Satanic Poems 1-310 by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Freedom to treat ones body as they wish to

Freedom to be among ones own kind, ability to enter into the same

Ability to create their own rules in such a place, with a signature that contracts it

Rights for the responsible being more greatly honored

Freedom to more freely rule over one’s house.

And above all: freedom to do anything that does not harm another.



The Satanic Churches are like unto a light in the darkness

Rings a gong, not a bell

Has black metal like woodwinds filling its air

The metal guitar as well

Is a place of greatly invested idols

A place to commune with Hell

Where Demonic Magic is taught

Satanic philosophy as well

A place for demons and Satanic saints

Tithes of money, also material things

Place of a feast and adult interests

And certainly paying homage and praise to Satan

Is the perfect place for Halloween

And to absorb the darkness of the Satanic forces

Is not at all like a Church of Jesus

And that is the starting of its design.



Curse them that curse us

Spit on them that spit on us

Strike them that strike us

Take from them that take from us

Whatever it is they do

Two eyes for one

With that we can strike them with venom

These that mishandled rabbits find in us a far worse opponent

Because we do not live on conventional rules handed down by Christians

We will slip from their grasp, turn, and strike them

We will bear the flag that tells them

Don’t tread on me!



The Devil's workers work hard and constantly

Peering into the greater knowledge of things

Bringing forth his Kingdom slowly but surely, in fact perfectly

They are comprised of the scientists and inventors

They are working toward His Paradise

Whether they are atheists or Satanists, they serve his purpose

And soon we will have found a paradise within a home

A place we would never need to leave

While drones and AI driven vehicles deliver us things

And food created in some sort of electronic fashion

To be guarded by force shields and much more

-AI cameras, androids,

Robotic and androids doing our work, every last bit of it

Science extending our lives

Creative powers far stronger

Solid holograms to visit others with

The procurement of great entertainment-

A home theater in ones room, taking us away from those city based

And energy so cheap and abundant as to be free

These are what Satan's Coming Kingdom are made of

And I guarantee you: the days of Christ’s coming will never be.



Details are a pit of no ends

Forever spiraling downwards into Hell,

Yet lower still

The bottom most rung occupied by the vile in their sins

The people lost in pride over simplistic, not so meaningful things

The unholy spirit dwells within

As with the painter that never finishes

Art and drawings poured into endlessly

Or to split a split hair looking for another, another still

Hard work that doesn’t stop, whose pace never slows down

The inability to stop inspiration, seeking to be equal with its things

A never ending budget, with a thousand little papers shred

Never finishing a letter, rarely having one sent

Going over and again a thing you said

Personally within that pride deepens itself into loss

Over some sort of simply said thing

Let me invite you into a way out:

Be simple speaking, just as quick to forget as your listener

Let your future person exist

Not having thoroughly laid out its course

Having decided that today, tomorrow is too far away,

To really tell what will prevail.



Was in my youth thought life to be forever

But how wrong I’ve come to find

That death was never far behind

No challenges to it can be made

We were made to die in just a short time

So day by day I create

To at least leave something behind

But for me my children are not organisms

But what I write

Tomorrow I may have cancer

But at least I’d know what comes hereafter

Should I drag my own life along

Or lift from it all brevity, all weight,

Casting my worries behind?

I know that in but an instant I can be gone forever

But at least the universe had offered its secrets

And I am as one quite sure

Death is not the final word.



God and Satan do not play by the rule

That blame can free you

The Devil will readily give you

Those tools you need to destroy

And as such to curse with black magic

Unwarrantedly so,

Is to put yourself into judgement

Their choices are their own

Their ways already decided

Not a thing that Satan has confided

Has forced them to devise a tool

Used to slaughter in his name

But humans haven’t the power

To enact on him the smallest punishment

According to their blame

As among humans should be the same:

One cannot put their own evil

Into a others person’s blame.



I do believe in China

That a person should be ranked

That the good person goes much further,

And with greater freedom compared to the harmful

That the steps of one acting harmfully

Should have their goings halted

While those that work toward a better society

May roam freely about

But I also believe that every person

Should have their own kind of place

As the others and them would dictate

Would form there their own rules

And that kinds of people are different and many

That each truly have their own place

The closest thing some sorts have is prison

Which is for them an idea place

As much as a large city could separate and house them

The same effect is made- only less costly

And if they are sent to prison,

Send them to that city, and keep them from roaming freely

By judgment determine where a person belongs,

And send them to the place according to their needs,

Whether their needs are clean or unclean

And as such remove the pure from the impure

Or else the good people of the earth will remain poisoned by them.



