Reunion of Light by José Cruz - HTML preview

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To the extent that the physical body of the child grows, as

will be adapting his Spirit to the new environment.

Unconsciously begins to imitate their parents, because the Spirit

has the infinite ability to adapt to all that is new, which comes

from its depths, this channel is always the same evolution.

That this was his plan as Light begins then copy all that parents

do! I'm simply giving the example of the biological parents and

others can be; only the parents and the family directly as a rule, are

those that are and thus interact with the child.

When these imitations begin, that is created in the mind, such as

the floor eating etc. This is the start of construction of its

Consciousness, because the Spirit is confused between their primal

essence and this new adventure.

Between these two situations begins in your Consciousness, which

will accompany this Reincarnation, this Consciousness as that is

developing always accompanied by the Spirit. Is giving rise to the

birth of the mind, which can only be developed in the ground plane.

José Cruz


Reunion Of Light