Revelations from the Apocalypse - Volume I: Here is Wisdom by Lawrence W. Page II - HTML preview

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Let’s step back and think through that account before continuing. Since the Yahad were a wisdom sect, they possessed great knowledge and were expert at judging the character of individuals. It was their stock in trade as evidenced by the “Community Rule” and “Doctrine of Two Spirits,” among other texts in the Dead Sea Scrolls. On the other hand, Paul was ambitious, greedy, and impetuous to the extent of appearing psychotic. He was also a well-known and proven murderer! His character was before him for any with opened eyes (moral and spiritual understanding) to read like a book. An individual of his character simply could not have survived the strict requirements of apprenticeship, nor could he have passed the intense and continuous scrutiny of the Yahad/Essene masters and others in the community. This whole story about circumcision is merely a convenient lie told after the fact to justify other actions and outcomes. The truth is, that Paul would have been rejected early on because of his character flaws and persistently devious nature. He couldn’t have lasted the full apprenticeship period because his overbearing character flaws would have caused him to be expelled, very early on.

There were a series of confrontations between “Paul/Saul” and his followers and the Saints and their followers. Jacob, who was the Teacher of Righteousness, (a.k.a. the Just One) was eventually killed by Paul and his cohorts. When locals tried to confront Paul and his entourage, their Roman masters promptly intervened to save them. Anyone familiar with the New Testament accounts will see that they differ from my research and recollections and the findings in the books of many other researchers. Anyone who has undertaken honest research of these New Testament claims has noticed that the Gospels and other books tell conflicting stories about the very same events. Furthermore, other historical documents and research have shown that the New Testament is rife with historical and geographic errors among other glaring inconsistencies. Books such as James the Brother of Jesus, The Jesus Puzzle, and others have expertly exposed these errors and inconsistencies in minute detail.

Pivotal aspects of this history have been significantly obfuscated and confounded by the Vatican and Christianity. The killing of The Teacher of Righteousness was not an isolated event. It was an integral part of a joint operation by the Romans, the Priesthood of the Jerusalem Temple, and the founders of Christianity–the so-called “St. Paul” and his cohorts. I was killed and Damascus (Qumran) was assaulted on the very same day as part of a coordinated effort to take by force what they were unable to acquire by guile. The purpose of “Simon/Peter/Paul's” activities were to gather information and to steal materials with which to start their new religion, as well as to earn promised rewards from his Roman backers. Religion was, and still is, a highly profitable venture. Therefore, they viewed the wisdom texts and prophecies of the Yahad/Essene as great treasure, to be taken by whatever means necessary. When they were unable to succeed through guile, they reverted to the more drastic and dramatic tactics of provocation, murder, and conquest.

These events then led directly and immediately to the revolt against Rome and the eventual destruction of Jerusalem, Qumran and Masada. After Simon/Peter/Paul and his co-conspirators murdered Jacob the Just, the Teacher of Righteous (a.k.a. the Messiah), Jerusalem and the surrounding countryside rose-up in revolt. It’s obvious it was a popular revolt because they had enough support to defeat and oust the Romans for years. Rome had to send overwhelming force into Judea to retake the territory. Still, it took Rome several more years to finally defeat them at Masada. Do you suppose if Simon Magus and his crew of liars, thieves and murderers had the support of many of the locals, that the whole region would rise up in revolt against his Roman masters, as the direct result of their actions?

After the destruction and looting of Jerusalem, the Second Temple, and the surrounding area by the Roman Army, materials from Qumran somehow ended up in the hands of the very people who were labeled as traitors and liars and who were proven Roman collaborators and agents. This means that materials that weren’t hidden in the caves were captured and delivered to Simon and his Roman masters. They may also have gone there personally to help locate things of value such as these texts, the knowledge they contained, and the community’s treasury. Either way, Simon and his Roman masters came into possession of booty from the Jerusalem Temple, Qumran, and Masada, after and because they were attacked and plundered by Roman soldiers. Consequently, it becomes obvious that Roman soldiers had specific instructions to locate and return texts and other plunder intact. We can also safely deduce that the Romans knew what to look for and probably where to look. This means they were informed and/or accompanied by spies. We already have the identity of one known spy, liar, traitor, and Roman collaborator who somehow later came into possession of Yahad/Essene texts, which were later rewritten to become the New Testament.

