Sirat-E-Habibullah (Pbuh) by Dr. Yamin H. Memon - HTML preview

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Due to harsh climatic and

geographical conditions Arabain region was ihabitated by indigenous Arab tribes only barring frew pockets of Jews and Christians. These tribes were either Sedentary Bedouins or constantly travelling Nomades.

Bedouins remained settled at one place while Nomades preferred travelling from one place to another with their families and livestock in search of water and food for cattle.

Bedouins were involved in agriculture and trading activites. Side by side Nomades were indulging in raiding caravans of traders frequently. These raids were not considered as a crime by these Nomades.

Before the dawn of Islam people of this region view gods and goddesses as their saviors and protectors. Each tribe had their own deity god or goddess. They used to associate and dedicate trees, wells, stones, water springs with these deities. Ka’ba has been the holy shrine of pilgrimage since time immemorial. Even this holy place housed 360 different idols of numerous gods and goddesses. Beside this idol worship Arabs of this region commonely believed in a supreme god called Allah. They believced that Allah is very much away from these daily chores of life. So he was not included in any of their cultist rituals.They had three main goddesses which were considered to be the daughters of Allah. These were Al-lāt, Al-Manāt and Al-‘Uzzá.

At that time also there were

monotheistic groups also living in this region. They werer Christians, Jews and the descendents of the holy prophet of past Ibrahim (pbuh) and Ismaeel (pbuh). The h oly prophet Muhmmad (pbuh)’s tribal clan

Hasmemites were also the descendents of the holy prophet Ismaeel (pbuh).

Life in Mecca:

The holy Prophet Muhmmad (pbuh)’s place of birth is the holy city of Mecca. From 570 to 622 (C.E.). He lived in Mecca. His Meccan life is in two phases one is before attaining the prophethood and after it.

Childhood in Mecca:

Muhmmad (pbuh)’s date of birth according to most historians is 12th date of the Muslim month of Rabi’ al-awwal in the year 570 (C.E.).

He (pbuh) was from the one of the most influential families of Mecca known as Banu Hashim.

According to some historians his year of birth is the year in which the Aksumite king of Yamen called Abraha invaded Mecca. This year is also known traditionally as the year of Elephants. Abraha had a large army of elephants. But he failed in his attempt to destroy Mecca especially the Holy Ka’bah.

The holy prophet (pbuh) became orphan:

His (pbuh) father Abdullah died before his birth. As per the prevalent tradition of his tribe in those days after his birth he was handed over to a lady called Halima Sadiya (r.a.) for upbringing. She was a bedouin lady living in desert with her tribe. During these years while Muhmmad (pbuh) stayed with them this Bedouin family witnessed some miracles of

Muhmmad (pbuh).

He (pbuh) stayed with this family till he was two years of age then he was called back to Mecca to live with his family. At the age of sixth year he lost his mother Amena (r.a.). During childhood only he became orphan.

Then onwards he was brought up by his paternal grandfather Abd al-Muttalib who was the chief of the Banu Hashim. This was a powerful clan of the Quraish tribe. At the age of eight years he (pbuh) lost his grandfather also.

Upbringing under the guardianship of his (pbuh) paternal uncle:

Now he (pbuh) was brought up by his uncle Abu Talib. At the same time Abu Talib was the successor of his father and new leader of the Banu Hashim. During his teen age he started accompanying his uncle Abu Talib during his journeys from Mecca to Syria for trading. During his journeys he learned commerce and trade.

Trade tours to Syria and a Monk


One day while on their tour to Syria a Christian monk met Muhmmad

(pbuh) whose name was Bahira. He recognized some signs and miracles of Muhmmad (pbuh) and foretold to Muhmmad (pbuh) that he will become a prophet. During his youth he became an experienced merchant trading between Indian and