Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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Democracy depends on freedom of thought and discussion whereas Islamic law forbids the discussions of people having critical views.  This is a religion which does not seek new followers by natural means but makes converts with the sword.  ALLAH is a non-human ruler and an absolute ruler whose words must be obeyed without discussion, without doubt and without question, “There is no bargaining”, and if power corrupts then absolute power of ALLAH corrupt absolutely.  No human can override ALLAH’s veto. No one can get rid of him; he is here to stay until the Second Coming.  Emperor Nero passed away without a solid religion but Mohammad’s work stay guarded by followers in spite of mischief, cruelty, bigotry and superstition.

            Women are considered inferior to men, and they have fewer rights and duties from the religious point of view.  In regard to court, evidence or testimony and inheritance, a woman is counted as half a man; in marriage and divorce her position is less advantageous than that of the man; her husband may even beat her, in certain cases or just says “I divorce you” three times enough to cause divorce without court.  Mohammad is reported to have told his men to treat kindly those two weaklings “women and slaves”.

            The basis of the Islamic institute toward unbelievers is the law of war; they must be either converted or killed.

The sword of Mohammad and the Koran are the most enemies of civilization, liberty and truth, which the world has known yet.

Let us compare the Koran to U.S constitution: the fourteenth amendment says: “No state shall deny to any person within its justification the equal protection of the laws”, which echo a true democracy, God’s favorite system.

            Islam continually manifests hostility towards human reason, rationality, and open discussion without which democracy and science and moral judgement are not possible; think about how Muslims slavery can work in modern time today?  As the Koran remained the standard law; how about the veil and the flow of polygamy?

Remember:  The picture of Allah in the revelation is that equal to a beast having two horns which represent the excessive force from within to kill everything in front of him.   Islamic nations under the control of the two horns mark survival of the fittest way of life.   Indonesia is one of them.