Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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The book “Slaying the Dragon” ignites for the first time, a new powerful knowledge against the serial killer who is winning through his ideological forces belonging to his religions.  Cultures develop the grass roots of religions while knowledge changes simple traditional tales into reality to kill myth and build the formula of the truth.  But the grass routes of culture are the real challenger in human character.

Before going into the content, I like to share with you the following breakthrough revealed by the Lord just before publishing the book.

God created man in his own image but to be differentiated after Adam’s sin.  The evil spirit called soul is shown in the sun light as shadow of the individual without the elaborate details.  But after death the soul leaves the body to be free from the body interference and gain the real black image of the person acquiring a ghost like look.  The ghost goes to visit favorite places by gliding and may haunt living people.  A human in his/her physical form and quality represents the state of the spirit i.e. “We are a living spirit”.  The purpose of the spirit’s occupation in the body form is to bear the original act of creation.  The spiritual look moves out from the look of Adam into sharing races by the work of soul.  It is the law of love that differentiate us in racism.  God is not prejudice in opinion or reason.  Prejudice comes from the animal spirit by being occupant destroying what has been built.  We are the image of God only when we are in absolute form; a race is called to give helpful attention in thoughts.  The invisible forces of religions, cultures and deeds considers the wild side of creation.  In other words man falls victim to his own soul.  The white color of the spirit gets washed-up to be pale, faded or changed into yellow, brown, red or black.  The transfer happens under persuation power of temptation in money, sex and power.  The object of the spirit is to put the truth direct into action and can combat the soul in graceful way.  Falseness changes the quality of the Being.  The untrue soul exploit the spirit and body for profit and personal gain.  A false human can even put hooves under falsity.  A good creation is not an entitlement, it has to be earned.

We have eyes detailed under leopard eye of the Dragon and the eye of the Lamb of God to include soul and spirit in the faculties of senses.  The eye of the spirit sees the glory of the coming of the Lord and holds Heaven.  There is no torch of light in the eye of the dragon, therefore can expect nothing but chaos.  As a result, the art of being wise is knowing what to look for and meditation helps anxiety.  The night pushes scarlet sins and drinking troubles.  An eye for an eye and tooth for the tooth are two leopard eyes deliberately killing or depriving each other individually instead of understanding each side of the problem.  You must pluck the eye offends thee before doing the perishing job.  Jesus says: “but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek turn to him the other also”.  If you pray for them, you are doing the Lamb’s work.  This is a very important step in bringing peace and a significant act in reforming the Old Testament.  The human simple eye is thousands time weaker, its weakness prevents us from seeing the course of action.  We can’t see the invisible nor the dark energy.  A dragon eye is a telescope like can see distant objects appearing to do the dragon’s dogmas.  We are not qualified to do judgement wisely without error weak eye cannot see what is good and essential.  There is no man can incarnate the eye of God only Jesus.

The ear has the benefit of gathering universal knowledge in the wisdom of listening, stirring up memories.  Fear, rejection, repression expresses hearing.  Traditional stories of religions whether invented or true are history of eye and ear to make culture which is “a mind”.  Faith comes by hearing the Word of God, one of the rich reflection of the truth, “we hear thee and rejoice”.  Azan reaches out to an unseen audions is a tool to force the truth.

The evidence that establishes barbarism by the soul lies in the psychological state of suicide connected with a deliberate act of killing.  The state of mind is complex and in mountain form relating to soul overcoming spirit.  The mental torture begins felt like long knives under act of stabbing under a condition that need suicide.

The book provides contributions along the following lines:  See how the earth will change its royalty in the year 2016 and why we are walking to the pain of Armageddon, fulfilling the prophecies in the Bible.

The woe that is felt today signifies “all will be lost”.  The areas of ruins are chosen by God and also by Allah who is the mystic master holding Satan power on the world to force the end in a double fiery game.  We are terrorized by nature and man, bridges are swept away like papers by the power of water, destructions by powers of winds, earthquakes, tsunami and terrorism coming in silence.

The year “2011” holds eleven, the number that I put for destruction.  The year that will witness chaos and destruction in coordination with the Muslim world which is an attempt to expand and unite the Muslim truth against the Christian truth.  There is no mercy killing but chaotic killings, Allah style.  Eleven also calls Muslims to wake up from sleep in eruption form to separate the wolf from the man.  Osama’s life ending stands on the same awakening situation.  All speaks about people strongly enthusiastic to have the wind of change and the truth behind dictators.   The year “2013” attributed to the events will happen according to chapter thirteen of the Book of Revelation describing the Anti-Christ, the two beasts and the false prophet Mohammad who will rule again for three and a half years leading to the Second Coming.

