Selfish Young Man by David Allan - HTML preview

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Commentaries and Encouragement The Power of Thought

Imagine going someplace by simply wanting to be there. What would it be like to do something simply by saying it will be done? These are amazing concepts to contemplate, and though far beyond our abilities, we somehow glimpse that such ideas will one day be a reality for us. Even our dreams hint at such things.

How fast is the speed of thought? This is not a question with a definitive answer, but we can conceive an idea of the speed of thought by understanding that the speed of light would sometimes be standing still by comparison. Even more astounding is that the speed of thought is the slowest a god works, not the fastest.

This is because a god (one without sin), in whom no darkness dwells, often moves at the speed of instinct or reflex. In other words, love instantly does the right thing, sometimes without even thinking. For just as we sinners are quick to think evil thoughts, but the impulse in our hearts to sin is often faster, so it is in an opposite way that a god’s thoughts can be quick to think and then do what is good, but the impulse of such a heart often moves even faster. In short, a god can communicate the essence of what they are trying to say or do instantaneously.

It is difficult to comprehend what it would be like to have this kind of mind. No person in the same spiritual age as we are can understand it very well. But if we always fight taking sinful thoughts to heart, then pure instincts and reflexes must slowly develop within us. This is exactly the same principle of how a repetitive exercise always builds muscle.

As we understand time, if I said a million years, this might be just a fraction of the time for us to get to such a place of instinctual goodness. But what is that compared to eternity? It is not even a moment compared to the Eternal, the “from Everlasting.” This helps us understand how any of the infinite number of sinless gods declare of themselves, “I Am” and can do any good thing they want by simply declaring, “It Is.”

Nothing Is Hidden

The spirit hears our lies and genuinely hateful words, even when we are not talking. The same is true, or course, for genuinely loving thoughts. It is not our voices, but rather the sincere heartfelt meanings of our words and thoughts that the spirit understands. Put simply, if we were thinking it from the heart, we said it, and members of the spirit heard every word.

Jesus understood the importance of proper thinking. He knew that when he was thinking, his thoughts were not just things he had already learned that had become a part of his own conscious being, but that the thoughts could also be words from his lord, his father, or any member of the spirit. Thoughts can also be from lawless spirits (demons), which are simply those spirits who have not yet accepted the authority of love. Foremost of these demons is each person’s own satan.

There are many things to say about thinking, about what it is and what it can do. But I want to focus on one particular aspect here, specifically, the incredible unity of the “Spirit” that contains an infinite number of members, who collectively say of themselves, when speaking to the dead, “I am One God”, and, “There is no other God but me.” How can such unity and oneness exist?

The answer is that all members accept each other as equal in value, never sin, and let love be their guide as the rightful highest authority. And one of the things that the sinless can share is each other’s thoughts and feelings.

When this happens, then to think something from the heart is to have spoken it, to desire something is to have it. If the desire involves other members of the spirit, it does require their accord, however. That is the world we are becoming a part of, where thought and reality are often the same. So what will happen to us in the next world, where there is no flesh and only our spirits dwell? We can see the potential problem, which is why Jesus told us to try to get our thoughts in check, as well as our deeds. For example, he warned us that “to look upon another with lust is to have committed adultery in our hearts.”

Recall what happened to Isaiah, a sinner like us. Taken in the spirit to appear before the lord and a host of other spirits, the first words out of his mouth were, “Woe is me, I am a dead man, for I am a man of unclean lips.”

No wonder he was in terror for his life. While he could hear glorious thoughts and feelings of love that are impossible to describe, they in turn could hear and feel the corruption and weakness in every thought he had – and he knew it. Just picture the scene: A fair comparison of Isaiah’s feeling about himself as he stands in the midst of this harmonious group is that he knows he is a dog by comparison.

Ask yourself, how would you fit into a society like heaven? Think of your every heartfelt thought being broadcast over a public loudspeaker, then ask yourself, are you really ready to talk with the sinless face to face?

But take heart, we will be ready when the time comes if we are obedient to the authority of love, for it cleanses us in preparation to enter the next age, just as it did those who entered life before us. With love, we can go without fear. Our spiritual parents do not expect us to be without need of care. They will rejoice at our arrival, just the same as physical parents rejoice over the birth of a long awaited infant. And this time when we are born into a new world, instead of awakening with crying, like we did entering this life, we awaken with a joy as great as laughter!

Under Construction

Everyone in our age is under construction, literally in the spiritual womb, so to speak, hopefully growing day by day, moment by moment.

