Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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Trinity is the mode of God’s existence in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit united in modes, function and substance.  This Trinitarian concept is reflected in human beings. We are created in three, spirit, soul, and body.  We have three minds, unconscious which has its role in childhood, sub-conscious acting in semi - awareness and conscious with memories  and motives relating to the three minds. In the book of Genesis, the first book of the Old Testatement, God used not “I” but “We” in the story of the Creation signifying the Trinity.  The Three are like the Triangle of equal lines, cannot be separated standing for the earth restoration, in three equal powers for a great echo.

The reason for the Trinity, God wants his children knows his nature and relate to existing thing on the earth showing he is the “I am not Am I” under his specific earthly mission.  Jesus showed his ability to stay “absolute” from sin; divinity in miracles performance, and won the inner aspect of relationship.

Salvation remains the real issue of the Trinity. Without knowing the right path, we will go to hell from being Godless.  Man must know the secret of life before he gets judged.   The truth is the driver towards such a responsibility.   Power is shown in heart and mind not in bloodshed pain in endemic form.

Trinity is not polytheistic principle which gives separate individuality to each of manifestation’s individuality.  Manifestation in monotheistic principle, God has one image endowed by one idea, one feeling, one spirit, one promise and the truth, all in one.

Remember:  Jesus was rebelling in a revolution against the religious Jews to do the Father’s wishes.  The revolution saw love, mercy and forgiveness.  Jesus freed us from superstition based on magic played by witches to produce witches new laws.  Jesus came to fill the world with God, culture and life style.  Christianity became bigger than the world.  You don’t need to kiss the cross to go to Heaven or have loud prayers.   The faith ranks in the heart held by a strong Christian dimension and heart has no law.