Sirat-E-Habibullah (Pbuh) by Dr. Yamin H. Memon - HTML preview

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married some women. These

marriages took place between his fifty sixth year to the sixtieth year of life. During last four years of his life he did not enter into any marriage.

During these last years he had revelations from Allah (s.w.t.) which limited the number of wives.

This limitation fixed that one single time a Muslims can not have more than four wives (alive). Never before in the history of the mankind had the number of wives and the code of conduct for married people was imposed. The holy prophet

Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) was the first prophet who was given the clear and specific instructions in the form of code of conduct and number of wives.

With this revelation the holy prophet Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) was instructed that he should not divorce any of his wives after this revelation (Ref.: Qur’an33:52). Except A’ishah (R.A.) all these ladies who were his wives were either widowed or divorced.

Umm-e- Salama’s (R.A.) husband had got martyred during the Battle of Uhud in 525 (C.E.) When the holy prophet Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) sent her the proposal for marrying her she replied: “O holy Messenger of God, I have three weaknesses. I feel very jealous women, and I am afraid this might cause me to do things that you dislike. Another one is that, I am an old woman and the last one is I have many children.”

The holy prophet Muhmmad (pbuh) very politely replied: “Regarding your jealousy, I pray to Allah (s.w.t.) to remove it from you. As for your age, we are similar in age. As for the children, your children are mine.” This resulted in mutual agreement.

They got married. In the year 628


King Negus of Abyssinia solemnized the prophet Muhmmad (pbuh)’s

marriage with Umm-e-Habiba (r.a.) in proxy. Other two wives of the holy prophet Muhmmad (pbuh) were

prisoners of war. Both of them were the daughters of the leaders of their respective tribes. They were Safiyah (r.a.) and Juwariyah (r.a.). Both of these pious ladies were set free by the holy prophet Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.).

As they got freedom they happily embraced Islam. They were glad to marry the holy prophet Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.).

All the marriages by the holy prophet Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) provided

shelter and security to women who were either old, widow, lonely, unmarried or unmarried and without protection. By all his marriages he propagated various teachings of Islam.

The holy wives of the holy prophet Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) are considered and addressed by the title “the mothers of the Muslims” (Ref.: Qur’an Chapter 33 Verse 6, 53).

These pious ladies are a brilliant example of ideal Muslim women. All these mothers of Muslims contributed in preserving and transmitting sayings of the holy prophet Muhmmad

(P.B.U.H.) which are known as Ahaadith. The most remarkable contribution in this field is by A’isha (R.A.) the youngest of these pious ladies.

Abdullah ibn Jafar reported that he heard Sayyidina Ali say in Kufa that Allah's Messenger, (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said,

"The best of the women of her time was Mariyam, daughter of Imran, and the best of the women of her time was Khadijah, daughter of Khuwaylid."

Is it not a great honor that the first person to embrace Islam was a woman? She was the first to bear witness that there is no god except Allah and that her husband was the Messenger of Allah. Her husband was our beloved Prophet Muhammad, (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and she was called Khadijah, (may Allah be pleased with her) She was also called Tahira, meaning


Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)’s life is defined into two phases. The first one is before the Hijra (Migration to Medina) from 570 (C.E.) to 622 (C.E.) He had total 11 wives. Two of his marriages were after the Hijra.

At the 25 years of age Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) married a 40 year old wealthy widow of Mecca Khadija bint e Khuwaileed (R.A.). Because of the remarkable understanding between both of them as husband and wife this marriage happily lasted for 25 years.

Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) relied upon her in most of the matters. He (P.B.U.H.) did not enter into another marriage till she was alive. This was the reason that Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) remained sad for a long time after her death.

After the death of Khadija (R.A.) it was suggested to Muhammad by a lady companion named Khuwaila bint- e- Hakim (R.A.) that he (pbuh) should marry Sawdah-bint-e-Zama (R.A.) a Muslim widow or Aisha the daughter of Abu Bakr (R.A.)

of Mecca. A’isha (R.A.) is known as favorite wife of Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.).

She got a long life. She is also known for her contribution to hadith.

