Scriptural Apologetics 101 by John Scott Roesch - HTML preview

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are not theirs.


The Facts About the Body of Christ

God can and does us anyone He chooses; some are part of the Body; some are instruments outside of the Body.

The fact that you are being used doesn't even reflect your eternal destination, so don't think of that as a proof.

The fact you are used of God should be humbling; don't let it give you a swagger. We all know what follows pride.

With that behind us, how does one tell where they fit? If you’re a member of a scriptural New Testament church, that’s the church of the firstborn, of course.

If you aren’t a member of a church, you’re in the general assembly. If you’re a member of a church that isn’t a scriptural New Testament church, you’re in the general assembly.

If the church was universal, why mention the general assembly at all? A “general assembly”" and a “called out assembly’ are two mutually exclusive terms.

Some might ask why there is no word “to” between the general assembly and the church of the firstborn. This is confusing because every other set of inhabitants is separated with the word “to”.


The Facts About the Body of Christ

Why are these two grouped together? That’s a good question that has a simple answer. Both of these are citizens of heaven recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life, which is why they are grouped together with the qualifying reason that they are both citizens. “…which are written in heaven”, once again proving church membership isn’t a requirement for salvation. That cannot be stressed enough.

Let’s look at the second scripture they (mis)use: Colossians 1:18

And he is the head of the body, the church:

who is the beginning, the firstborn from the

dead; that in all things he might have the