Revelations from the Apocalypse - Volume I: Here is Wisdom by Lawrence W. Page II - HTML preview

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To reiterate the above definitions, the quality of your life and the nature of events on your future timeline are directly affected by how your deeds effect the lives of others. This general concept is well known and has been debated for millennia. The key information missing from these debates though has been exactly which behaviors have an effect on one’s future and how. Most people have understood, even if only vaguely so, that things such as murder, rape, violence and other forms of injustice would effect one’s future in some fashion. The major debate has been how, when, and why–whether God (or the devil) would punish you in the “afterlife” or whether your punishments would occur in this lifetime or in subsequent lifetimes.

For millennia, religions and philosophers have haggled over the cause of good and bad outcomes in life–whether karma and the universe were an automatic source of these phenomena, or whether the Creator or other entities were directly involved. Now you have the key to understanding that karma is an integral feature of this universe and how your actions effect it. The eastern philosophies and ancient Hebrew texts were much closer to the truth than Christianity, Judaism, or Islam on this topic. Just like many other phenomena in this universe, this question could have been answered long before now. But the existence of religion, and especially the activities and false doctrines of all three Faiths of Abraham, have prevented any serious progress on this most pivotal of questions. Not only has religion greatly confused and obfuscated spiritual wisdom, they have tainted the whole concept to such an extent that many intelligent people shy away from the topic altogether. This serves as a prime example of the dangers of dogma, false doctrine, ignorance, and the widespread reliance on faith and belief. It also highlights the importance of searching for the unequivocal truth, and striving to discern and apply wisdom.

S t r u c t u r al f e at u r e s an d t h e w i s dom t h e y r e pr e s e n t

The “Doctrine of Two Spirits” outline is more than a simple listing of the characters of good and evil. There are multiple structural features and symbolism embodied in its outline, which are directly supported by The Apocalypse and other wisdom texts. The most obvious feature is the detailed description of moral dualism and how it relates to karma, as already described.

As described above and elsewhere throughout this book, the two tables of the “Doctrine of Two
Spirits” represent a detailed enumeration of moral dualism. That is the first and most obvious
meaning of the two spirits of good and evil. Dualism and the “Doctrine of Two Spirits” are
redundantly modeled and symbolized in The Apocalypse’s narrative by several groups of seven symbols. Also, the juxtaposition of material and spiritual themes models the dualism between the opposing polarities of spirituality and materialism. Hence, multiple symbolic images of good and evil, and negative and positive synchronize with the “Doctrine of Two Spirits” to “flesh out” this pivotal wisdom.

Simplified Two Spirits Outline
Following is a simplified view of the Two Spirits outline. The first characteristics of each primary
spirit are listed. This abbreviated view is the basis for referencing the individual spirits by the first
item on each line. You can see why the Spirit of Good is referred to as the “path of Truth and Justice”
and the Spirit of Evil is referred to as the “path of greed, falsehood, and injustice.”

T h e P a t h of T r u t h an d Ju s t i c e Truth

Two Tables of Stone Early on, as I struggled to unravel the mysteries associated with The Apocalypse, the Dead Sea
and other Hebrew texts, it became profoundly obvious that the symbolism of Genesis,
Exodus, and other Old Testament books directly matched that of The Apocalypse, Isaiah, the Dead
Sea Scrolls
, and many others. However, even more enlightening was verification that much of what
has been called law and history are clearly and undeniably heavily symbolic narratives interspersed
with purely literal material (interpolations). After struggling to verify the truth about The Apocalypse
and the New Testament, it was clear that the same type of modifications had occurred in antiquity to
the texts that became the Tanakh and Torah. Once you truly understand ancient Hebrew symbolism,
it is undeniable that the Old Testament consists of original symbolic wisdom narratives that were later
modified by priests and scribes, precisely as the prophets and others have long asserted. One of the more astounding revelations flowing from this discovery was the true nature of the
stories of the Hebrew exodus from Egypt and the Ten Commandments. Here we have heavily
symbolic narratives that speak of Moses acquiring wisdom from the Creator atop a cloud covered
mountain and other aspects of the Exodus, that then diverge to purely literal descriptions of the socalled Ten Commandments. Upon scrutiny, you find that those commandments are incomplete and
far from perfection. In fact, they appear less like wisdom than the dictates of deceptive human priests.
They most certainly don’t display the best work of a sage and are certainly not the wisdom of an
omnipotent and all wise Creator. Additionally, stories like Noah and the flood have undoubtedly been
influenced by Babylonian traditions that were merged with symbolic wisdom narratives to produce
the perplexing texts that we see today.
As I continued to make progress with The Apocalypse’s symbology, many of these conclusions
were greatly strengthened. For example, the symbolism of pillars, mountains, clouds, fire, waters,
seas, and stone are all present in these stories and, when translated, fit the context of the stories
perfectly. That led to the understanding that the “two tables of stone” did not match the literal nature
of the Ten Commandments. Furthermore, books like Zechariah and Daniel describe symbolic
representations of stone. Another prime example are the Seven Pillars that are “hewn” by the
feminine wisdom in Proverbs, as shown below.