Al-Qaeda is a syndicate of a multi-headed beasts, it combines individuals holding 666 numbers to carry out terror in most fugitive way.  If one leader get killed, Al-Qaeda remains as one book of terrorism closes, a new book starts.  Al-Qaeda has seven heads equal to the dragon in reflections.  Each head can carry what Allah knew.  There are hundreds of militant Muslims capable of conducting fatal attack towards soft targets operating under either anger or leadership.  Al-Qaeda “the fundamental principle of Islam” has killed thousands of innocent men, women and children of Muslims and Christians around the world, under their impetus drive.  The Islamic fields already ploughed and the bad seed scattered on the land of Muslim’s world.  The Afghan war is the longest in history.  It is the battle of ideas under brotherhoods rivalry belonging to different religions.  The mystic behind Jihad is its fast route to paradise serving as a stock for sex.

An inspiration by a very evil man produces aspiration.  Jihad is an ideology of “murder under cold blood”, which is the ugliest thing in the world.  Osama bin Laden was a symbol of death and destruction.  It took 13 years to hunt him down worldwide and took three presidents of united state as well as Britain to know his location.  He was a big chapter, big forefront and a big target.  Osama received a bullet in the head to cease him from existence in May, 1st 2011.  This is the same day (May 1st), Hitler finished his life by also bullet in the head.  Thus May 1st 2011 – May 1st 1945 = 66 which is an integer that shows interrelationship with the false prophet.  The two are rotting in Hell forever without the hope of resurrection.  It would have been better to capture Osama who was unarmed.  Shooting him make him a martyr while a trial would demystify him to reveal his hidden psyche with its secrets in quality power, as he is one of the chosen ones by Allah.

The world has stepped twice into the spirit of Mohammad to press his foot down through the unbowed bloody Osama, the creator of Al-Qaeda to danger the world.  Al-Qaeda is an incurable mind disease, having sixes in captivity for an absolute death of our modern world.

All Osama’s life was a culture of blood, money and a testosterone seeking a hole, signifying nothing, not even an invention of a new gun powder.  Lust knows not what to do next and death alone gives blood its true habitat.

There is striking parallelism between Mohammad and Osama bin Laden in a mad dog behavior.  Osama came down to us as Mohammad having evil blended with him to give impact under his sentimental glorification of violence, cruelty, extremism and irrationalism.  The high likeness is inherited in the following:  the two were born in Saudi Arabia, both adopted disciples and divided people into a friend and a foe or dar Al-Harb “the abode of war” and Dar Al-Salam “the abode of peace”.  The two had no imam title.  Mohammad made his migration (Hijra) from Mecca to Medina for protection.  Osama migrated to Pakistan to be safer.  The two took the same stand on the unbelievers (infidel or zindiq) as they should be killed under a divine institution called jihad by striking off their heads which is the great command of Allah.  The two are closely related in persecution, assassination and brought destruction, giving no pardon.  Similarities in harem living under one roof.  Osama, in the same way has his approval of black slavery and persecution of Jews and Christians not by reason but by bombs.  Guns are easier than swords to result in bloodshed.  Osama brought back heresy delivered under “you have been told the truth if you refuse the gun or sword will soak you in blood”.

Osama and Mohammad displayed “hagarism” in the support of “Ischmael belongs to Mecca and Isaac belongs to Jerusalem.  Osama if he is Mohammad has no memorandum braced by a new obsessed brain.  We will never rest until we know who is that tyrant was, was the mahdi, the restorer of repression (arresting zindiqs in masses, beheading them and displaying their heads on a gibbet)?, remains to be seen.  The Lord may have allowed this to happen to show the historian events before the Second Coming.  Many of the false prophet actions were the make by storytellers and the material fabricated.  Therefore, the “worst of men” has to be witness by the world before the final condemnation.  There are scholars openly believe that Mohammad did not exist.

Pakistan is the country to watch, as stupid as Satan is “hosting Osama for twenty years whilst killing 30.000 Pakistanis”.  Pakistan is the only Muslim country that has 100 nuclear weapons.  It has all reasons to prosper treason.  A country possessed by death and dirt games and has so many fools born from hatred, misery exposed to lies and generous pockets.  The partnership between U.S and Pakistan made Pakistan receives billions of taxpayer dollars before displaying a sneaky anti terrorist act.  This is the way the world ends, not by old ways of asteroids but nuclear.  We need a magnifying glass looking at every shift to make a significant contribution.  Jesus express: “any repayment belongs to me and I will repay”.