Just as mother’s milk is the first thing we receive to sustain our physical life, so it is that the air itself contains the first thing we receive that sustains our spiritual life. We all begin receiving physical sustenance soon after we are born, or we die. But much more important is the spiritual, contained in the invisible air we breathe. It is literally the first thing we do, or we will not live at all. And the very last thing we do at leaving this life is exhale.

Inside milk is a wide variety of nutritional elements that help us to grow, but the majority of this food is eventually determined to be of no benefit and is therefore eliminated from the body as waste, returning to the earth from whence it sprung.

The same principle applies to the spiritual and therefore our thought processes. In the air is contained every invisible thought or combination of thoughts that has ever been generated by living entities (but never every thought or combination of thoughts that ever will be). Whether it is spiritual, mental, or emotional, or some combination of these seemingly distinct but inseparable elements, we may intake a particular thought or combination of thoughts, like them, and so give them a home. But those that we reject are discarded and return to the spirit that generated them, or in the case of lawless spirits, to the darkness they have been semi-abandoned to, the experience being some amount of good, bad, or indifferent for all involved.

This is similar to the way we create a thing physically, but may then realize we no longer need it, of find some error or insufficiency in it. In the case of error or deficiency our solution is always to see if we can modify it, but if that fails then our created thought may get discarded. However, higher levels of spiritual awareness, which we seek, but have not yet attained, never completely discard what they create. Love always allows a thing to correct itself, even isolating the thing if need be for the protection of others.

Each of us are a thing similar to that, a vast conglomerate of thoughts in one being is what we are. And all of us are, or were isolated, needing or formerly needing to accept the authority of love. If we accept this minor change we will not be rejected as waste, instead finding we automatically now belong as a member of the spirit.

There is real peace of mind, even joy, in having a “live and let live” attitude that comes from love. By accepting the rights of others “to be,” we find ourselves granted the same fairness and are much better able to pursue whatever our own hearts desire. This is not only because having allowed others this basic right elevates our mind and soul to another level, but also because this attitude finds others more willing to assist us when they are able.


At the very instant we take an evil thought to heart a demon will enter our body. Even if the thought was simply to deny something that we know to be true (which is of itself an evil thought), a demon will enter. This always happens, without fail, regardless of how minuscule the error might have been. Such events are always accompanied by a twinge of pain to some degree, though usually so faint that we just ignore it, or do not even notice. Naturally, correct thoughts cause no discomfort at all, often even bringing noticeable comfort with them.

Learning to think is just a part of growing spiritually, so such mistaken thoughts are not a big problem, unless the errant thought taken to heart is being nurtured by its host. Moreover, the errant thought does not usually need immediate attention unless its host is considering giving it life by acting upon it in some way.

The reason the spirit is not concerned about straining out tiny specks is because the little demons will get swept away with larger ones when they are cast out. Any genuine thought of love that finds its way into actuality expels a multitude of wrongly harbored thoughts from our hearts. However, many demons can rush back in like the tide of the sea returning, if the person performing the work is prideful about it. In fact, the power of love is so great that even simple gratitude by recipients of a good deed can cause a multitude of demons to flee from them.

On the other hand, whenever we reject an evil thought without taking it to heart, the demon is rebuffed and returns to the darkness without entering us.

But what if the demon (evil thought) we now reject is one which we had formerly taken to heart? In the case of corrected thoughts, the demon is rebuked and immediately flees from the body to return to darkness, sometimes slightly wiser for having lived next to a greater light than itself. Interestingly, cast-out demons almost never flee our bodies from whatever particular place they entered us. This has do with them concealing their true nature from the other thoughts dwelling within us from the very beginning they take residence.

Lastly, a demon that is cast out never causes any pain when it goes, only relief to the extent it was a burden.

Illness and Injury

It is unpleasant to think about why do people get sick or injured, but it does happen frequently and the reasons why it does should be considered.