Now I’ll pose another question for you: We are told, in the versions of history that the Vatican has imposed and whitewashed over the centuries, that Roman legions only attacked the locals after the start of the revolt. Also, that there was an intervening period of four years or so. If so, how did they get their hands on the texts used as the model for the New Testament? How did they get their hands on The Apocalypse? We know other texts were successfully archived in caves and remained hidden until 1947. Yet, very few of the later texts that scholars refer to as the “Q” sources for the New Testament are found in the caves. Furthermore, no original version of The Apocalypse has been found. You can clearly deduce from my research, that of others, and the Dead Sea Scrolls that The Apocalypse emanates from Damascus and the Teacher of Righteousness.

Another hidden document cache called the Nag Hammadi Codexes was found in Egypt around the same time as the Dead Sea Scrolls discovery. These documents were supposed to have been destroyed centuries ago, but were instead hidden for the benefit of future generations. Thanks to the soul who understood the true nature and growing evil of the Vatican, we have another extensive library of ancient material that directly contradicts the lies of the New Testament. Among them are some interesting documents attributed to “James.” One of these is called the Apocryphon (secret book) of James and relates the very interesting story that “James” had received visions that were put into a secret book. Furthermore, that this secret book was written in the Hebrew tongue (Aramaic). It’s clear that even these documents suffer from some of the errors propagated about Jesus and the birth of Christianity, but they also contain fragments and allusions to the truth presented in symbolic and allegorical form. This text directly infers that James the Just was the true author of The Apocalypse, which was later Christianized to become the Book of Revelation. Also, that the original (Q) texts were in Aramaic, not Greek. These Gnostic texts, which are in Coptic and apparently translated from Greek (not Aramaic), tell an allegorical story about how other books were also revealed to Peter. Yet, the only book that survives and is of a nature to have spawned such stories is the Book of Revelation. The Apocalypse of Peter, though popular in some quarters, was obviously not of the same quality and symbolic structure as the true Apocalypse. As proven by the Dead Sea Scrolls, there were no personal names used in the original texts, and most especially no Greco-Roman names. They were heavily encoded and symbolic in context and structure and this symbology still remains throughout the New Testament, but presented as literal narratives. It is therefore undeniable that none of the Christian texts are originals and all include European names added by people that were not present where nor when the described events would have occurred. On the other hand, the Gnostic texts appear closer to the source, geographically, doctrinally, and in time, than the New Testament’s so-called “Gospels.” Consequently, the Nag Hammadi Codexes are extremely valuable when trying to reconstruct the truth.

Another striking aspect of some of these texts, such as the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, is the allegorical style and philosophical focus of the narratives. It is well known that a prevalent teaching style of ancient wisdom schools and sages was the use of allegory and parables to pose riddles and stories with a moral foundation. Such stories were designed to encode layers of meaning both as a teaching method and a form of encryption. Symbolism and allegory permeate the canons of all three Faiths of Abraham, which were never meant to be strictly literal in their original form. The Nag Hammadi Codexes were key texts of a Gnostic sect. The Gnostics were less religious and more philosophical in their focus and had much more in common with the Yahad/Essene than with the literalism, ritual, and dogma imposed by the Vatican.

Understanding that many of these texts preceded the New Testament we see today and Rome’s centuries of efforts to skew history and reality, one is left with some undeniable conclusions. First, many of the “actors” in these texts are the same as those in the New Testament. Second, they are often cast in different roles than they are in the New Testament. Third, that Mary Magdalene is a major player in the story line. Fourth, that these texts are undeniably symbolic and heavily allegorical and use some of the same symbolism as The Apocalypse and earlier Hebrew texts. Fifth and most importantly, many of the actors’ roles and characterizations serve to deliver the impression that they are purposely-fanciful constructs merging aspects of philosophical concepts, riddles, and symbolism with the actions of certain groups and factions of the time. It is undeniable that the literalism that characterizes Christianity and Islam is in stark contrast to all the evidence about the true nature of the original texts and the philosophical focus and style of the Yahad/Essene and Gnostics.

A pivotal verse within the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas is shown below from two separate translations.

Gospel of Thomas, Translated by Thomas O. Lambdin
12. The disciples said to Jesus, "We know that you will depart from us. Who is to be our leader?" Jesus said to them, "Wherever you are, you are to go to James the righteous, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being."

Gospel of Thomas, Translated by Stephen Patterson and Marvin Meyer
12. The disciples said to Jesus, "We know that you are going to leave us. Who will be our leader?" Jesus said to them, "No matter where you are you are to go to James the Just, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being."

