Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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Skies are black with the smoke of war without words.  The ground is red with the blood of innocents caught in the flames. Villages, town, and cities are destroyed. Poor and innocent children, are deprived of basic necessities, families are torn apart, watching their loved ones die in pain and agony. Is there any cause worth so great in human life?; are injustices on the part of one government corrected by the injustice of another?  Is there a government where it can claim rightful in views and conduct to support a war?

No country can insure waging war and be on the side of “right”, the killing, torture and destruction are not right. Mankind was placed on this earth to love and care one another, but because of selfishness and greed, the world has become increasingly corrupt and fighting and killing has become way of life.  Destruction is the opposite of protection which has care pulled togather.

Those who wage war in the name God, claiming blessing upon their cause, are mistaken. Many are misled by their own sense of rightness and righteousness, while others act out of hypocrisy.  Jesus said: “Those who truly know me and love me follow my Word and My Example, and seek and strive for peace”.  Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the Children of God (Matthew 5:9).  “I went so far as to say that you should “love your enemies, bless those who curse you, and do good to those who hate you” (Matthew 5:44).

Those who wage war, who pursue the domination, destruction and devastation of other lands, will reap sorrow and bloodshed themselves.

I know the hearts of men. I will reward the peacemakers. I will judge the warmongers. Every man will give an account before me in the Day of Judgment. Search your own heart. Determine where you stand-whether on the side of peace or the side of the war, on the side of freedom or the side of tyranny.

I am the Almighty and Omnipotent God. I could use my power to humanity to do what is right, but I have chosen to give man the majesty of choice. I allow each person and nation to determine their own destiny through the choice they make. I do not impose My will or My plan upon mankind.  No one should impose their will and plan upon others, one person should never force another to conform to their beliefs or way of life. One government should never force another to operate according to its ideals and desires. This is not my way. This is not my plan.  You are genius by my spirit in interactive vision, you are not a product genius.

If you “stand by” the freedom of a nation being violated, do not be surprised if someday you find your own freedom lost. If you have freedom of speech now but you do not use that freedom and speak out against oppression and tyranny for all you’re worth, one day you will lose it. Do not take your privileges lightly.

Are you a peacemaker and worthy to be called a child of God? Is you personality acquainted with the God who is love? Have your personality received me into your life?  If you know me? If you know the truth, then I call you to follow it. Take action, Testify My truth to others. If you know me in name only, you can change that now, and get to know me personally and intimately. You can receive my Spirit of love, peace, and light into your life and heart. Talk to me. Call on me. If you do not know how to say, pray this short prayer:

Jesus, I want to know you personally. I want to understand the truth. I want to see the world the way you see it. I want to understand your will, and I want to do my part to fulfill your will. I want to stand up for truth and justice. Give me strength to do so. Show me what I can do to change the world around me for the better. Show me how to love my fellow man, how to help and care for others as you would help and care for them if you walk on earth today. Show me how to promote peace. Amen.

Taking a stand for me is taking a stand for a peace, a stand against war. Taking a stand for freedom, is taking a stand against hypocrisy, greed and selfishness of those who are eager to wage war. Pray for peace. Pray for the innocent. Remember, you are accountable to me and will stand before me one day. Live accordingly.