Short Sermons by Liliane Binnyuy - HTML preview

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Self-Indulgence Vs Self-Control


Self-indulgence means pursuit of pleasure and luxury. It also means self-gratification, lack of self-restraint or licentiousness. Self-indulgence is allowing yourself to have or do anything that you enjoy very much. A life of self-indulgence leads to death. A life of self-indulgence is against the life of the Spirit of Christ. The children of God reject and guard against self-indulgence.

Many people live to enjoy the things of the earth: good food, a mansion, designers clothing, sports cars and jets, beautiful spouse, fine looking kids, good sex, tasty wine, fame, recognition, praise, power etc. Many people live to satisfy themselves with these things. Some of these things are good (food, clothing, bath, marriage, kids), only if we do not set our hearts on them. God commandment is for us to love Him and to love our neighbor. We must not love things. Men must not live just to enjoy earthly things but live to please God. Parents choose luxury cars to helping poor members of the family. A friend betrays his friend for some financial gain. Others love sex but hate the commitment and responsibilities of marriage. A lazy man enjoys idleness while his wife struggles to meet the needs of the family. If we care too much for self, how can we love our neighbor?

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God (2 Ti 3.1-4)

Those who live to please self can never please God and they will never inherit the kingdom of God. Food and body will perish. This world will pass away but only those who do God’s will abide forever. Anyone who wants to be a disciple of Jesus Christ must first deny self. God’s children do not live by the dictates of the human nature nor do they live to satisfy it. God’s children have crucified their flesh and live to the Spirit of Christ.

Anyone who wants to enter God’s kingdom must consecrate himself to the Lord in body, soul and Spirit. Our desires, wills and mind must be changed to that of Christ. God’s commandments are righteous and are a delight to those who walk in them.


We must exercise self-control over our natural appetites and bodily parts.

Self-Control over natural appetites

God gave food and water for human sustenance. He created sex to ensure the continuity of humanity. He gave man appetite for these needful things so that they will not be burdensome to do and thereby ensure sustainability of creation. God could have created these things and give us no appetite for them. With no appetite, people will not eat or drink nor have sex in marriage. The world may have stopped functioning. God created these things and gave appetite, for sustainability of creation and not for enjoyment. We must be careful not to live to satisfy ourselves with these things but live to obtain salvation. We must be careful not to give ourselves to these things nor allow them to make us its slave. We must not lust after them. We must control our appetites over these things. Man does not live on bread alone but by every word than comes out of the mouth of God.

Self-Control over our Bodily Parts

We must exercise control over our bodily parts: the eyes, the tongue, ears, hands and legs.

We must put away every form of dirty speech. Hurtful, careless, evil words must be avoided. Be slow to speak. Better to stay quiet than sin in many words. Avoid idle and unprofitable talks. Every idle word uttered during the earthly life will be accounted for on the day of judgement (Mat 12.36). By our words, we shall be vindicated and by our words, we shall be condemned. Use words to build and encourage.

We must keep our eyes from beholding unclean things. The eyes are the windows of the soul. We must not look at filthy pictures, videos, or naked bodies, etc. Seeds of wrong desires are sown in our hearts when we behold wrong things.

We must avoid listening to filthy talk, gossip, music and all ungodly words.

We should use our hands for productive work and not for evil. Let our hands be used to praise God, work, and help others. Our hands should not be used for physical abuse, theft or murder.

We must not be rude. A gentle spirit is not rude. The Lord Jesus is gentle (Mathew 11.29). A gentle spirit stays calm even when dealing with stubborn, wild people, defensive and ignorant men. It is not easily provoked or angered. It is not rash, nor does it force to prove itself. It does give insults nor yells out in frustration. It stays peaceful and loving.

We must dominate our natural inclinations through the power of the Holy Spirit. We are to be strong in the Spirit of Christ and exercise total control over our human elements.