There are a number of reasons why illness or injury might occur, but three in particular come to mind.
The first reason is that the spirit is punishing us for sin or mistreatment against another life entity.
The second reason is that it was a chance happenstance and is being allowed to take place. Under this heading might fall the problems resulting from inexperience, ignorance, accident, and similar types of things. Even curiosity can often be blameless. The spirit never allows harm to be the final result of these kinds of chances to those that are elect, even if the end result is death. The spirit always uses these random situations in some way to witness the nature of love.
The third reason is that illness or injury is caused by interceding for another life entity, or on behalf of the principle of love of itself.
The first reason signals that we are doing or have done something wrong. The second represents neither right nor wrong, only that the spirit is allowing a random chance to stand for some purpose. And the third signals that we are doing, or have done something right. Whatever the cause, it is up to us to talk it over with our god to discover the reason, or combination of reasons for the problem.
If it is a friend who is ill or injured, we do not want to be like Job’s comforters were. Blind to mercy and compassion, they questioned his righteousness and passed judgment on him without pity. And though Job’s trials and tribulations stemmed in part from his pride, remember, the spirit has testified that Job was as righteous a man as any in the land. If such things can happen to him, they can happen to any of us.
Instead, if we really love our friends, we will ask the spirit to have mercy, and to give them understanding and to heal them.
Lastly, it is important to note that illness and injury are not, and never have been, primarily due to luck or fate, two popular explanations to thoughtlessly describe what no one wants to spend much time really thinking about. Luck or fate, if viewed incorrectly, lead to critical mistakes, since they imply that the spirit of God is arbitrary or capricious, even unmerciful.
Luck is just another word for chance, but it has no ability to stop or slow illness and injury like interceding for another can. Likewise, luck has no ability to originate or speed illness and injury like intentional wrongdoing. When chance illness or injury is allowed to happen by the spirit, one of the other two reasons is often involved. Stop and think: Does mere chance have the same authority as love? Of course not, so we can take heart and live without fear, for the effect of chance on the elect is almost non-existent compared to those ruled by self.
As to fate, meaning a thing “had to happen,” this is false when it comes to unhappy things like illness and injury. To try to direct the fate of another living entity in matters dealing with pain, suffering, or death is never for any adult to play with. Children though, do experiment with playing almighty god in their immature self-centered fantasy universes. On the other hand, determining that it will be fate for a good thing to happen is the occasional work of adult behavior. It is always lawful to do good.
Whatever happens to us, happens with our god’s knowledge. Remember, Jesus said, “Are not two sparrows sold for pennies? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground unless your father wills it.” So we do not want to be like those who attribute sorrowful things like illness and injury to luck or fate. Such a conclusion is hoping to be excused from the responsibility of our actions, or disregarding our god’s knowledge of the events in cases of random chance allowed to stand.
At the end of this life, when we pass on to the next age after “dying” from something, there is no need to fear. Just as a pregnant woman is anxious at the time of delivery, and the event itself is usually accompanied by pain, she immediately forgets all of that as she rejoices over the baby. So it is that when we pass through to the next age, all of this “dying” will be utterly forgotten in our infinite joy on arrival.


Considering that Jesus compared the death of one of the elect and sleeping to be the same thing, it prompts this question: Where do we go when we are sleeping? Assuming we are among the elect, would it not be the same place as when we die?

Our entire body, as we know it, is a living parable. Consider that Satan took one third of the angels when he fell. Look how this relates to our bodies in that we generally sleep about one third of each day. In addition, this perfectly fits the companion parable of 666 being called the number of Satan’s name. This 666 represents two thirds, and of course, this is the approximate amount of time each of us spends awake each day. Add the fractions together and the result is one.

Whether awake or sleeping, both conditions serve good purpose, for the essence of who and what we are remains basically the same in either dimension. That being the case, the spirit sometimes uses one dimension to help the other. Have you ever met yourself in your waking hours? You surely have, and in your dreams you have met yourself, too. Interacting with another individual, only to realize later that the person was the exact essence of ourselves is not always a pleasant experience either, for seeing ourselves as we really are is often depressing. No wonder one scripture laments, “The heart is desperately wicked, who can understand it?”

Nevertheless, the blessing of those ruled by love to be “scattered like dust” is more than just infinite offspring. It is also the fulfillment of dreams, all the things we hope. This happens by sharing the very essences of ourselves with those we love, and in so doing, each of us will eventually become a kind of individual multitude. We are one, each of us an individual living entity, yet we are also becoming infinite, part of everything.

As much as the oak is greater than the acorn, indeed as much as a planet is compared to a grain of sand, so is our future compared to the present. In fact, through the power of love, we will all become entire universes, one of and part of the infinite.

Spiritual Evolution

Bible literalists insist that man did not evolve from apes, but the evidence of some kind of kinship in the geological record is overwhelming to anyone who looks honestly. Personally, I think a simple visit to the zoo is all the proof needed.

This is not to say creation does not exist. Things have an origin, and I believe creation explains the missing links in the geological record of the progression of all species. Without sin and all the problems contained within it, including the memory of having done intentional wrong, an entity can change simply by wanting to, instantly. The point is, not only is there original creation, but creations keep happening, just as evolutions do.