The Christian moves in the day

The Satanist moves in the following night

The Christians are lost to intangible things

For us the earth provides a great force and many tools

Tools we have mastered, a world we know far better

The Christian is easy to sum up

Having nothing more than mindless devotion to their God

While we are highly complex and misunderstood so conveniently

As black hooded foul speakers against God

We have not been without our celebration

Have been founded on a wisdom great

Taught every truly good way

Have excelled at times, are of those type richest,

Of those of the greatest Earthly success

Well dressed not for a spirit above

But well dressed by life itself

Having come to know our enemies well and contend against them

And competitively fight for the greater things in life

As sports people truly talented

Where the Christian never is, neither a competitor or audience person

Just as those whose lofty thinking has drifted them far away, all of their living days.



Satan has cleared the way in time

Slowly but ever so more truly

A new society has been born out of the ashes of Christianity

A place where we don’t want to even hear that word

A history of it he painted in blood

And all guilt built up spilling into an anti Christian flood

Whose fearsome ways are no more

With which great freedom was made

In a time out of doubt

Out of silly human pondering

As to a reasonable question, but not one answered

Of where we shall go, where we came from

The higher class represent Satan on TV,

If even without name

But there will come a time

When the Devil will come to receive credit

After the old ways are completely washed away.



Satan does not ask for fasting

Does not ask for rigorous spiritual ways

Does not call on the rejection of the world

Will not have self sacrifice established

Rather expects productive behavior

Orderliness, uniqueness, liberty,

Worldliness, and the enjoyment of life in good harmony

He is a strong contender against joyless life

Will bring life into being exceptional rather than empty

Represents the fullness of life in all fatness

Hasn’t a head in the clouds

Stands grounded, two feet standing tall

Standing strong, swiftly going to pleasure

Departing from the miserable,

Acting to make the world a better place.



All democratic lands lead to his design

Every place of freedom, every land of liberty

Finds him, brings him forth

Ages upon ages can pass where people are repressed

But the hour when people revolt,

Finding refuge in a new land,

Getting together to establish freedom,

They have started a process of creating a Satanic nation

People prefer the arcane

Without Satan freedom does not reach its full potential,

Full goodness, as it stretches forth into the acceptably forbidden

Free minds may then may speak and act

When music is free, when entertainment is not restricted in its form

Satan is found there dancing

Like a flood his things emerge,

Not in a lot of time either,

Within a few decades, even less, The Devil begins to take form

But whatever a dictator would forbid

Is largely The Satanic

And not until the dictator is removed

Is Satan seen coming about in full form

Coming to be looked onto, brought into reality,

Formed from what people creatively work on,

And as such Satan is the true symbol of liberty and freedom.



America was founded to form The Devil's New Earth

It began with a simple but powerful idea

To hand things like religious freedom to its inhabitants

As well, of speech, press, etc.,

It is the mixed pot where experiments operate freely

The right recipe, the voice of the people truly heard

The Devil's books and Churches allowed to come to be

All forms of entertainment as well, like movies and games

Stored into internet, being unfathomably better than The Book of God

As the internet is his Bible, for his Angels, for Satanists

These to follow after his design

A place forming his Kingdom

The (Devil's) New World,

The Kingdom of God is planted in Israel

On the outside are dogs, Sorcerers, the wicked, The Devil's Own

But if we live fairly, if we are peacekeepers doing no harm

Then we shall be allowed to eat from the “tree of life,”

And will live forever for as long as that is so

But if we have done evil, those doors will be closed.



They’ve plopped me down softly to calm me

They’ve assured me they were there

They’ve revealed themselves to me

They’ve appeared out of thin air

It took a lot of work and time

Endless devotion, refusal at life otherwise

How so very much I sought them

And they came into my life

They taught me, so I could teach

They’ve walk with me, showing where they stand

They’ve lead me into a better life

They were with me in hard times

They become my best friends

They have even saved my life more than once

And I know them in truth

I offer that truth to my readers

Of how they truly are, what they truly do,

Where they really are and where it all goes to

The Devil was with me since early youth

And I’ve grown to teach things accordingly

I am a Messenger formed from Satan

His spokesperson in full.