T h e P a t h of G r e e d , F a l s e h ood & I n j u s t i c e Greed

Proverbs 9:1
Wisdom has built Her house, She has hewn out Her seven pillars.

Calling wisdom by the pronouns “Her” and “She” and then describing the feminine wisdom hewing pillars is an undeniably symbolic statement linking wisdom to symbolic stone. When describing Moses acquiring wisdom atop a cloud-covered mountain, which is then described as two tables of stone, it is undeniable that the original texts symbolized foundational wisdom as stone. What’s more, the number seven is repeatedly linked to wisdom and symbolic stone in multiple books. Conversely, the Ten Commandments are shown twice, in a completely literal and clumsy manner that does not convey wisdom, but instead more like two traditions merged in a political accommodation. Furthermore, the Ten Commandments have been presented to us as if they were literally written on literal stone by the literal finger of God. This is a blatant misrepresentation and misinterpretation of obvious symbolism. The Creator of the universe has no body, consequently She had no literal finger. Therefore, the story of two stone tablets is false, as is interpreting that they were in a literal ark.

Likewise, symbolic horns in The Apocalypse are aspects of the Seven Spirits of God (the Lamb’s seven horns, Seven Trumpets (shofar), and four horns of the golden altar). Also, the concepts of freedom and democracy are on the “head” of the beast with “two horns like a lamb,” that speaks as a dragon. This left no doubt that the ten horns of these dragons and beasts were also symbolizing conceptual authority and not the nations of Europe as many had incorrectly concluded. The interpretation of ten nations simply can not be supported by the facts of history and the Roman Empire’s territory during the referenced times. That led to the only pivotal group of ten authoritative concepts that could fit the interpretation of the related text and match the context of other symbolic horns and associated historical facts. The only ten authoritative concepts that link ancient Israel, Babylon, Rome, and Christianity are the Ten Commandments. Furthermore, since the ten horns are attached to the head of the Babylonian dragon, it was undeniable that these texts redundantly say that the Ten Commandments emanated from ancient Babylonian thought and not from “God,” as asserted by religious and political leaders.

To better understand this, read the following definitions in the “Apocalypse Symbol Guide.”

Two Tables (of stone/testimony) Ten Commandments
Ten Crowns
Ten Horns
Ten Kings
Three Kings

The two stone tables of Moses, the stone with seven eyes from Zechariah, the seven pillars of wisdom from Proverbs, and the seven eyes, seven horns, and seven golden candlesticks from The Apocalypse are therefore referring directly to the foundational wisdom of the Doctrine of Two Spirits. More directly though, they refer to the Seven Spirits of God. They are symbolizing the knowledge of good and evil shown in the two outlines (tables) above, which are ancient philosophical cornerstones and foundational and defining gems of wisdom. They are also the core and defining concept of the Philosophers’ Stone of Melchizedek.