This verse has been widely interpreted to mean many things. Now that you have access to the truth about Christianity, the Teacher of Righteousness, and more, it becomes obvious that one reason the Gnostics were persecuted for “heresy” is because they knew the truth about the identity of the past and future messiah. If they thought Jesus was the Messiah or even the Messiah to be, why would they have written about “James” the “Just, “for whose sake heaven and earth came into being?” As you can see in this verse, the Gnostics clearly put those words into the mouth of an allegorical Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas. If Jesus is an allegory, then what does that say about Peter and Mary Magdalene and the other so-called apostles? On the other hand, the existence of the Teacher of Righteousness of the Dead Sea Scrolls has been redundantly validated from multiple historical sources. Furthermore, the Apocryphon of James directly infers that James the Just is the true author of The Apocalypse, which directly contradicts Vatican assertions about its authorship by someone named “John.” As you’ll see later in this chapter and elsewhere in this book, the insertions of the names John and Jesus Christ in The Apocalypse are likewise verifiably false.

It is undeniable that the Nag Hammadi Codexes and Dead Sea Scrolls each serve as independent and trustworthy prisms onto the veracity of the Vatican and New Testament. Together, they prove undeniably and verifiably that Christianity, the New Testament, and other Vatican imposed dogma (Judaism and Islam) are blatant lies. No matter how loud and aggressively they may protest and claim otherwise, the truth is self-evident within these carbon-dated artifacts. Also read the book, Secrets of the Code, edited by Dan Burstein, where multiple researchers expertly explore key aspects of the many questions stirred up by the The DaVinci Code, a novel by Dan Brown. The Nag Hammadi texts are available on the Internet in the Gnostic Society Library at, as well as on other sites. Take the time to review these sources after you have completed this book and have a better understanding of the underlying symbolism.

As you delve into the many conflicting accounts, certain things remain constant throughout both Biblical and non-Biblical sources; that is both the stature and historical reality of the Teacher of Righteousness, a.k.a., Jacob (“James”) the Just. It also becomes abundantly clear that none of these symbolic, allegorical, mythical, or falsified characters, including Jesus, Peter, Paul and John ever received the visions that lead to The Apocalypse. Nonetheless, the New Testament goes to great lengths to obfuscate the truth about Jacob the Just, the Teacher of Righteousness, who is the only historically verifiable “apostle.” The most obvious technique is the changing of names, but the book, James the Brother of Jesus by Robert Eisenman, details extensive evidence of meticulous and purposeful fraud and misdirection throughout the New Testament. Furthermore, the founders of Christianity went to great lengths to insert the “Letter To Seven Churches” into the modified Book of Revelation in their efforts to provide a cover story for how and why they came into possession of it and other texts. In direct contradiction, the Apocryphon of James and the Dead Sea Scrolls prove that such texts were closely guarded and symbolically encrypted secrets that would not have been openly distributed. Also, that the originals were in Aramaic and not Greek. These readily verifiable facts, among others, directly contradict the “Letter to Seven Churches” deception along with Christianity’s assertions about the dates, authorship, sources, and purposes of the New Testament and Book of Revelation.

Furthermore, the Epistle of James in the New Testament, though clearly retaining veiled allusions to the truth, was obviously converted from an original wisdom text into a religious document seeming to support of the Jesus fantasy. Pay close attention to how closely the style and certain statements of the “Letter to Seven Churches” match both the Dead Sea Scrolls and Epistle of James. Though it has been extensively reworked, it likewise retains significant similarities to the work of the Teacher of Righteousness. Why would the Vatican and its cohorts go to such great lengths to create so much misdirection and obfuscation? These are not the actions of people dedicated to Truth and Justice. They are unequivocally and undeniably the actions of those with intentions to deceive and monumental and earth-shattering secrets to hide.

One thing that does makes logical sense out of this web of lies and misdirection is that the Romans launched a well-planned assault on the Qumran outpost on the very same day I was killed by the founder(s) of Christianity. This is the only scenario that explains why the so-called Q-source texts, which were currently in use, weren’t successfully hidden. They surely would have been had they had ample warning. Consequently, it is undeniable that there was no four-year interlude between my death and the first assault on Qumran. Afterwards, we see Christianity springing up and using texts derived from Yahad/Essene originals that were taken by force by the enemies of the Community of Damascus and modified by Simon/Paul/Peter and others. Furthermore, even the New Testament contains admissions by “Paul” that he used deception and murder to get what he wanted.

