Short Sermons by Liliane Binnyuy - HTML preview

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The Need of the Needy

I was meditating on the word of God about the good deeds every true child of God should do. I felt a strong desire to help the poor, the blind, the crippled, the orphan and all the handicaps. I meditated on their needs:

The poor need food, shelter, and clothing

The blind need to see

The crippled need to walk

The orphan needs a home.

Then, I questioned;

“If I give the poor man provision, the blind sight, the crippled legs and the orphan a home, will I have really helped them? If I were them, will these things satisfy me?’

I answered, “these things will help me, but they will never satisfy me”. I can do without these things for one day, but I cannot do without God for a single day. He satisfies my soul. Food or shelter or any other thing can never satisfy my soul. Without him, there is no me.”

Food, shelter, eyes, legs, clothing are the needs of the body, but Christ Jesus is the only need of the soul. The need of the soul is greater than the body. The lost (the unreconciled) do not know how much they need Christ Jesus, the living bread from heaven. Food, shelter, clothing sustain life for a season, but Jesus, the living bread sustains life forever. It is better to enter life crippled, blind, deaf, or poor, than to have your whole body thrown into hell.

God gave us all we need in Christ Jesus. There is healing, deliverance, provision, life, righteousness in Jesus to all who believe.

Man does not live on bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God. The Lord Jesus did not spend all his days multiplying food for the crowd rather he spent all his days teaching them about the kingdom of God. He did not spend all his days providing food for his disciples rather he spent all his time training them.

I concluded:

The needy need Jesus Christ.