Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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The truth separates our world from Heaven and Jesus descended from Heaven to make goodness continually falling.  The truth is the unit quality used as a standard measurement in Heaven, to what is truly or should be in the world.  This unique form of truth is linked with the concept of light, and ethic or Christianity as our life is contested with the light and eternal springs.  The truth is white and right unalienable, by its self evidence.  Knowledge with necessary balance underlines realty of things, holding the truth.  Unbalance is a fierce opponent to the truth; it changes the truth in the way of interpreting.

            If a human being exists under what is truly to be, he is then the truth equal to Jesus Christ.

            The truth is absolute, immutable and eternal.  As the truth is light, it can only be spoken in the shadow of its absence.

            The soul has the dark night work and the spirit has the day light work.  The two are very different and rivals; good and evil rest in them by the way of the body actions.  The two, have opposite agendas, the soul hides the truth while the spirit reveals the truth by opening up insight through the light of God to make it transparent.

            The Old Testament marked itself sharply off from other religions declining on a Sun-, Moon-, or star Gods with their power of darkness.  This is why Genesis 2:3 speaks of light as God’s creation and very little of celestial body.  Light is symbol of life, salvation and happiness granted by God (Psalm 4:7; 36:10; 97:11, Isaiah 9:1), who is himself light (Psalm 27:1, Isaiah 60:19-20).  God’s law is a light put into the path of individuals (Psalm 119: 105), so as is His Word (Isaiah 2: 3-5).  The Messiah, lighted the light (Isaiah 46:6, Luke 2:32).

            Darkness is a symbol of evil, misfortune, punishment, damnation and death (Job 18:6, Amos 5:18).  These realities, however, do not derive from a power alien to God; since God himself created darkness, He too, inflicts punishment.  Furthermore, God’s light pierces and scatters the darkness (Isaiah 60: 1-2) and He himself calls mankind to the light (Isaiah 42: 7).

            Christian symbolism continues along the same lines.  Jesus is the Light of the world (John 8:12; 9:5), and those who believe in Him should be so, too (Matthew 5:14) by becoming a reflection of light like Christ and conducting their lives in accordance with it (Matthew 5:16).  A way of life inspired by love is the sign that the person walks in the light (I John 2:8-11).

Among the Dead Sea scrolls there is The Book of the War between Children of Light and The Children of Darkness, which draws a distinction between the elect, who from all eternity are predestined to belong to divine army of light, and others who’s true home in the Kingdom of Darkness.  In consequence, the entire history of mankind and of the world is seen as a pitched battle between two armies led by their supreme commanders, The God of light and Satan the Prince of Darkness.

            Although it has been carefully Christianized, it must seem that such notions linger in the background of the opening of St. John’s Gospel, since he speaks of light which Darkness cannot and will not accept (John 1:4-5).

            According to St. John (1:9) light is identical with the Word. This expresses, in some sense, diffusion of spiritual sunlight into the heart of the world. St. John explains that this diffusing is apprehended without ‘refraction’, that is to say, by direct intuition, without any intervening distortion. The direct knowledge, stands in the sunlight, in contracts with moonlight which, is a reflected light from the sunlight, stands as a model of false intelligence or copied in an artful way (Koran).

Body and soul are symbols of darkness heading us into danger, waiting for the spirit to guide the migraines of chaos.

Light never carry opposites equal to the truth.

Remember:  The dark ages followed after Mohammad’s death revealed in loss of spiritual light created by Islam.  The dark is identical with the loss of spirit with its truth.