Seven Heads and Seven Mountains
The Apocalypse uses the symbolism of seven heads and seven mountains to deliver pivotal
wisdom about the Vatican, its mindset, and the nature of its empire and religions. The seven heads symbolize the dual opposite of the Seven Spirits of God. They are seven physical and material mindsets, hence the Seven Spirits of Evil. Then it says that the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. Translated, this tells us multiple things. First that the woman (harlot), which is Christianity, has her seat of power (sits) in Rome, which is well known as the city on seven hills. Next, it refers to the seven hills as the seven mountains, which refers also to the pillars of the Papacy’s image of heaven, as well as the knowledge and wisdom by which the Vatican rules. This stands in stark contrast to the Seven Spirits of God and makes it clear that Christianity is a thing of greedy, ignorant, arrogant, and unjust leaders, regardless of the lies they have always told about their relationship to the Creator, among other things.

Seven Thunders, Seven Trumpets, Seven Vials, Seven Seals, and God’s Judgments The Dead Sea Scroll, 11Q13, states that Melchizedek will be the one to deliver God’s judgments
of humanity and its institutions. This is also repeatedly borne out in the symbolism of The
and the Old Testament prophecies. The symbolized seven stars in my right hand, serve to
deliver truth and wisdom concerning the previous age or six cycles, and now, the start of the seventh
cycle. The seven angels that are symbolized delivering various groups of seven other symbols are the
wisdom of these pivotal seven cycles that propel the additional wisdom of the Doctrine of Two
Spirits, the unsealed Apocalypse, the Philosophers’ Stone, and the truth and justice they deliver. The
seven trumpets symbolize seven commands, commandments and/or calls to action, which are the
inspirations of the Seven Spirits of God. The seven thunders and the seven vials of odors are seven
judgments against the Seven Spirits of Evil that serve to turn humanity against money, religion,
politics, and the Seven Spirits of Evil and those who rule using them.

To better understand this, read the following definitions in the “Apocalypse Symbol Guide.”

Seal of God
Seal of the living God Seven Seals
Solomon’s Seal
Seven Pillars

Understanding the above, you can clearly understand that the Doctrine of Two Spirits clearly enumerates the long-prophesied judgments. Now you can also understand that, true to the ancient prophecies, I am now following through on the Creator’s ancient warnings and promises to humanity. Read the verses below to see that the seven seals, trumpets, and thunders are directly related:

Revelation 5:1
And I
saw within the right hand of She that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed within seven seals.

Revelation 5:5
And one of the
elders said unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

Revelation 6:1 (reconstructed)
And I
saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the voice of thunder, one of the four creatures saying, Come and see.

Revelation 7:2
And I
saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,

Revelation 7:3
Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God within their foreheads.

Revelation 8:1 (reconstructed)
And when he had
opened the seventh seal, there was silence within heaven about the space of half a day.

Revelation 8:2
And I
saw the seven angels, which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.

The seven seals are the wisdom of the Seven Spirits of God, by which The Apocalypse was encoded and upon which its symbology and doctrine are founded and directly support. The revealing of them as the Seven Spirits of God and as the basis for the Creator’s commands, inspirations, and judgments will result in great changes for humanity and our entire civilization, as redundantly symbolized throughout The Apocalypse and other Hebrew prophecies.

The Name and Temple of God
As described elsewhere, the Seven Spirits of God are the same as the seven seals and the Seal of
God. This directly matches the pattern of referring to a singular Spirit of Good and to the Seven
Spirits of God. They are also symbolized as the “name” of “God.” You’ve all seen and heard the
different descriptions of our Creator’s supposed physical names put forth by all three Faiths of
Abraham. It is clear that someone is wrong about these assertions since they can’t all be correct.
Furthermore, since our Creator exists outside of this universe, all assertions that God has a single,
sacred, or any other physical universe name (or body) are complete folly and foolishness. As
repeatedly proven, the original wisdom texts were wholly symbolic; hence, the “name” of God must
also be symbolism for something non-physical and specifically associated with wisdom symbolism.
Therefore, there can be no literal name for the Creator only descriptions and titles, and all such
assertions are false doctrine invoking false images and, consequently, false gods.

To better understand this, read the following definitions in the “Apocalypse Symbol Guide.”

