Sirat-E-Habibullah (Pbuh) by Dr. Yamin H. Memon - HTML preview

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Hudaibiyyah the holy prophet

Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) sent message of Islam to many kings and rulers of his time. Among these rulers were the kings of erstwhile superpowers like Persia and the Byzantine empire.

Through these letters he (pbuh) invited them to Islam. As a result of this endeavor the King Negus of Abyssinia and the Ruler of Bahrain became the first fortunate kings to embrace Islam. Emperor Heraculis understood and acknowledged the message of the holy prophet

Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.).

The treaty is broken:

Some two years after the signing of this treaty in last month of the year 629 (C.E.) as per their habit of terrorizing people the pagan Quraish violated this treaty. The clan of Bani Khuza’h was the holy prophet

Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.)’s ally. The clan of Banu Bakr got support and aid from Pagan Quraish. Both of these clans jointly launched surprise attack on Banu Khuza’h. Some men and women of Banu Khuza’h could escape and took shelter in Makkah and seeked redress. The leaders of Quraish did not help them.

Ultimately they sent a message for help to the holy prophet Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) regarding their plight.

After thoroughly investigating the accounts and reports of this cowardly attack by pagans the holy prophet Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) marched to the city of Makkah with an army. This army consisted of approximately three thousand Muslims (companion r.a.) from Medina and others from various other parts of the Arabia. This way this army consisted ten thousand soldiers i.e. Companions (R.A.).

The army of Companions (R.A.) enters Makkah:

Before marching in the city of Makkah itself the holy prophet Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) sent a message to the people of Makkah. This message of the holy prophet

Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) declared that any person who remains in his or her home or in the house of Abu Sufiyan (R.A.) or in the holy Ka’bah itself will not be harmed. Ultimately the army entered into the holy city of Makkah.

Soon after entering into Makkah the holy prophet Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) directly went to the holy Ka’bah and praised and thanked Allah (S.W.T.) for this glorious victory of Islam. In the holy Ka’bah the holy prophet Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) pointed

towards each idol which were planted in the Ka’bah and declared: “The truth has come the falsehood will neither start nor will it reappear” (Ref.: Quran 17:81). As he said one by one the idols felt down. Then onwards these idols were removed and the holy Ka’bah was cleansed of all 360 idols.

This gesture restored the piety and dignity of Ka’bah to the same one which used to be in the days of the holy prophets Ibrahim and Ismail (a.s.).

The holy prophet Muhmmad (pbuh) declares General Amnesty for


In olden days the conquering armies used to undertake general and mass slaughter and devastation of the territory they won. The people of Makkah also expected that now as the Muslim soldiers have entered into their city they will kill Makkans and destroy their properties. As they have persecuted Muslims since last twenty years. Amidst their surprise the holy prophet Muhmmad (P.B.U.H.) stood by the holy Ka’bah and declared general amnesty for all Makkans.