For another striking bit of evidence, there is a very early Christian document called the Didache (Greek for “The Teaching”) that was a handbook or manual of rules for early followers that preceded the New Testament and most other Christian texts. There are many theories about its source, yet there was little corroboration until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Community Rule (a.k.a. the manual of discipline), which include the narrative on the Doctrine of Two Spirits (a.k.a. the Two Ways). The Didache also contains both a section on rules for early Christian communities and a narrative called the Two Ways that is strikingly similar in focus to the Doctrine of Two Spirits. Furthermore, there is another Dead Sea Scroll titled The Two Ways and has the very same topic and focus as the Two Ways in the Didache and the Doctrine of Two Spirits. As you can see throughout this book, “two spirits” and “two ways” symbolize the exact same concept, which is the dualism of good and evil and the two primary “paths” through life. The Old Testament redundantly matches the symbolism of paths and ways in no fewer than 38 verses, depending on the translation compared. This symbolism is also well attested to in all eastern philosophies. Here we have a very early Christian document that closely mirrors the Dead Sea Scrolls Community Rule, the Book of James, and Old Testament wisdom texts and focuses heavily on the concepts of works, karma, and moral dualism. Along with all of the other evidence proving direct links between the Yahad/Essene, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the emergence of Christianity, and the texts of the New Testament, the Didache stands out as unequivocal evidence of the truth. In other words, the canons Christianity are based on stolen Yahad/Essene texts and concepts that were recast to serve the purposes of its Roman founders.

From “Paul’s” own words and a wide range of other accounts and clues, we already know he was a liar and murderer. Yet, the entire religion of Christianity is built upon this man’s virtue and reliability as a truthful witness to a completely fantastic story. He and his cohorts conspired with the Roman occupiers against the Community of Qumran, the home of the Teacher of Righteousness and all the true saints (not apostles). We are told he managed to convince some people that “Jesus appeared to him in a vision. When you finally understand the “Doctrine of Two Spirits” in the Dead Sea Scrolls, you know that the Saints were well versed in this knowledge. It therefore becomes completely unbelievable that any of them would knowingly send a known liar and murderer into the midst of their companions. Especially since “Jesus” supposedly did so as a disembodied soul who was supposedly in “Saul’s” mind. Had this ever truly occurred, he would have known his thoughts and character directly. Additionally, he would have fully understood that such an evil person could not be trusted. Just read the Dead Sea Scrolls and “Doctrine of Two Spirits” to understand the absurdity of this story. You’ll understand it even more as you read through the “Apocalypse Reconstructed” and “Apocalypse Symbol Guide.” The story makes no sense whatsoever except as a ploy to cozy up to the Yahad/Essene as infiltrators and spies. However, it makes the most sense as a complete fantasy told by someone endeavoring to cover their tracks at a later date by deflecting blame to others (read: “the Jews”) for killing the Teacher of Righteousness.

Is there any wonder why it’s so hard to find any independently verifiable material to support any of the most important assertions of the New Testament? Although the Vatican and others claim a first century date of authorship for the books of the New Testament, no one–including the Vatican–can provide any proof of any original documents before the third or fourth century. The “evidence” they do present is no more than unconnected fragments–not a single complete manuscript of any book of the New Testament or any historical proof of any of the assertions and fantastic stories put forth over the centuries. In fact, every artifact and proof text that comes forth from the Vatican and it cohorts is invariably contradicted by verifiable evidence and proven fraudulent. For example, consider the obviously manufactured Shroud of Turin and the more recent Ossuary of James, among thousands of other so-called religious artifacts over the centuries. Where is the truth in such activities?

If you still think the New Testament is the untarnished truth, read The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh. It details how the Vatican’s handpicked scholars struggled to suppress the revolutionary contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls. They actually did so for nearly 40 years until the Israeli government and other scholars ended their shenanigans and made the scrolls publicly available to all in the early 1990’s. Yet another mind-boggling scandal associated with the Vatican! Now ask yourselves; why use such heavy-handed and overtly suspicious tactics to maintain exclusive access and control over the Dead Sea Scrolls if they had nothing to fear or hide? Otherwise, the scrolls were just another archeological discovery related to ancient Judea. They clearly knew the importance of these scrolls shortly after they were discovered, as evidenced by their heavy-handed and clearly desperate actions. We can also confidently infer that they viewed them as a significant threat to the unproven and unverifiable versions of history they have enforced with great ferocity for the last two millennia. I challenge anyone to offer a truly innocent purpose for such reprehensible behavior. If their stories were the truth, there would be no need to enforce them because it would be simple enough to just prove them. But Christian Rome and the Vatican never submitted themselves to the crucibles of proof and truth. They instead deceived, killed, tortured, and terrorized to establish and maintain religious and historical dogma. After two millennia of such blatant evil, how is it possible for anyone anywhere to still view this institution as a true representative of a compassionate Creator? How can anyone legitimately separate the evil that established, shaped, and brutally imposed Christianity from the texts created by Christian Rome or the wealth and influence gained through such long-term and abominable evil? The great wealth and influence of the Vatican and Christianity was gained through abominable levels of deception and injustice, including genocide and widespread destruction in every conquered and colonized territory.