God’s Name
God’s name written in their foreheads Her Tabernacle
Her Temple
Solomon’s Temple
God’s Altar
Golden Altar
God’s Throne

One of the most important understandings to flow from ancient wisdom symbolism is that nothing in this universe is holy or sacred. Consequently, the very concept of a physical temple and the cult of animal sacrifices are complete ignorance and folly. God’s Temple cannot be physical since God is not physical. Therefore, the symbolism of a temple must refer to spiritual concepts related to wisdom.

The very same ignorance that led to the building of physical temples also surrounds the concept of Solomon’s temple, which is the very same symbolism as God’s Temple.


To better understand this, read the following definitions in the “Apocalypse Symbol Guide.”

Seven Golden Candlesticks Seven Pillars
Two Candlesticks
Two Pillars

As you should understand now, the long-awaited temple is symbolism for the wisdom of the Seven Spirits of God and has nothing to do with any religion. In fact, religion is part of the understanding of the “abomination that makes desolate” and is a primary reason why physical temples suffer eventual destruction. They always become centers of bad karma due to the ignorance, arrogance, and great deception that is inherent in and unavoidable with religion and wealth.

More Measurements of the Temple

The first item on each line of the Doctrine of Two Spirits is the primary characteristic by which that “spirit” is “named.” Accordingly, you have the spirits of truth, wisdom, humility, self-sacrifice, and so on. Others on the same line flow from and expand the understanding of the first. Hence, Truth leads to both enlightenment and perfection, wisdom leads to understanding and greater ability, virtue is a by-product of self-sacrifice, justice leads to peace, falsehood leads to fraud, fear is the product of ignorance, arrogance leads to vanity and indifference, and so forth.

The Doctrine of Two Spirits outline demonstrates the flows and relationships of primary characteristics. The first spirit on each line leads to and is a prerequisite of the last characteristic. Also, notice how the items on the outsides and centers of each outline are in bold. These demonstrate a different though related grouping of characters. The outer left shows the primaries, which lead to the outer or right hand listing, which are the results. The center is then displaying behaviors central to that spirit. The central characteristic therefore displays the pivotal activity and primary image of that spirit. Likewise, the four corners of each spirit display the bi-directional flows; hence, truth leads to peace, perfection leads to justice, greed leads to enslavement, and wealth leads to injustice, and viceversa. Notice that these diagonal flows create an “X” that intersects at the central characteristic of each spirit, hence at either righteousness or vanity.

Each spirit also revolves around and emanates its central characteristic. Righteousness is the central characteristic of Good, and thereby emanates through and embodies them all. Vanity is the central characteristic of evil, and thereby emanates through and embodies them all. This is clearly symbolized by the seven golden candlesticks and their seven lamps of fire. Fire symbolizes righteousness, which is the zeal for truth and justice. The Apocalypse and the book of Zechariah clearly symbolize that the inspiration of righteousness emanates from all seven of the spirits of good. Therefore, the characteristic of righteousness is at the center of the fourth and central spirit.

To better understand this, read the following definitions in the “Apocalypse Symbol Guide.”


Fire of the Altar

Conversely, the characteristic of vanity is at the center of the fourth and central spirit of evil, which is arrogance. Hence, all the behaviors of evil are vanity, which is the opposite of self-sacrifice. This directly supports the repeated statements within the Book of Ecclesiastes symbolizing that all is vanity under the sun. This directly alludes to the symbolism of the Earth and that its works are all vanity. Since the Seven Spirits of Evil are directly equated with the symbolism of the Earth, vanity is shown as the central and common characteristic that emanates from all the related behaviors symbolically associated with the Earth, hence under the sun. The Sun symbolizes Truth and Justice and the Archangel or Messiah, who is symbolized standing upon the Earth and the Sea.

Another primary feature of the outline delivers pivotal wisdom about dualism. Each primary spirit displays a grouping of kindred spirits. For example, greed and injustice are inseparable and one is guaranteed when the other is present. Likewise, all the spirits of evil emanate vanity, and all display aspects of greed, arrogance, etc. Conversely, all the spirits of good emanate righteousness and are founded on truth, compassion, justice, etc.

