Se’âdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Second Fascicle
Tam Ilmihâl Se’âdet-i Ebediyye Preface To The Second Fascicle
1-Imân, worships, halâl and harâm. (Letter I-266)
2-Those who die before having heard of Islam do not go to Hell. (Letter I-259)
3-All Prophets ‘alaihimussalawâtu wattaslîmat’ communicated the same îmân. (Letter I-63)
4-Justice, wisdom, halâl and harâm, îmân, qadâ and qadar
5-What do ‘tafsîr’ and ‘hadîth’ mean? Who is called Islamic savant?
6-Kinds of hadîths, and the savants of hadîth
7-What does the world mean? Is the world evil? (Letter I-50)
8-Wara’ and taqwâ. Avoiding sins. (Letter I-76)
9-Superiority of Islamic scholars. Respecting them. (Letter I-48)
10-Savants will harm Islam if they do not unite. (Letter I-53)
11-Those evil men of religion who make knowledge a means for earning what is worldly. (Letter I-33)
12-Excessive disbelievers; those who torment Muslims. (Letter I-47)
13-Man has been created in need. The importance of namâz and fasting. (Letter I-45)
14-Man is both far from Allah and close to Allah. (Letter I-70)
15-Gratitude to Allâhu ta’âlâ must be shown by clinging to the Sharî’at (Letter I-71)
16-There is no happiness without Islam. The Sharî’at has three parts. (Letter I-36)
17-It is necessary to strive to spread Islam. The way of the Ahl-i bayt. (Letter I-51)
18-What is Islam? Islam has been based upon social justice.
19-Evils of the nafs-i ammâra, its illness and its remedy. (Letter I-52)
20-Everything done by following Resûlullah stands for dhikr. (Letter II-25)
21-It is necessary to obey the sunnat and to avoid the bid’at. (Letter III-305)
22-The first thing to be done is to cling to the sunnat and abstain from the bid’at (Letter II-23)
23-It is the first duty to adhere to the sunnat. Books demolishing the dîn. (Letter I-37)
24-Worships done perfunctorily are of no value. Salvation of the heart. (Letter I-39)
25-Ikhlâs is one of the three sections of the Sharî’at. (Letter I-40)
26-It is obvious that Allâhu ta’âlâ exists and is one. (Letter I-46)
27-Worship is intended to obtain yaqîn. Zindiqs. (Letter I-97)
28-He who disobeys the sunnat cannot escape going to hell. (Letter I-59)
29-Of the seventy-three groups, the only one to be saved is the Ahl as-Sunnat (Letter I-80)
30-Beware from ignorant shaikhs. What should one’s surname be? (Letter I-23)
31-One should find a true master. Harms of ignorant shaikhs. (Letter I-61)
32-Names of Allâhu Ta’âlâ. What does create mean?
33-The knowledge of fiqh. What is a Madhhab? Imâm-i A’zam Abû Hanîfa.
35-Shafâ’at: Helping the dead.
37-Hurûfîism. Which group of the Bektashis are not Muslims?
38-Social justice, Socialism, Capitalism, Communism.
39-Answering the slanders of an enemy of Islam
40-Islamic States. Why and how were Muslims made to lag behind?
41-Islam And Science. Islam commands science. Sham scientists.
42-What we should avoid and what we should do. (Letter I-73)