Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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Allah claims he is the real god of all and his evidence is the Koran which he considers, a miraculous work greater in value than the Bible. In reality the Koran is a self evidence of providing the conditions of mortality demonstrated by impartiality and vigorous war of words. The Koran copied the stories with slight modifications (when needed) from the Jews and Christian books. There is nothing new to be miraculous. The god of Koran is cruel, angry, bloody and proud. He is the dictator who would allow his people to be torchoured despite their age and perished if his authority was criticized or disputed.

Many of the duties and rites of Islam are practices taken from the pagan Arabs especially that which occurs during the pilgrimage to Mecca with many superstitious act.

The words of Koran were presented by two speakers in quite confusing identity ALLAH and Mohammad reflecting the Father and Son in the Christian divinity but in barbaric Koranic way.  It is a choice between having the book of lamb in the room or the book of beast.

The God of Koran with his Son the false prophet are part of Satan Trinity, with Satan serving as the official maker of the two.

The Koran is pure and simple polytheism in belief. The proof of its idolatry is the black stone sitting and waiting to be kissed in a temple which represent the heart of Islam. No one would believe that such a work of Satan could ever make God worshipped as a stone in a city made higher in the divine service than Jerusalem. The golden calf at Moses time found a legal ground to be worshipped as God has continued to be worshipped but as a black stone.

The shifty character of Mohammad emerges after him doing the killings as “services to Islam” and the elimination of all opponents by assassinations. The irrational approach of Satan became the function of a negative doctrine justified by placing himself to be the “God-fearing” serving official.

Islam with its basis of fear, conquests, conversions, heresy, homosexuality, human rights, Jihad, Polygamy, Sexual inequality, slavery, taboos, vengeance, rituals, sects, belief in demons, easy divorce, purity out of rinsing hands (washing the body is washing the devil away) and Islamic laws, carried under powerful waves in an obsessional neurosis. The created environment produced men and women complex and sick in the brain, sensitive, emotional, lacking judgment and above all have no love but revenge.