Another key understanding is that behaviors within each spirit are incompatible with those of the other spirit. They also give rise to others of the same grouping. Hence, the presence of any aspect of evil will cause more evil, and the presence of any aspect of good, will cultivate more good. That’s why the prevalence of money, religion, and politics creates such horrendous results, and why it is so hard to end suffering and despair. This is a major understanding of the symbolism of the sea, as shown below:

To better understand this, read the following definitions in the “Apocalypse Symbol Guide.”

Sea of Glass
Reed Sea
Sand of the Sea

Founding a civilization on central aspects of the Seven Spirits of Evil guarantees the continued presence and prevalence of both evil and bad karma. Since this is a cyclic reality, the entire planet becomes stuck on a dwindling spiral of greed and injustice (iniquity and wickedness) and the results of the bad karma that flows from them. This is one of the aspects of the bottomless pit symbolism. As you can see from this wisdom, the only way to reduce the great struggles, despair, and suffering of humanity is to eliminate their root causes in human activity, society and institutions. It is likewise crucial to educate individuals about the true and terrible cost of the great errors of the past and thereby help everyone to grow wiser and by learning how and why to stop harming themselves and others.

Cleansing the collective consciousness

A foundational aspect of this universe is the fact that it is thought based. Our realities are formed from points of agreement and other reinforced patterns. I’ll cover this in more detail in Chapter 5. It is important to understand that reality is the byproduct of agreements and patterns within collective inspirations and thoughts that we then perceive as physical and solid. Therefore, the nature and quality of reality is ultimately susceptible to the nature and quality of the patterns within our collective thoughts and inspirations. Once you truly understand this wisdom, it becomes clear that things such as religion and other mass delusions have a dramatic impact on the quality of life for everyone, not just for those who embrace the delusions. This self-evident fact can be demonstrated on multiple levels. When you mix religious delusions with money and politics, the nature and quality of reality is negatively skewed and everyone is forced to struggle through an existence that is a true purgatory to those trapped in it.

Life need not be so hard or ruled by so much fear, despair, greed and injustice. One of the most effective things we can do collectively is to change the inspirations and resulting thought patterns that permeate the collective consciousness and awareness of humanity. This can only be done by raising the level of humanity’s collective wisdom so everyone finally learns the vital importance of living lives based on the wisdom presented by the Seven Spirits of God and Doctrine of Two Spirits. Ending the existence of money, politics, and religion is the single most effective step we must take. Beyond the immediate effects of simplifying the physical and material aspects of life, it will also greatly lower the general level of fear, despair, struggle, and suffering, thereby increasing everyone’s ability to think and perceive clearer and to forge a dramatically more positive and rewarding existence.

This is the key to creating a true paradise and initiating the long-awaited new age for humanity. Eliminating money, religion, politics, and the dramatically negative and difficult existences they cause, will have great benefits beyond simply improving the mundane requirements of a safe, just, and comfortable life for everyone. Currently, humanity is burdened to such an extent that most of our thoughts and energies are wasted enriching scoundrels and struggling to survive. Once those problems are a thing of the past, many of the great horizons that many have dreamed of can become realities. What’s more, we’ll have the freedom to create new futures without wars, crime, pollution, and other negative realities that currently bedevil us. We’ll have the freedom to explore new realms of thought and existence that are simply not available to us when bogged down with intellects restricted by a poisoned and polluted collective consciousness, bad karma, and perceptions focused solely on false doctrine and material concerns.

To better understand this, read the following definitions in the “Apocalypse Symbol Guide.”

Fountains of Living Waters Fountains of Waters

The Apocalypse purposely models and symbolizes the eleven dimensions theorized by string theory and the concept of the holographic universe and shows the direct link between thought, wisdom, and our ability to shape a much different reality. This negative illusion, which has been imposed on us by the scoundrels that have ruled this planet for ages, is not the only possible reality. I cover this in detail in the next chapter, “Understanding The Apocalypse.” For a better understanding of more of the science that supports the philosophy and wisdom I describe, read the books listed below. For a shorter discussion about the topics of these books, read the article “River of Truth: Lifework of David Bohm” listed in Appendix I. Also, Google the following topics on the web: holographic universe, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, The Elegant Universe, string theory, and eleven dimensions. Also, check the following books and other links and in Appendix I and on my web site(s