He is the sum of perfection

He is subtle, crafty, perfectly deceptive,

Persuasive, high in intellect,

Boldly rebellious, powerful and strong

He lifts the common man to greater heights

Embodies progress, evolving humanity

The right-maker, bringer of justice,

Lover of gems, of diamonds,

Excellently dressed, high class,

Prince of the world itself, and angel bearing light

Is elegantly iniquitous, evoking more pleasurable things

Is The Lion of Earth, the Earthly Star From Heaven

The Great Dragon who quakes the Earth

The spirit hidden, the individualist

He who offers us great wisdom to those he would console

Leading us unto pleasure and Greater Earth things

Triumphant in the end, due to sin.



He is the beginner of a great new thing

He is the bringer of knowledge for them that would create for him

He is true inspiration

A sure way to create an awe inspiring thing

Is the basis of exceptional designs

The bringer of the way leading to wealth and fame

A teacher to those who would pursue such things

One who guides you into creating the best of things

He is the foundation of evolution

Taking one thing, making it better and different

Giving to it a thing that stands apart and acknowledged as such

The remedy for lack of understanding

Who knows when should be called forth,

The right time and place for a thing to be born

And who is to Father/Mother it but the best appointed

As he called forth to do so when the time is right

Possibly never for those who haven’t come to a good enough understanding beforehand

And as a result a poorly born thing or worse, dead on arrival

So think fully into what you would create

Worship Satan, contemplate, and ask for wisdom for what you would venture into.



The basis of Satanism is the darker thing

Darker elements present themselves better,

Are more attractive, more compelling

The violent twist for example, great destruction,

More somber tones, more wicked ones,

More wicked sounds, more wicked notes

The forbidden fruit, the thing laced with adultliness,

The greatest villain, as one most mimicked

And truth stands with truth as “the proof is in the pudding,”

What makes a thing succeed is not so much the matter

The only thing that does is it succeeds through you, too

The nature of Satan and Satanic Forces present in your created things,

Is certainly the best route.



The smallest good thing magnify

Enhance good things through sorcery

Establish a strong hold

Temper out the dross and be silvery

A thing of your own creation

A sharpness others will never find

Go forth powerful in the world

Partake in its excellence and be transformed into things forbidden

Cast out all ornery self doubt

Build up a wall between you and your detractors

Have those in your “safe place" surrender to your rules

Let of every person be a castle that can't be transgressed

Be not self punishing, only self correcting as towards evolution

Make of harmful thoughts things that just float away

Be double hard on those that would “teach you to teach yourself,”

For they are the true deceivers

The true deceiver will have you degrade yourself,

Wallow in shame, remorse, and guilt

As some sort of Christian or Christian remnant on Earth

Be aware of the subtle ways they do this to you,

Remaining with your own mastery in thoughts

That temple in the brain not rummaged, not pilfered,

Remaining strong, beautiful, and steadfast instead

Remove from your company any who would interfere with that.



Satan be magnified in all places

Be spoken well of, exonerated,

Worshipped in full, appreciated,

Not demonized nor blamed

Not represented by dubious things

Not the actor of evil but of progress

Not Man's enemy but His evolver

And come at last his presence in more Churches,

Better Churches, Greater Churches

Not an object of ridicule but one defended

From whom is known true enlightenment,

From whom is shown intelligence and individuality

The bringer of freedom and liberty

The producer of more arcane and attractive things

The one who gives the forbidden fruit

The best thing ever to lay hold of the Earth and a worldly life

He who is truly forgiving- yet an actor of judgment against the vile

The shape shifter of the Earth, leader into profane ways.



We bask in Satan's light

We grow on Satan's Earth

We procure a better fruit

We honor the richness that is

We offer the lowly but crumbs

We carve our name so deeply in that tree

Where Adam and Eve first sinned

We mock the words He spoke

We retreat to the Satanic realm

We come to that place, live, and live again

Life in full honoring him

Filling the pit with Christian meat

Spitting out from the cup that is His bleed

And walk without remorse

And walk without hellish concern

And lift our souls up high

And bargain in the night

And when the dawn comes,

We are found all alive

For none can match his might

Of the Devil and our delight.



Christianity has become a raging dog

One that doesn’t understand its chain

One that is mad with loss of power

One that has shown its true colors

Like a color blind peacock showing brown feathers

Like a shark that has no food, starving, looking for the prey that escaped them

And people do not want to toil with them further

So they find themselves desperate to employ others

But the people are long gone

Desiring nothing they have left along

An old dirty and rugged path

Humans just knew, it was time to move on.



