Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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Prophet Daniel saw a vision of two horned ferocious ram that is struck down by a goat with a great horn. The arch angel Gabriel explains to Daniel what all that means.  The ram stands for the kings of the world who are encouraged to do the burden of savage wars to produce empires out of their kingdoms.  This made the fall of empires with their collective religions stands for the beast coming out of the earth.  Allah has therefore his mistery in his hand, he represents not only the stone of Al-Kaaba but kings agreeing to be occupied with idols worships in marriage form.  The word “Gentile” is reflections of Allah’s bloody children on earth in on-going dividing activities Muslims, Jews, Darwinists and all unjust religions running parallel.

The beast is described as coming out of the earth, not out the sea, establishes Allah’s power over the world which will take a significant role during the Armageddon.

Chapter thirteen says:  “signs were granted to him to perform that made those who dwell on the earth follow him instead of the dragon”.  This statement has the following explanation:  The two horned beast had the sword to show how wild can it be.  The sword can kill all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast.  Indeed why the worshipers of Allah shout Allahu Akbar and fall on the ground in a prayer service reflects the fear and anger that comes out of the two horned wild beast.

We see the image of the wild beast has no statue status unlike the dragon exalted with statues.  This is because Allah in the Koran prohibited images, considered idolatry in spite of the fact that submission to God is submission to the lifeless black stone.  The stone picks all believers and keepers to settle them in heaven.  It all comes down to the stone confers holiness.

Mohammad’s attitude was not like an innocent lamb, it was like a two-horned beast bringing down fire when he is speaking.  Fire represents forces of evil emitted from two horns, enlightened by Satan in two states lunatic states co-existing independently.  The words of Allah speaks as a dragon, it uses pressure and threats until the very end.  The words promote nationalism by the growth of emotions.  Division and hatred that might have not been seen in the First Wild Beast are added and death returns under out of bitter prophecy.

The two horned wild beast guards material things also, godless communism and secularism.

“The lamb-like beast” questions the power headed by two horns appearing as a false messiah.  Seven adopts accessibility to the seventh world powers which is Islam paid under the name “The Arab Empire”.

A holy heaven wouldn’t be holy if Satan and his demons have not been ousted from heaven to be confined into a model of abyss in the earth.

The Greek word “apocalypse” which means revelation provides the growth of Islam with bridges of terrorism to do the destruction of the world by nuclear warfare.

A beast manifests in people and so as each head of the dragon.  Satan and Allah are the truly rulers of this world united in one policy “wild beasts politics”.  Love for positive contribution became divided by pride and human tragedies.  The New Testament has proved this.

Allah left every page in every book clouded with painful memories at Four Corners of the world.  Conflict has the start of the day and kneeling five times a day is a face cover.

A good Christian citizen respects and obey the laws and make a positive contribution to the welfare of their community.  A devil can’t see the difference because he has no morals.  The sword is intended to be a symbol of “death stroke” in unforgiving religion.

Christians has simple stroke of pen risen by a marriage between man and pen.

2011 – 2016 has six years of events.  The six number represent “the world in an abyss form” before the Lord’s Day begins.  A world distressed by the fail of economy and death together with major disasters and irruptions.  Year 2011 is the year of destruction and an uprise of Islam unseen before as ugly as tyranny, to make the world fit for Osama.  The real grinding comes in year 2013 and the cruelest year starts in 2016.

The one who gives captivity shall go to abyss captivity living with his shadow.

The punishment of Satan at the end of Armageddon will be linked with Michael the angel who disposed Satan to make heaven a worthy place.

Jehovah’s Witness religion has been visited by the wild beast which keeps the worship of Jehovah not Jesus, putting Jehovah at a level above in ruling.  This has the echo of Revelation 13:4 “who is like the wild beast will give worship to the beast”.  The people who worship Jehovah God are worshipping the dragon revived by Allah.  Jehovah’s witnesses should not be called Christians.  Mormons driven by Joseph Smith falls in same scheme, has “polygamy” in its impact.  Joseph Smith is the “God Smith” to produce his shape of God.

The power of religion is measured by its depth of the abyss crying unto the Lord to hear their voices.  Nationalism in the world is an effect of wild beast represented in different religions and cultures around the world to be threatened.  The death that make human decay is only love has no decay. 

Parallel to a pale world.  It is very hard to distinguish the deadly from undeadly Muslim, we have no information to know.

St. John’s message has a sweet and bitter destinies, super in size and quality to the ones in the pipe line and disastrous to wolf-like people.

Jehovah’s image exists only in the Trinity, there will be no Jehovah in Heaven but Jesus Christ in one God, All in All.  He is the light in crystal form.  We sign to Him, who is the True Lord came to Save us and will do the Judgment on us.

Remember:  an Astro physicist can find an exo-planet within the millions of galaxies in the solar system revolving around a single star.  But no one saw the two wild beasts except John.