Helping his wives:

Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) used to help his wives (R.A.) in household work. Like sewing clothes and preparing food etc.

He used to take advice from his wives.

They were even permitted to argue with him.


Muhmmad (pbuh) had four daughters and two sons from marriage with Khadijah (r.a.). The daughters were Ruqayyah (r.a.), Umm-e-Kulthum (R.A.), Zainab (R.A.) and Fatimah Zahra (r.a.). The sons were AbdAllah, Qasim and Ibrahim all his (pbuh) children died in childhood only.

Attaining Prophethood:

Frequently Muhmmad (pbuh) used to visit a cave at Mount Hira for meditation and contemplation. When he reached the age of 40 years one day during the holy month of Ramadan he was awarded by Allah (s.w.t.) with his divine revelations. The chief of the angels Jibr’eel or Gabriel (a.s.) appeared in front of Muhmmad

(pbuh) at the same cave. Jib reel (a.s.) requested Muhmmad (pbuh) to recite:

“Iqraa”, he replied: “I can not read”.

He (pbuh) did not have any formal education of any language so he could not read or write. Because of this he (pbuh) is also called “Ummi” in Arabic.

After listening to this reply from Muhmmad (pbuh) Jibr’aeel (a.s.) suddenly embraced him with so much power that it became intolerable for Muhmmad (pbuh). After some

moments Jibreel released him. Again Jibreel asked him to say:”Iqraa” again Muhmmad (pbuh) gave the same answer. Again Jibreel embraced him powerfully for the third and the last time. Again Jibreel asked him to say: "Recite in the name of your Lord who created! He created man from that which clings. Recite; and thy Lord is most Bountiful, He who has taught by the pen, taught man what he knew not.” These were the

revelations of the first five verses or Ayaats of the chapter of Qur’an which is known as Surah 96 or Surah Khalaq.

It was the year 610 (C.E.) when these first revelations came to Muhmmad (pbuh). He had never gone through such a shocking and surprising experience ever in his life. So, he was scared and surprised by this event. So he fled that cave of the Mount of Hira. (Qur’an 81:19-29). He (pbuh) reached his home terrified and asked his holy wife Khadija (r.a.) to cover him with a blanket.

Some moments later when he settled down Khadija (r.a.) asked him about the reasons for his shock and worry.

After listening to what happened with him she tried to pacify him by saying that “Whatever is it but Allah (s.w.t.) the almighty will not let you get harmed. Because you are very kind and merciful to relatives, you are always truthful and speak truth, you help the poor and needy people, even orphans, and you are Amin also (a very honest and trustworthy person).”

Advice of a learned person Warqa: As the things settled down she (r.a.) seeked advice of her learned cousin Waraqa. He was an old, wise

personality. He had good knowledge of divine books and spiritual literature of the past. After listening to her (r.a.) account Waraqa broke to her the good news that the strange visitor was nobody other than the holy angel Jibreel (a.s.). In past also Jibreel came to the holy prophet Musa (a.s.) (Moses). He also revealed to her (r.a.) that Muhmmad (pbuh) will be a holy prophet of Allah (s.w.t.). Khadija (R.A.) happily accepted the truth and became the very first and fortunate person to embrace Islam.

Khadija (r.a.) a devoted Muslim wife: Setting an ideal for the people to come she (r.a.) supported her husband Muhmmad (pbuh) in his each and every endeavor, hardship and distress.

Especially during those terrible three years of boycott of Muhmmad

(pbuh)’s Banu Hashim clan by Pagan clans of the Quraish tribe.

After setting the example of an ideal and devoted wife she left this world for heavenly abode in the year 620

(C.E.). This tragedy in Muhmmad (pbuh)’s life came only a few days after the boycott was lifted.

The holy prophet Muhmmad (pbuh)’s Mission:

During Muhmmad (pbuh)’s entire life Jibreel (a.s.) frequently visited him to help him complete his mission as a prophet of Allah (s.w.t.).

Hadith: This is a separate record and collection the holy prophet (pbuh)’s instructions, sayings, actions.