The difference between the two is that creations are generated more by the will of spirit, while evolutions are more the result of physical forces. This is generally speaking and overly simplified, for both go together in small to large part, depending on what is needed or wanted, plus other variables.

The evolution of mankind shows us growth and change, physically and spiritually. On an individual level, our lifetime is a physical and spiritual evolution. And during this period, another kind of growth and change is happening, a kind of social evolution, as we grow to take a place in society. We attempt to harmonize our individual physical and spiritual presence with others, and find ourselves generally forced to be less self-centered and more accepting of the rights of others. Various societies and the rules we invent for them are a result of this.

However, in the purely spiritual realm, no set rules are ever needed for interaction between multiple entities, for everyone is partaking in the same spirit of “love one another.” This is something many churches and all religions have trouble with, for no hierarchy can exist when love is everyone’s authority. Indeed, many individuals have great difficulty accepting this, and many false leaders have been exposed when they can no longer conceal that they hate equality with those they are supposed to be helping.

This is not to say that the right institutions, run properly, never make it a little easier for an individual person to love. But history shows organized religions have done profoundly more harm than good. This is because the people that maneuver to run these institutions are usually not truly ruled by the authority of love. As ministers, they are far more politician than teacher, blindly refusing to accept that they have absolutely no authority to dictate to anyone what to think, what to believe, what to say, or what to do, since the spirit of love is given to us all.

Yet the pharisees insist that we follow their individual or group interpretation of what to think and do about this love, instead or our own god-given understanding. How arrogant does a person have to be to pretend to know someone else’s identity and infinity better than that individual?

Look where organized religion has taken us, and I will cite but a fraction of the crimes:
In the name of God, the leaders of the Mosaic religion, now known as Judaism, commanded the people to slaughter entire nations, even the babies. Prior to this, we are told their god executed every first born child of an entire nation. What ego, blindness near to insanity. They even had a death penalty for anyone who insulted their god.
Not to be outdone, when the Christian leaders came to have power they plundered the entire world “in Jesus’ name.” For centuries they enslaved entire nations, repressed freedom of thought, and all the while were banishing or executing every effective dissenting opinion. And by what authority? More madmen who truly believed God held them superior to all others.
In Islam we see the same crazy leadership. Their societies today are reminiscent of years ago in the other religions I cited. The women have virtually no rights and the people are indoctrinated to oppose other points of view as evil. This behavior does not sound like the results of any good thing one might learn from reading the Koran. Where is the respect for the different beliefs of other people? But this is only temporary, indicative of the level of Islamic evolution.
Even with Islam’s present lunacy wherein some Muslims are committing random murders as love offerings to their still dawning god, the other religions cannot brag a whit more wisdom. This is because of Judaism’s and Christianity’s earlier heinous crimes, the weight of which still lingers.
All of these religions ultimately fail miserably for the spiritually mature, since true love always grows to see any system of religion as the falsehood it is.
Even the very best of individual churches become remedial for the spiritually mature. Physical parents try hard to raise children who can one day leave the nest and support themselves. The same principle applies overwhelmingly in the spiritual sense. But organized religions and most churches do not seek such a godly goal. Their reasons are obvious and ugly, and in so doing they reveal the awful true nature of those kind of leaders. And the fact that all of these so-called great religions still do not acknowledge the only real authority is love proves the general absurdity of them all.
Not only is it the right of every individual to interact in all spiritual matters directly with their own god and soul, it is required from any adult.
Love simply cannot be an organization of any kind, whether religious, political, business, or social. It is a way of life, which is the end of self-centeredness. By definition it allows equality and negates the rights of any group to dictate beliefs to another group, and negates the right of any person to dictate beliefs to another individual.
More importantly, love negates the right of any group to dictate beliefs to any individual, even a group without sin. Which is how new life, something from nothing, a satan, can arise.
Just as important, as concerns the subject of this book, love negates the right of any individual to dictate beliefs to the group. Once any satan accepts this (for they certainly understand it), the dawn passes into the sunrise of a christ, which then seeks to repair the selfish damage it once had a hand in.
Of course, this wickedness of organized religions does not mean that no good has ever been accomplished by them, for love is never wasted, and we do see them growing. However, the fact remains that only love is in authority, and again, while an occasional church may be beneficial to a community, by definition, an organized religion becomes incapable of doing more overall good than harm.
We are all individuals, and every one of us will interpret the exact same thing differently, in very minute to very large degree. Love is too big to be fully contained in any thing or any person that ever has or ever will exist, including Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Buddha, Gandhi, you or me, or any person – past, present, or future. Though love can be within us, and we can seek to make it a permanent part of ourselves, as demonstrated by people throughout the ages.