The original Apocalypse was created years before the fall of Jerusalem, Qumran and Masada. Much of the New Testament is literature plundered from the Yahad/Essene at Qumran and elsewhere. They later rewrote it to serve the purpose of legitimizing and reinforcing the new Roman fantasy (Strong Delusion) that became known as Christianity. Understanding this, you can read the New Testament and clearly see that they relied heavily on millennia-old Hebrew symbology from documents containing prophecy, doctrine, and wisdom, and then fraudulently spun, recast, and presented it literally and incorrectly. They purposely constructed a convoluted fantasy based on misrepresented doctrine, parable, prophecy, and deceptive versions of history.

They might have succeeded at their deceptions were it not for the Book of Revelation, Dead Sea Scrolls, The Nag Hammadi Codexes, and the work of thousands of researchers and seekers after the truth. The early Christian leadership and their Roman masters simply could not resist the spectacular and engaging imagery of The Apocalypse. Their greed and arrogance prevented them from understanding the true nature and ultimate purpose of the document. Nor could they foresee that most people of the future would be educated and have computers to help unravel their deceptions.

To fully appreciate why the Romans would expend such extensive effort to steal from one religion to create another you need to understand some key facts about the ancient world. Since the dawn of civilization, those who controlled secret knowledge had power over others could control whole populations. By the time nation-states appeared, the use of gods, religions, secret societies, and hidden knowledge were a vital tool of governance. Most ancient people were relatively uneducated. Higher education was reserved for the ruling and religious classes. Most ancient civilizations used religion and mystery to control their populations. They created and enforced them to ensure loyalty and to control the viewpoints, realties, and expectations of their subjects. Rome was no different, except that it was sitting on top of thousands of years of skill and experience at this most important and ancient tool of governance. When Rome encountered the Yahad/Essene and saw their fierce and unwavering devotion to a single, omnipotent god and saw the rich body of literature, wisdom and customs, they acted like any other greedy person or empire that had just struck the mother lode.

The other crucial fact most people haven’t understood is that since the days of Babylon, the Priesthood has controlled money and banking, and temples served as banks. So, from the earliest moment of civilization until today, control of religion gave you control of people and great riches because you also had control over the institutions of money. You didn’t just make money from religion, but religion gave you control over the very institution of money itself. This is a glimpse at the structure and nature of Mystery Babylon, which I cover in more detail later.

It was clear the truth was about to die and the Romans would soon win. Understanding the unbridled greed and arrogance of the Roman Empire, The Apocalypse was constructed to survive the next two millennia. It would also serve as a poison pill and a trap for the Priesthood of Belial and the Roman Empire. The Yahad/Essene were seekers of wisdom and revealers of mysteries and were said to have the ability to see and influence the future. They were also accomplished riddlers who, with the help of the Creator, constructed a masterfully encoded (sealed) prophecy and wisdom text. Its imagery was so engaging and transfixing that the greedy Roman/Christian leadership would be unable to resist it as they struggled to create a body of literature to attract and delude religious converts. Little did they understand that they were popularizing and passing down through history undeniable proof of their treachery and proof that they had conspired to deceive and subjugate the entire world.

Since the Dead Sea Scrolls are the archives and remnants of the Qumran library, there’s much more verifiable material from the Yahad/Essene than we have from early Christianity for the next 300 years or more. Furthermore, the parallels between the Yahad/Essene and Christianity–including historical proof of the linkage–and the blatant use of Yahad/Essene texts and symbolism in the New Testament and elsewhere prove the connections. Consequently, we can use the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Old Testament as reliable and verifiable prisms to closely inspect the contents, context and veracity of the Book of Revelation and the New Testament.

Continuing with that thought, I ask you: Why was it necessary for the inventors of Christianity to change the names of all of the key players in the early history, as well as use great evil for the last two millennia to enforce their modified versions of history? Since we all know these were firstcentury Hebrews, why did they feel it was necessary to give the apostles (fantasy saints) GrecoRoman names? If they truly revered these people and if they truly believed the materials in the New Testament, why didn’t they keep their real names? Why don’t names like Paul, Peter, Jesus, Christ, Mary, etc. appear anywhere in the Hebrew texts, except in one Catholic-inspired translation? The simple answer is that primary purposes of the new re