Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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The Koran retained the following customs from the Pagan Arabs:

Polygamy, slavery, easy divorce and social laws such as circumcision, animistic element connected with Muslim prayer and ceremonial cleanliness.  The sin is not in the mind and heart according to Mohammad but sticks to the body, as the Paganism belief.  Washing the body frees the worshipper from Demons.  A Muslim must take away his bodily sin with water before raising his hands to Allah.  If the man left a spot unclean, his prayer is not counted.  According to one tradition, Mohammad said “If any of you waken up from  sleep, let him blow his nose three times, for the devil spends the night in a man’s  nostrils”.  A Muslim is required to cover his head especially the back part of his skull to prevent evil spirits from entering the body.

You are required to obey the book rather than think.  This means put a circular halo inside the head while the body must stay in the glory.

The pilgrimage has its own Arabian idolatry.  People come from far lands to throw pebbles at Satan and kiss the black stone while they are blind to the truth.  The Koran is full in superstitions and old folk tales and as black as the black stone.  Men are lusted by wealth and sex, their self laws are dust.  The Koran doesn’t tell them to search “the way” but to the Kaaba which is its temple way.

            The pilgrim coming to pay homage to the idol often shaved head; offerings are placed around the dry well Zam Zam inside the Kaaba.  There is a strong and popular belief that the association of Abraham with the Kaaba was Mohammad’s personal invention to serve as a reason to liberate Islam from Judaism to make his religion different in nationality, ceremonies and the way of going to Heaven, deceiving his own conscience and those of others.  Jerusalem is the Jewish and Christian city replaced by the Kaaba; the worship of the sun and moon identified by Arab paganists is attend by the Islamic religion, in the form of proper names to people example:  Hilal (a crescent), shams (sun) which was the Goddess of several tribes honored.  Mohammad was ready to compromise with the favorite deities of the Meccan’s worshipers, he made Al-lat, Al-uzza and Manat to be regarded as divine beings whose intercession was effectual with Allah, meaning Allah had three daughters.  The Goddess Al-lat is also identified with the solar divinity.  Many gestures, movements, the cry of the muezzin, the raising of the hands, etc, have been shown to be animistic in origin, warding off evil spirits.  The Koran is poetry under the influence of a Jinn, the equivalence  of Angels but dark.

            The hurrying between the hill Arafat and Muzdalifah and Mina was a rite practiced by the Arab and may have had a magical significance, as part of pagan rite.  Mohammad deliberately changed the running time and made it after sunset and before the sunrise to suppress its association with the solar or sun rite of worship.  All the rituals performed were imposed on the pilgrim to bring the pilgrim into a state of magic power.

            Children before can read and write Arabic and before can think are made to memorize the Koran without understanding a word of it.  The word “Tajwid” is learning how to chant the words and the word “Tartil” is learning how to sing words with a rich notes.

             Koran is one of a process to bring people to jail by its religious dogma and hatred, the imprisonment comes from favoring another religious practice.  Islam has no alternatives but to build a wall similar to the Berlin wall, the Gustabos are the fundamentalists and the sword is the arm force but under the name of people.  A man who is not Muslim is a third degree person suffering from a mental health problem and to be killed is justified.  The Koran is the wall to divide and the reason is you are either connected or not with the book of victims.  Free will is considered a devaluation of the true word.  Jihad with its torture is the answer to Christ’s redemption.

            Islamic culture is the product of poetry, its potential source is the subconscious mind.  The Arabic literature is nursed by poetry.  The famous contributor Abu Nawas praised wine and the beautiful buttocks of young boys.  Only poetry emerged from the Arab past.  Islamic philosophy, science and art came from contact with outside older and richer civilizations.  Without Byzantine art and sassanian art there would have been no Islamic art.  The treatment of non-Muslim was appalling; women were not only slaves but also condemned in horrendous behavior.  Islamic law is a totalitarian constructed to control every aspect of an individual life from birth to death.

Silencing opinion is the property of evil which stands for the blind perception to lose the greater benefit of clearer perception which provides an opportunity for errors to overcome the truth.  The interaction of individuals, possessing different knowledge and different views is what constitutes the life of thought.  The growth of reason is essential for intellectual progress.

The Koran is a book for all the wrong reasons.  The universality of knowledge and memorizing a religious dogma without understanding a word of it marks the shrinkage of faith in knowledge and humanity.  The religion is sick, demonstrably false and vicious not different than Nazism and Communism.

Islam lives exclusively by its taboos and constraint things on what to do and not to do, what to say and not to say.  The authorized lies make agree for not to agree.  The greater number of obedience to the Koran, the greater sins made and the fewer chance for attaining right.  Religious intolerance together with Mohammad’s laws of Shareia has spilled blind killing and let hell loose in mind and mood.

            To behave like God in Islam is to behave like Satan.  Submitting to Allah is submitting to the taboo of men.  The purpose of Satan in the Koran is to have man touched by him. Islam is the marriage of soul to the body to do the obsessive work in opposite way to Christianity.  Obsession is the most infallible symptoms of corruption and the mental image of a devil but not the pure devil.

Remember:  Mohammad assigned number six which is the Devil’s number to his work in the 6th day of the week, Friday while Jesus considered Sunday, day one.  A six number can’t make a man honest.  Jesus purified the soul to make the body clean.  Mohammad sexualized the body without guilt ability.  Jesus said because I live you shall live.