview

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This is possible from the moment that people do not live in the

mind and the products it makes.

What are the pride, the intellectual, social status, emotions, ego,

thoughts, illusions, not wanting to be perfect at what they do at

100 /%, because perfection lives in mind?

Exchange certain habits that lead to depend on whatever it is or

who it is. Do not envy what the neighbors have or not have.

Give up all that is superfluous, since just having to live and what

is necessary to your residence as well as those that depend on it.

Let go of all that is material in excess, will only possess the

necessary life Ground.

And realize that everything that comes to creating material, she

cannot bring himself when he dies physically.

If it were a coffin in many cases would have to be a very large

coffin to hold such stuff, the person to get rid of all these chains

that held her prisoner Consciousness.

Back to taste the freedom to rediscover with whoever is in reality

and not with the illusions described above, which are created by the


José Cruz

Again it makes us missing and could not live without it, but


It only comes into play when we want and nothing else. It's like

your legs, remember!

Once a person to go at their own pace by breaking these bonds, will

become increasingly identified with his inner being, this will giving

you a growing self-confidence and extend it to your self-esteem,

feeling more and more, a great inner Peace.

This great inner peace, you will rediscover the mixed feelings in your

heart and why you appear out of nowhere.

Developing every day that passes is consciously or unconsciously,

Harmony, Compassion Humility, love and serenity that flows from

it, after being develops through these graces, got the passport to

Spiritual life as desired.

I am in gratitude, but now I will not write more now, because once

again I was touched by this means giving this sacred task finalized.

Thank you all for listening to this humble Light Spirit.


Reunion Of Light