Rituals and Traditions

There is nothing inherently bad about rituals and traditions, but nothing necessarily good either, so common sense dictates we need freedom to examine routines.

For example, do we still need circumcision? This ritual was symbolic of a man giving his manhood to his wife and becoming a female in return. In the spiritual sense, it represents the two (give and receive) become as one eternal living entity of equal parts give and receive.

The sentiments this ritual represented are truly noteworthy. It stands as a stunning testament to how amazingly far our hearts were able to see with the tiniest spark of love. However, the old law’s physical covenants have all expired, having been replaced by the spiritual covenant of love.

Other rituals are just plain sanctimonious, for example, when the practitioners of priestcraft tell us to get on our knees and talk to God publicly. Talking to God, and praying, which is more of an entreaty to a higher power than conversation, are things of a generally private nature, and rarely is it appropriate to do either on our knees. It may look reverent, but honest reflection on the matter results in our being offended, for it exists only to make us more subjective to the will of those who tell us to kneel. Which of us would demand their children approach on their knees to speak to us? If we, with all our faults, heartily embrace talking with our children face to face, then how much more so our heavenly parents!

The list of meaningless, even wrong, rituals and traditions is long in every day and age, for every people and nation. One current obscenity in my homeland consists of millions of little school children taking oaths to our flag, in essence training them to blindly follow the policies of our nation, as if our leaders never make mistakes. The sole purpose of this ritual is to brainwash future adults to be obedient to the status quo, subordinating, even disowning their own points of view, which are often better than our national policies. Children should be taught they are a citizen of the world, moreover, one day a citizen of the infinite, instead of instilling them with myopic nationalist pride.

Some organized religions want public prayers in these same schools for these impressionable young minds. This is a useless activity, ignored by the spirit for the pharisee behavior it is. The true goal of such things is brainwashing, exactly the same as flag worship, if I may express it as such.

It is mental rape, a harsh description that is perfectly fair given the age of the recipients, to imprint defenseless little children with any political, philosophical or religious doctrines, except the principles contained in “love one another,” which are universal constants.

I am sure you can think of some other senseless standards yourself, so I will not labor over further examples.
The point is that we should question and examine anything which our hearts lead us to have an honest look at, no matter how established the behavior, and then discard those customs that we discover are wrong or that we have outgrown.

Predestination and Free Will

Mankind is subject to predestination and free will, rather than one or the other. They work together, and among other things, are like levels of awareness.

One way to help visualize this is to pair either of these concepts with the physical or spiritual realm. This simplistic approach results in four combinations: predestination/physical, free will/physical, predestination/spiritual, and free will/spiritual.

The first combination would be predestination in the physical realm. This one is mere machinery. The plant world is much like this.
The second possibility is free will in the physical realm. Here we have the animal world, including people, each of us dwelling in the organic machinery we call our bodies. The first combination of predestination in the physical realm is still the primary force operating in the animal world, for our bodies grow and then decline automatically. But in obeying the inherent needs and urges these bodies generate, we have something new here, for many animals, in varying degrees, are able to use free will in directing their actions to best satisfy themselves, both physically and spiritually (which includes emotionally).
The third pairing would be predestination and the spiritual realm. When free will in the physical realm acts truly unselfishly, such behavior, even if miniscule, is an act of love. And the predestination that happens here, in the spiritual sense, is that the spirit of love, which is an eternal flame, so to speak, recognizes itself in that spark of new love and will forever shepherd this new life until that entity is self-sustaining, meaning totally committed to the authority of love. From a standpoint of predestination, it is important to note that this is more like assistance or guidance by the spirit than it is control. The spark has free will to respond to the impetuses as it wishes.
Of course, the fourth combination is free will in the spiritual realm. Here is the place where love, and therefore life, is eternal. This is the highest level that exists. When entities having life inherent interact, free will is always the rule between them, never predestination.
These are simple descriptions, and it is very important to note that in the truest sense, these things are not divided, but rather all combined into one. However, love always has the highest authority.
In the course of this book I touched upon the subject of our thoughts sometimes coming to life, often without our realizing it. I also talked about different realities in the same place and time. Let me add that a large part of everyone’s entire life, (spiritually speaking) is literally custom made for us. This predestination, as it is, continues through our lives, though less spiritual lessons are pre-planned for us as we mature and begin to embrace the authority of love. This goes together with the fact that the more we embrace that authority, the more say we have in matters concerning our spiritual selves.
A physical example of this would be how a child’s day could

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