Muhmmad (pbuh)’s mission was to teach and re-establish the worship of the one and only true god i.e. Allah (s.w.t.). Allah (s.w.t.) is the only creator of the entire unverse. He (s.w.t) only runs this world and the whole universe.

This was the thing taught by all the prophets (pbuh) who were sent to this world even much before Muhmmad (pbuh), like Ibrahim or Abraham (a.s.), Nooh or Noah (a.s.), Musa or Moses (a.s.) etc. All the prophets practiced, preached and demonstrated various methods to live peacefully for the mankind. These were the various types of rules or laws for ethical, social, and moral way of behaving or functioning by the humanity.

Only forty people embraced Islam in the first three years of his mission.

This was a very small group of men, women, children, older ones and the youth. These people were from various economic and social segments of society. Muhmmad (pbuh) was directed by a revealation to start preaching Islam to people. Following this he used to recite various Ayaats or verses of Qur’an in public and invite people to Islam. The leaders of the Quraish tribe got highly annoyed by Muhmmad (pbuh)’s preaching.

These non believer Quraish tribal leaders became very hostile towards him. The deadliest of these enemies was Muhmmad (pbuh)’s own paternal uncle Abu Lahab and his wife. These misguided leaders of Quraish of Mecca tried to bribe Muhmmad

(pbuh) by various ways and means.

They offered him money and political power. They were ready to make him king of the tribe if he (pbuh) stops preaching his message. All these measures to bribe and buy Muhmmad (pbuh) proved futile. Even this failure could not open their eyes they kept on their hostility and tried to convince his uncle Abu Talib to allow them to kill Muhmmad (pbuh). His uncle tried to persuade Muhmmad (pbuh) to

abandon preaching his message. But Muhmmad (pbuh) very firmly but politely replied : "O uncle, if they were to put the sun

in my right hand and the moon in my left hand to stop me from preaching Islam, I would never stop. I will keep preaching until Allah (s.w.t.) makes Islam prevail or I die."

Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.)’s Taif visit for preaching Islam and his mercifulness: Taif was 52 miles southeast of Mecca.

After the death of his fatherly and protecting uncle Abu Talib

Muhmmad (pbuh) visited Taif for preaching Islam. The leaders of Taif did not consider any thing. They refused to accept his message moreover they asked the children of the town to harass Muhmmad (pbuh).

The children mocked at the prophet (pbuh), they pelted stones at him (pbuh) to the extent that Muhmmad (pbuh)’s injuries started bleeding.

When this incidence was going on Allah (s.w.t.) sent the angel Jibr’aeel (a.s.) to him. Jibr’aeel (a.s.) delivered him (pbuh) the message of Allah (s.w.t.). He asked Muhmmad (pbuh) that if he wants to punish the people of Taif the punishing angels are on stand to destroy the whole town of Taif. They are waiting for his (pbuh) command.

As Muhmmad (pbuh) has always been merciful and kind to the mankind he did not accept this offer. Instead he (pbuh) forgave them and prayed for Taif’s generations to come accepts Islam. This was his (pbuh) kindness, optimism and positive thinking.

During Taeef vistit only a Christian slave boy named Addas (r.a.)

embraced Islam when he met the holy prophet Muhmmad (pbuh).

Return from Taif:

When Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) was

returning from Taif Ayaats or verses of the Chapter no. 72 “Al Jinn” were revealed to him by Jibr’aeel (a.s.). The meaning of these verses was: “Qur’an is a book of guidance to both the Jinns and Humankind”.

The events of the Miraaj and the Israa:

After this tragic event of Taif in 621

(C.E.) Muhmmad (pbuh) experienced and witnessed the two events of the Miraaj and the Israa. During the Israa the angel Jibr’aeel (a.s.) took him to the Al-Aqsa mosque in

Jerusalem from a holy mosque near Ka’bah. This event took place in the later part of the night for a time span of few hours.

During the Israa Muhmmad (s.a.w.) met earlier prophets (a.s.) who came to the earth much before his (pbuh) arrival on the earth. These holy prophets (a.s.) were Moses, Abraham, Jesus and all other prophets (a.s.).