Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Second Fascicle by Huseyin Hilmi Isik - HTML preview

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[1] Inspiration.

[2] Insight, foresight and hindsight.

[3] Documents of the Right Word, first edition, 496 pp., 1993, Hakîkat Kitâbevi, Fâtih, Istanbul.

[4] Our Prophet’s ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ ascent to heaven, one year before the Hegira, on the twenty-seventh night (the night between 26th and 27th days) of Rajab.

[5] Science dealing with explanation of the Qur’ân al-kerîm.

[6] Please see the book Why Did They Become Muslims, available from Hakîkat Kitâbevi, Istanbul.

[7] Fourth King of the Persian Pishdadiyan dynasty, called also Jam.

[8] It goes without saying that this prohibition remains valid as long as the person concerned remains married to one of these girls.

[9] By indispensable, (darûrî is the word used in the original text), we mean, ‘a tenet of belief or practice which is so obvious that it is believed and practiced commonly by Muslims.’

[10] These four subbranches deal with, 1) acts of worship; 2) marriages, etc.; 3) Muslims’ dealing with one another; 4) penal codes, respectively.

[11] Units 3, 7, and 8.

[12] Shams-ud-dîn Sahâwî ‘rahmatullâhi ’aleyh’, (830 [1427], Sahâ, Egypt -902 [1496], Medîna).

[13] Qâdî Muhammad bin Alî Shawkânî (1173 [1759], Shawkân, San’a -1250 [1834], San’a, central Yemen).

[14] Allâma Abul-Qâsim Mahmûd Jârullah bin ’Umar, (467 [1074], Zemahshar, Hâradhm - 538 [1144] Jurjâniyya).

[15] Qâdî Abdullah bin ’Umar ‘rahmatullâhi ’aleyh’, (685 [1286], Baydâ, Shîrâz, Iran — Tabrîz).

[16] Muhammad bin ’Umar ‘rahmatullâhi ’aleyh’, 544 [1149], Rey - 606 [1209], Herat).

[17] Alâ’uddîn-i Baghdâdî ‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’aleyh’, (678, Baghdâd - 741 [1340], Aleppo, Syria).

[18] Please see chapter 7.

[19] Muhammad bin Muhammad Ghazâlî ‘rahmatullâhi ’aleyh’, (450 [1058] - 505 [1111], Ghazâl, Mashhad, N.E. Iran).

[20] Please see par. 5 in the following chapter.