Short Sermons by Liliane Binnyuy - HTML preview

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God’s Household

How do I become a Child of God?

To become a child of God, a person needs;

1) To break with sin i.e. repent of his evil ways (1 John 1.8-10; 1 John 2.1-2)

2) To keep his commandments i.e. believe in the Lord Jesus and love others (1 John 2.3-11, 1 John 3.23)

3) To detach from the world i.e. renew his heart and mind from the world to Christ (1 John 2.12-18; John 15.18-22; John 17.6; John 17.14-19).

4) To keep watch against the antichrist i.e. not allow himself to be deceived by false teachers (1 John 2.18-20). They will deceive you to believe that you are saved whereas you are not.

It is only when you do these things that you will become a child of God.

Because your Heavenly Father is kind to the Ungrateful and the Wicked

Why should I love my enemy?

Why should I do good to those who hate me?

Why should I pray for those who despitefully use me and mistreat me?

Why should I not fight the wicked?

Why should I give and lend to all without expecting in return?

…Because I am a child of the Most High God

God’s children are like him. He is kind to the wicked and the ungrateful. If we are his children, then we must imitate him. Anyone who wants to be his child must behave like him.

Unlike the rich and “good” people, the poor and the wicked will never be able to repay us for our good deeds to them. God will repay all our good deeds, especially those done to the wicked, so we must not do good only to “good” people. If we get rewarded by men, we forfeit the Heavenly Father’s reward. If we do good, we will reap bountiful righteousness and God’s reward. We should never grow weary in well-doing but repay evil with good. The contract is not between you and men but between you and God.

How do I Love God

"The most important is, 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord, and you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'You must love your neighbor as yourself.' No other commandment is greater than these"(Mar 12:29-31).

He who loves God fulfills the first commandment.

We must love God with our whole being (heart, soul and strength).

Our love for God must not only be sentimental but it should be deep reverence in our heart that is expressed by holy fear, faith and obedience. To love God is to love him more than we love any human being. To love him is to refuse to love money, job, property, self, etc. Many people live for academic certificates, career, fame, political power. Others are more dedicated to family and marriages than to God. Such people do not love God.

Our hearts must burn with the desire to obey and please Him. We must seek wholeheartedly to know Him and do His will. No amount of effort or time is too much to be spent on God. Just like Mary Magdalene, we must “broke the alabaster of costly oil” and “waste” it on the Lord. Those who know and obey Him are truly those who truly believe and love him (1 John 2.3). We must put on the mind of Christ to correctly discern the will of God in all things.

To love God means to;

Believe and obey him (John 14.15).

Love people as ourselves

Love God more than people

Not to love the things of the world (money, career, job, fame, possessions, power, fame, marriage, childbearing, etc.). We can make use of some of the things in the world, but we should not love them.

What Pleases the Heavenly the Most?

The greatest thing that pleases the Heavenly father’s heart is the obedience of his children. He wants his children to completely obedient even in the face of death. In this present world, obeying God often results in huge loses. His children must be ready to suffer the loses/pain that comes from obeying God. His commandments should not be compromised for anything but obeyed perseveringly. Those who obey him are those who truly love him. Sentimental love alone is no love. We must purify ourselves of every filth in the fear of the Lord. Total Obedience is the kind of reverence that glorifies the Heavenly Father.

And this is his commandment: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus the Messiah, and to love one another as he commanded us (1Jn.3.23).

The Kingdom of God has two laws: the law of love and the law of faith. Total faith in the Lord Jesus and love for one another. Believers must strive to be perfect in faith and love.

Those who obey the word of God perseveringly are:

His disciples

The good soil

His friends

The Voice of God

God speaks to humans. God is spirit. He communicates to our spirits. We hear him with our heart. The level of communication (how much he speaks and how much we hear) between us and God depends on the depth of our relationship with him.

To the carnal fallen man, God speaks through the man’s conscience

To His own Children, God speaks through His Spirit in them

Indirectly, man can hear God’s words through written texts (Bible and other Christian literature) and through the voice of his children.

Through His Spirit: The voice of God in our hearts is quiet and wordless, but the message is understood by the hearer. His children get to know him easily because they hear and see him. The ears and eyes of their hearts have been opened to receive. Revelational knowledge comes without rigorous bible study. With a single scripture, comes a string of understanding and knowledge that seems like an overflow. The mind is illuminated to understand and know. We receive intuitively. Intuition is quick and direct insight or the ability of attaining to direct knowledge without evident rational thought and inference. This intuitive ability comes when the ears and eyes of our spirit are opened by Christ Jesus.

Through the conscience: Every man has a conscience because every man is in the first Adam. The first Adam ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Every man has the ability to know good and evil. This tree of knowledge is the spirit of God and it is God’s voice. However, in sinfulness, the conscience can lose its guide or be dulled. All mankind will be judged by their deeds, because all knew right from wrong.

God’s Written Word and voice of His children: From written words and the voice of his children, we can only hear God’s word indirectly (not his direct voice). God’s word is profitable because it will show us the way to him. God uses his written words to illuminate our minds when he speaks to our spirit.