Sirat-E-Habibullah (Pbuh) by Dr. Yamin H. Memon - HTML preview

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Battle of Uhud

In the same year, the enemies of Islam tried very hard to incite various Arab tribes against Muslims. The Jews also took prominent role in these

conspiracies. Under the command of a Pagan leader Abu Sufiyan a well equipped army of approximately 10,000 warriors started marching towards Madina.

This force established their camp near the Mount of Uhud. It is a few miles far from Madina. Muslims were only an army of 3,000 man poorly

equipped and untrained. As they knew that their number is

considerably less than the enemy pagans. More over the brewing political crisis inside Medina which was constantly being created by the Munafiqs or the Hypocrites. These hypocrites were within the city and among Muslims themtselves.

The Muslims dug a deep moat round the unprotected quarters of Medina and encamped outside the city with a trench in front of them. They relied for safety of the other side upon their allies, the Quraiza, who possessed several fortresses at a short distance towards the south and were bound by the compact to assist the Muslims against any raiders.

These Jews, however, were incited by the pagans to violate their promise to Muslims They joined and supported the pagan Quraish. As these Jews were well versed with the geography of the area more over they were in position to support logistically also.

More over the Munafiqs were waiting for a chance to harm Muslims. All these circumstances were going totally against Muslims.

The siege continued for almost twenty days. The enemy made great efforts to cross the trenches, but every attack was ferociously expelled by the scanty Muslim force. But the circumstances changed suddenly. Conflicts and disagreements started surfacing in the besieging forces. Their horses started dying. Rations were getting exhausted day by day. One night, a wind storm and heavy rain played their part. The tents of pagan Quraish army flew off in wind, their lights went off not to be lit again.

All attackers were scared of this situation. Their commander and leader Abu Sufyan and most of the fighters fled the place. Some seeked shelter at the places of Quraiza tribe.

The Muslims though were satisfied with the failure of their enemies. This trachery of Banu Quraiza left Muslims thinking about the presence of Quraizas nearby Medina. They can anytime put Muslims in trouble. Banu Quraiza were old allies of Muslims. As a moral duty towards old allies Muslims politely seeked an

explanation for breaking this pledge from Banu Quraiza. Quraizas

blatantly refused this request and did not care to give any explanation.

Ultimately Muslims had to siege the territory of Quraiza. The Quraiza people were allowed to surrender at their discretion.

A companion Sa’d Ibn e Maaz was a very close friend of Quraiza tribe.

They asked the holy prophet (PBUH) to appoint him their adjudicator in this dispute. Sa’ad was also the prince of the Aws tribe. Though he was severly wounded in this battle he agreed to adjudicate. He was broght to the judicial procedure on his sick bed it self.

Regarding this treacherous act of Quraiza he delivered his judgement.

In his judgement he ordered that the men who fought against Muslims during this battle should be executed and women and children of Quraiza should be made slaves of Muslims.

Date: 19 March, 625 C.E.

Location: The valley that is located in front of Mount Uhud and it is located about 5 miles (8.0 km) from Medina

Result : Retreat of Pagan and allied forces, Quraiza were exposed.

Between: Muslims VS. Pagan