Year 2016 will be the “Angel of Death year” and the false prophet is the Assassin.  The real lesson he will be performing is “how to live without life, how to eat without food and cash.”  Burning people alive, killing civilians crowds in thousands by his worshipped guns, Greif, women tearing their hairs under violent cry screaming for justice out of the hook made by the crook.  The slaughter moves higher its account every day of people irrespective of age or sex in beheading, torture, stabbing, turning rivers into red.  He will keep collecting heads while the pale bodies are in a display along miles long.  Religions are the target to be abused, black face, white looks to pay their loss of life.  Crimes have no hiding place set aside as they are pleasure and bear medals.  Survival of the fittest is the one who has his soul structured as Mohammad in guilt.  Mohammad the seed of Ishmael knows he is a kind of Satan just before the moment waiting toward the Brimstone fire by the Lord with his Beast Allah.  Churches and mosques have been standing side by side to show the coming challenge.  We cannot move the dice away from these goals.  This is just the tip of iceberg.  The book of Revelation: “when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in Heaven about the space of half an hour (8:1).

Man is not the enemy of man but through the medium of false system, he is to does bad.  Man is similar the pendulum oscillates between good and evil, right and wrong, sense and no sense.

See my new revelation behind the two triangles in the Star of David the flag of Israel that has vital purpose but has not been realize, the flag stands for Armageddon, two Trinities colliding.  Jesus is the God head of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, contributing to one God against group of three challengers Dragon, Allah and Mohammad.  The true prophecy separates them.  Jesus knows the future of what will happen by being the grand total in unique grace of everything.

See how the Dragon behaves in his second chance after his 1000 years custody and how he goes again but this time robbing the Heavenly people.  The events take place (under my thinking process) as follows:  Jesus ascends to Heaven together with the 44.000 of a resurrected team leaving their blue print in the New World.  The population has their offspring, biologically related to them, living in various areas.  A godly people produced under spiritual regeneration, placed in a land of blessed and a land of immortality (this is not yet the heavenly Jerusalem).  The dragon unknown in physical appearance and undiluted by the one thousand years in captivity, leaves his underworld, appearing with his fearful figure to strip them from God and reconfirm his very contrary identity.  The dragon claims the new world with its sightings beyond the imagination his.  As there is no other master to have a voice or do the command all must obey.  The dragon starts to fill the lower psyche so humans can function under his control.  A psyche is a cave like an underground space manifests fear, darkness and chaos against the spirit under Dragon’s irrational forces so mankind can be untrue, diseased, anxious, carrying danger and standing for threats.  The personality after being conductors of the new soul changes through an inner transformation.  The Dragon shows off his supernatural power from that of humans in swallowing individuals.  The Lord sends two witnesses to give evidence of God’s ownership and for Salvation of the misguided minds.  A final warfare get conducted aimed at killing the two witnesses that achieves temporary victory.  The two witnesses became living again and ascending upward in front of the crowd.  God produces fire burning the Dragon with his mob to mark the end of time and the beginning of the final judgement.

The book reveals the two separate bottomless worlds of Allah and the Dragon differentiated in belief and torture.  The purpose is to give mystic marriage and unification of soul (psyche) in the Abyss of Hell and the dark mind.  The Abyss of the Dragon is to be under the red sea supported by bearing the two horns possessed by animals.  The two horns are symbols of Satan heroes such as Alexander the Great.  Horn, power and divinity are one to claim deadly God ship and evoke the thrust of the male sexual organ.  Allah’s Abyss is to connect to the black stone of Al-Kaaba and the Haj pilgrimage journey.

See how a science fiction imaginative book became a Scientology Religion and the saver of after life is a marine officer.  The man will be taking them into the future Hell.  Indeed life is but snakes and ladders pursued by the intellect.

Numbers have messages in life, stands above laws.  Numbers are one of the key reasons for the role played by Good and Evil in our character but are preventable, we have to work against those number.  Numbers in their simple forms admit operations by themselves.  Each number possesses its own individuality standing above the pure chance of operational power to cause causalities’.  Nine-eleven is an example showing terrorist’s success, the activities, had a match lock in names employed and numbers together with the moving time.  Thus numbers are the baits which attract the mysterious.  Friday 13th has adequate fear the number and the day of Mohammad explained in this book.  Multiple numbers signifies the number itself but in more significant cycles.  Unity in numbers produces unity in all, eternity is Christ numbers in unity.  The same holds for the devil forces.  The Muslim rosary is linked to the ninety-nine beads for the ninety-nine names of Allah.  Prayers in cyclical form makes Allah manifests (99=9x11).  Numbers show it is not easy to be a human but for Jesus numbers reflect the outer shell of being, the devil stands outside the power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus sees numbers as Being expressed under his suffering and great heart to forget the past and go back to the future.

