Scriptural Apologetics 101 Salvation by John Scott Roesch - HTML preview

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Scriptural Apologetics 100


By John Scott Roesch

Published by

International Missionary Baptist Publishing 271 Mayfield Drive

Smyrna, TN 37167


© 2022 John Scott Roesch

All rights reserved. Permission is granted to copy for use in Jail or Prison Ministries or for group Bible Study or for personal Bible Study. For any other use permissions contact:


Table of Contents

The Universal Need of Salvation………………………. vi Sin's Curse……………………………………….1

The Pronouncement of the Curse………..3

The Performing of the Curse…………….8

The Panorama of the Curse………………10

The Product of the Curse…………………19

The Parabola of the Curse………………...22

Sin's Corruption…………………………………..24

Mankind Lacks Inherent Goodness…...….24

Mankind Lacks Sacrificial Love…………27

Mankind Lacks a Relationship with God...29

Mankind Lacks Deep Understanding…….31

Mankind Lacks a Pure Conscience……….33

Mankind Has an Evil Heart………………35

Mankind Has an Absolute Need………….37

Mankind Needs a New Birth……………..40

Mankind Lacks a Need for Good Works…41

Mankind is the Devil’s Child……………..43

The New Birth Provides a New Father…...45

Mankind’s Call to Repentance………...…48


The Popular Beliefs of Salvation…………………………53

Salvation by Works………………………………53

Protestant Heresies……………………….54

Catholic Heresies………………………...58

Our Life………………………….58

Their Sacraments………………...65

Salvation By Predestination……………………..73

Its Intended Meaning…………………....73

God’s Love is for All……………………79

Salvation’s Need is for All………………81

God Loves the Unlovable……………….83

God Wishes Hell on No One……………86

God's Promises………………………….88

“Go Ye into All the World”…………….91

Salvation’s Condition…………………..95

The Biblical Doctrine of Salvation………….………….97

God’s Means………………………..…………99

God Has a Method…………………..………….102

God Has a Mode………………………..………104

Mankind Has a Decision………………..………107


Heaven Has a Response………………………115

Limitless Grace……………………………….118

The Rewards of Soulwinning…………………120

God’s Ground…………………………………122

Salvation Precedes Good Works………………129

Knowing You are Saved……………………….131

The Actual Duration of Salvation…………………...…136

Back to the Greek………………………………138

John 3:18………………………………..138

Romans 8:1……………………………...140

John 10:28……………………………....141

The Real Keeper of Our Salvation………………144

Failing and Falling……………………………...147

Our Walk and His Way…………………………148

The Seemingly Unrepentant……………………154

All Things Work Together……………………..156

Everlasting Life………………………………...158

John 5:24 from the Greek………………158

How Mercy Works……………………………..161

Forgiveness is Permanent………………………162

Bigger Than God’s Love……………………….164

Scriptural Proof…………………………………166


God’s Seal is Permanent…………………….175


John 11:26 from the Greek………….178

About the Author……………………………181

Other Books by this Author…………………182



The scriptural doctrine of Salvation is the most important doctrine in our Holy Bible; get that one wrong and none of the rest matter.

Every soul is precious to God, whether that soul is in a meth lab, a prison cell, a throne room, or out on the street.

Some might say God doesn’t love everyone because He said He hated Esau. (Romans 9:13 Malachi 1:3). You can love someone while hating them because the opposite of hate isn’t love. The opposite of hate is like. That’s why you can respect someone you hate, but you can’t like them.

Love’s opposite is apathy; Love is passion and concern; apathy is the lack of concern or passion. That’s why God is love.

The purpose of this book is to equip the reader for those questions the unsaved have concerning salvation: who needs it, why they need it, what it is, and even what it isn’t.

Sometimes the questions are genuine, but sometimes they’re accusatorial. The word of God is both a sword and shield. Treat all questions as genuine because you are an ambassador for your king, even when it isn’t convenient.

You should sound confident when you speak with someone about their soul. Your conversation might be the most important one in their entire life, so never shrug it off or belittle them or their questions.

Study to show thyself approved.


All scripture in English is from the King Version of the Holy Bible.


Sin’s Curse