Short Sermons by Liliane Binnyuy - HTML preview

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God Is Glorified in All His Creation

God is glorified even in the smallest creatures. All creation reveals God’s glory. To be glorified means to be seen in your true worth or value. The devil wants to confuse the order of things. In rebellion, he tries to paint the work of the Creator as not being good enough. He tempts the human flesh into all sorts of atrocities: homosexuality, pornography, forbidding marriage, objectification of women etc.

When God created the earth, he beheld his work and said: “it is very good”. Everything created by God is very good and it is not otherwise. In him, we move and have our being. Every little thing we do was designed by him: child bearing, eating, stooling, sleeping, dressing, talking, laughing, walking etc. All the different kinds of animals, plants, the heavens, mountains, seas, rain, land, the sun, the moon, and the other things of nature are all God’s creative design. . Job had a glimpse of his wondrous works (Job 39; 40.6-14). He made the Heavens and all that it contains. He made the earth and all that it contains. He made the seas and all that it contains (Rev 10.6). His works are great and marvelous. The entire creation feeds on his loving kindness and mercies. We must praise him for his wondrous works. He beautifies our lives with the gift of children.

Do All Things to the Glory of God

The creation of God is his glory. We are born of God to live fruitful lives for Him. The creature can never find any fulfillment until it meets the purpose for which it was created. The creature must align itself with the creator rather than seek to satisfy another purpose. God made us to worship and serve only him. We cannot find any satisfaction except we align ourselves with this. We have been made this way and we can never change that. We can struggle and search everywhere to find a meaning to our existence, but we will never find one except we ask the Creator. A thing will always be useless until it finds its purpose of creation.

The manufacturer of a PC combines many small things to make a unified whole. He is glorified when he sees the PC working accordingly. God will always be glorified in his creation. The creation should live to glorify him. We live to glorify him when we live according to the purpose of our creation. Anything contrary is spoiling the good works of God. Whatever we do, we must do it to the glory of the Creator. Why we do it and how we do it, will determine if we glorify him. Why and how we do it must align to God’s original design and purpose. If we eat, braid our hair, dress up, drink, sleep or talk, we should do it to the glory of God by aligning to its purpose. We eat to live, so we must not become gluttons. We dress to cover our bodies, so we must not be under or over-dressed. We glorify God when we drink, not unto drunkenness. Moderate drinking glorifies God, but drunkenness does not. If we sleep, we should sleep with the purpose of resting our bodies, so we should neither over work our bodies nor oversleep. If we marry, we must do it for the glory of God. We must keep the marriage bed undefiled, raise the kids with love, and accept our responsibilities to each other. If we marry, we must remain married for life. If we choose to stay unmarried, we should not indulge in marital acts but honor God as eunuchs. If we speak, our words must be for edification of one another and praising God. Foolish, ungodly talks, cursing, or words that kill your brother and all evil talks do not glorify him. We should do all things according to how God wants them to be done and not according to our disordered natural inclinations.

Positive changes in our behavior must stem from a repentant heart and not from a heart of self-pride or self-righteousness or a heart that seeks to redeem self-reputation.

If you work, you must work to sustain not just yourself but others as well. The child of the kingdom of God does not live for himself. He has given up all that he owns so that he may be the Lord’s disciple. Anything that the Lord may eventually place in his hands are not even his, they belong to the Lord. His life, his time, and everything else belongs to the Lord. He works with his hands to meet his needs (to not be a burden to others) and to meet the needs of others. We are created to care for one another.

Through selflessness, we are set free from the grip of self. The early church walked the path of selflessness. They sold their possessions and distributed among themselves as each needed. They worked with the purpose of having something to share with the brethren. Priscilia and Aquilla were renowned for their good works. Apostle Paul was eager to share his proceeds with the poor. The poor must not be forgotten.

A sinful man will work just for himself, but the disciple of Christ will work both for himself and others. Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

In fact, none of us lives for himself, nor dies for himself. If we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord. Either in life or in death, we belong to the Lord (Romans 14.7-8).