Revelations 2010 the Cynic's Bible by Barry Michael - HTML preview

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is so much more than humanity can comprehend

It is pointless to try to explain chemistry to a 5 year old. They lack the mental development to comprehend it. To a child a chemical reaction is a miracle.
They will believe any explanation, and will change their belief each time a new explanation is offered.
A mind must be developed over time, step by step. New information can only be given, as the mind is able to understand it. When the mind is ready it questions what it sees and seeks answers, if the answers are attainable it can understand the principals at work. This is a point of knowing. Knowing is not subject to change. It is absolute. So it is, with our understanding of God. God reveals God' self as humanity gains the ability to conceive God. Primitive humans believed in many Gods, a God for each of their needs. In their childlike mind,
they could not conceive one God being capable of all things. As humans evolved, they gained new understanding. With new understanding came new questions.
Many were content with the age-old concept of God and did not question. Many could not ignore the questions. Many lost their faith, for questions without answers breed doubt,

doubt drives us away from God.
Many strived for answers; they would not let doubt drive them away. Abraham was a person like this. Abraham looked to God for the wisdom he so desperately needed. God granted him enlightenment. Abraham
conceived this, as best his primitive mind could, and conveyed it to others. The others of his time, who were as well ready to accept this drastic change, (one all-powerful God)
embraced his new conception of God, and a nation was born. These people grew closer to God than ever before. ` For 3000 years humanity progressed,
we grew more intelligent, more civilized, and more aware. With this new awareness
came new questions.

As before some were able to ignore the questions in the name of faith, and live contented lives, many were not. As the centuries past, the unanswered questions began to drive more people away from God. In many cases, people became more diverse, Abraham's age-old conception of God did not include them. Throughout humankind there was an outcry for new enlightenment, many were ready to take the next step.
God revealed God’self
once again through

The enlightenment
offered by Jesus lead to Christianity.
Christianity has enriched the lives of millions for 2000 years. Jesus brought understanding of, and closeness to, God
to a new level.
Muhammad brought this as well through Islam.

After 2000 years of advancement.
Once again,

we have reached a point in our development where we have grown
more intelligent, more civilized, more aware, and more diverse. We have learned more about ourselves and our universe, our lives than all those who came before us. With our new understanding,
many have become consumed with questions, consumed with doubt. never before has the need for new enlightenment been so great. Never before have so many been driven away from God. It is my belief
that many people like me will not let their doubts drive them away from God,
they are ready for new enlightenment, new understanding, they wait for new answers to quell their doubts and enable them to grow closer to
than ever before.

I am just a man,

no greater or lesser
than any other man.

As far back as I can remember
I have been plagued by an undeniable awareness. An awareness that could not be ignored.
Awareness of the world around me.
Awareness of inconsistencies in what I was told to be true about God, and awareness of what I saw and understood to be true in my life and the lives of those around me. When I asked questions, I was told

to question God,
God has a plan,
I never asked again.
But the questions remained.

I persevered to resolve the questions on my own. I prayed at night for simple understanding to calm my fears, fears that maybe God was not real.
If God was, why didn't God answer?
By the time, I became a man I had observed countless contradictions . Why do bad things happen to good people. If God does not cause the ills of the world, Why does God allow it?
Just to name a few.
By middle age, I was consumed with doubt. Thousands of questions and very few answers. But I continued to persevere. I would lie in bed at night, (by now, I had all but given up on God)
I would just lie in bed and think.
After 45 odd years of desperation,
trying to understand what could not be understood, one night, a night like any other.
God intervened.
As I lay in bed thinking, in an instant 45 years of questions, thousands of questions were answered,


For less than an instant,
I understood all.
Just as quickly,
It was gone.
I lay there in awe, for a long time, and then

drifted off to a peaceful sleep. the next morning
my first thought was
I should have gotten up
and tried to write things down, but it would have been pointless. Where would I begin?
It is impossible to retain so much. All that remained was insight.
I did not go to work.
I sat in my chair and began to write, as best I could,
I felt incompetent.
If I were a smarter man, a better-educated man, I might retain more,
be able to relay more, in a better way. I am not a college graduate,
I have no writing experience
for most of my life
I have made my living as a Machinist, New Revelations
is my meager human attempt
to convey

my conception
of what God revealed to me.
Though my writing may be crude My intentions are selfless and sincere I share it freely and openly
with all those
who are ready to take a step
in understanding
and growing closer to

Most importantly,