Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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The subject of the truth in human minds (arranged in the mental process) is made in the genetic code which is God’s code represented in testing form that need a special attention.  God’s genetic code is a call of curse in the act of responding to evil committed in genes that bind with acts.  The newly born receives his share of task paid in advance for conscious awareness.  The DNA is also a slide projector to magic criminality.

The genetic code speaks hell fire in dullness as well as light in thinking.  God’s genetic code is not a survival of the fittest code but heaven and hell in reproduction.  The DNA code speaks Moral Convictions.  The happy man is he who knows his code yet bows to no false gods.

The truth of inability to believe is inserted in backward or poor quality genes parting different sorrows that what Darwin never knew.           The genetic code is God’s Publication in a literature possessed by people who think “there is nothing wrong and committing no wrong to God”.

It is impossible to read the code as we read a newspaper; think if the errors of a man is counted and published in Journals what would it be like?

The code is distinct from laws, emotions are written on the code to express taste in the Being  and to be one of the sinews of the soul to gain an access over the spirit in a law that locks man to his desire.

A preacher who created a fortune out of Jesus blood has a blank gene.  Hell is the destiny for bad children performing a child act in adult form.  Finally, the genetic code is what you are at birth, it is not a conviction, your life reactions produces the final verdict.  You can either put out the light or gather it. No one can be signed to Heaven without having the truth in his hand operating as it was made.

The genetic code is a solution and cultural knowledge if revealed to give an alternative life more affective in strategy and attitude.  The materials for the solution already exist in non-material things. It is the consciousness of men that determines our being and the oxygen to the spirit not the physical pleasure.  You are committed to act in a good case scenario.  A problem left to itself  dries up or goes rotten.  But if the problem fertilized with a solution, you will latch out dozens of solution and at the same time reflect the opinion of God.  We are mirrors of God, no question about that, we do it through the windows of God, making our pictures while we are doing the impressive work.

Remember:  All grapes look the same on the vine but their impact on the wine not the same.  The time has come to kick off your soul for goals.  Change today for events you can never imagine.  There is a rainbow rising waiting for your restructure.