Hear not the blame artists

Those that attribute their invented woes to invented enemies

As people totally free even do

People with minimal problems

Or people not self responsible to make a better change

Turn to blame another or a group for their own insufficiency

They are deficient in taking action

Would rather just be a person or people forced to sit

My enemies have put me here, I cannot move

If you rid us of them, then we will have found the harmony

Needed to be productive, serve the better good

But they are a formidable enemy, who causes our people harm

They have made things purposeless for us, taken away our hope

And here we sit and continue to, because of them who won’t let us move

And so we find no better place, than a spot to rest and break

Our dreams disturb us however, as our going forth is unfair

Restricted by them who don’t care

They are a privileged people for sure

Who run miles quicker than we do

That is seen in the old things they had made

All we ask is to have made for us the same

So incorporate our people therein

In the awesomely tall mansions they dwell in

And if you were to know the truth forbid

That is ever falls on another person’s lips

And have that secret denied

That inside we are altogether lazy, uncivil,

Unruly, lawless, tribe like, and degenerate

Quick to a gang, socially insane

The game gave them a weapon

Gave them the scenario they craved

To freely slaughter another in a fit of rage

And when the law came unto them

They just pointed and blamed

The music reflected their hearts, and the same came

But alongside them dwell the harmless

Those that can peacefully engage in these things

Responsibility goes an awful long way, goes a good way

While others it leads them into ravaged neighborhoods,

Meaningless lives, destitution and poverty

Drug dependence, rape from friends,

And possibly a lifetime in prison,

But if at the start you do not blame,

Nor even permit it from happening,

You will be naturally law abiding, free of that fate,

Free of the harm it creates.



Humanity has formed a cult of thought

Has firmly, even aggressively done so

That a person faltering from its ways are quickly put back

Forcefully so, with detractors to The Way punished

Those of its power enforce it through ridicule and shame

Preventing our freedom in many places

Things the government will mostly allow

But The People none whatsoever

But like all other cults before it

Including socially formed ones apart from religion

What can be said? Stupid people go where stupid people go

The tension tightens

Their bonds break

But not until they have burned themselves and all around them

Causing an enormous disaster

Shooting a bullet heard across the world

Coming to be engaged in crime to have support

Lost within their own thinking

Dictating thoughts immensely, yearning to be free,

Consumed in their own fire and poison,

And soon to be known as a black blot on humanity.



Some come into the place they wrecked, took from

As a habit learned and a way to live by

Those around them ever sharing

Being among yes-sayers and socialites

Superior people are not the same,

Having everything they need self-provided,

Ready for harder things, perhaps known by experience

Even when I was homeless I wouldn’t beg

Some enter into a home and take it over

Pray this doesn’t happen to you

In my youth I was quite openly hateful

And my parents threw me out at 18,

Never able to return

But I matured most greatly.. in 30 years

I’ve accepted that part of my personality is sadistic

I uphold certain rules, I am not left with the unfair particularly

And that is to intimately know me

But I would bargain on only the better bet

During my lifetime of cards I was always dealt the upper hand

Am quite prepared for any enemy who comes along.



Through better or worse I would say that my life was a success

To see that when I was 19 in a shed

To have come unto my life today

Living well in San Francisco well fed, well off,

Having all that I need for a happy life

As Satan lead me to

And The Devil gave me his words. Taught me what to say,

For that cause that started very long ago with me,

Was always kept just enough safe,

He lead me into my career, he provided the things I needed

And I’d return to him at least double in great thanks to him

If a Satanist is to live well, be given to, and protected, then the same is expected.



Always give thanks to what you have been given by Satan

See it as from him and come to appreciation

Then more will be given to you

And claim them by doing his purpose,

Whatever that means to you

Bring into understanding your tastes, as uniquely as can be

And the world itself will increase in wonder and value,

Going from a grey shaded to rainbow kind of thing

For our reward is now and continues for as long as we worship Satan.



I am Damuel, a Messenger

One assigned to create The Greater Satanic Texts,

As may proceed from me

For I knew Satan in all of his various ways

Have walked The Path since youth

Was created to be an author

Was given to read books of an optimal influence

And they that hear my words long and hard enough,

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