Read my breakthrough of numbers that are razor’s edge spreading along the culture that is not free.  Sixism and Sevenism reveals the good and evil information arriving to my mind as a symbol of Christ Redemption in Christ’s Crucifixion.  The Tree of Life in Eden is the Cross, not the Buddha-Tree under which Buddha sat to obtain his enlightenment which made Buddha and the tree worshipped.  Jesus replaced the sacrificial fires of Hinduism with the inner fire of knowledge (enlightenment) and heart is the flame.  My predictions of numbers are:

“Six (soul), seven (spirit), nine (death), eleven (destruction) and thirteen (false prophet uprising)”.  There is no option of these numbers to be misleading or swapping in what is right or wrong due to their absolutism.

The book for the first time reveals Allah’s decisive power behind the Romans in the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  The revelation is supported by numbers relating to Allah’s activities.  Six, nine, eleven and thirteen are mirrors of Allah to be used, in the investigation of the crucifixion.  It also represents the active structure of an Evil network were justice is built on blood opposing against the birth of grace, hope and freedom.  Numbers are also messages hidden under the power of worlds.  Read about why Islam has no feathers to fly and why Muslims cannot reign as world leaders.

The Koran is investigated conclusively in a manner never seen before addressed and maintained on acts of fear, violence, copying, contradiction, women and lies to be detached from divine nature.  The whole Koran is a screen to connect on the key issues of Satan to sweep into power.

Read about comparisons between the minds of the True Messiah “Christ” and the False “Mohammad”, how the two stands at two poles apart showing contrasts in absolute form, absolute life versus absolute death, the Devil and God, the state of liberty in spirit and the soul in prison.  Islam is a peculiar evil power came to silence the spirit of the human race through its collision with Christianity to destroy its truth, the sharia laws hides under the Arabic word “al-salaam” = peace.  Allah commanded Mohammad to change the pilgrimage from Jerusalem into kissing the black stone.  The old shrine idol in Mecca became true faith standing above all relics.  Goddesses al-lat, manat and al-uzza (daughters of god) are mediators in receiving Allah’s favors.  The satanic verse has its story; Mohammad received a revelation after he saw Gabriel in the second time who said, “what do you think of lat and uzza and manat?  At this point after Satan put into his mouth words of reconciliation of meccans goddesses as daughters of Allah (Sura 53:19-23).  Mohammad gave superstitious demands if kissing the stone is not fulfilled.  Wisdom: the stone and the mind are not one.

See how Ishmael set the framework of Islam paganism.

See how Hubal idol is connected to the same legacy namely the Lord of Kaaba before Mohammad restoration of Allah began.

The similarities between Hitler and Mohammad under Satan six number are discussed.  Both barbarians and mascres of Jews but the mascre continued until the present time with Mohammad together with slavery and genocide of Christian.  Mohammad dealt savagely with Jews after realizing there was no chance of Jews to accept him as their true messiah.  Mohammad and Hitler have “Arianism” in common, the 4th-century Christian heresy founded in Alexandria by the priest Arius.  He taught that Christ was not coequal with God the father to drill Christianity i.e. Christ the son was not the same substance of the father.  Thus according to the events launched, Mohammad holds the world championship in killings to make him earn the number of the Beast 6666 rather than 666.

Read on why the downwards of second world 2 failed to bring the Second Coming.  The world is waiting for the notorious Anti-Christ.  The Anti-Christ is Muslims fundamentalists who convicted with wretchedness of psyche wanting to kill.  Their mind has less pleasure from spirit withdrawal and death is a call for pride and joy.  The many interpretations of who is False prophet holding the death sixes were also wrong; Pope, Hitler, Nero and many more but not Mohammad.

See the resemblance of Mohammad to Nero in a mind of red thoughts slitting throats under the black flag of soul.  The two are best thinkers of the “law of death” using their illogical belief.  The Roman Empire and Arab empire grew in a serial arrangement rolling graves for emperor’s honor under various ways of fascism and as wild as it can be.  How Islam fascism extends to women sexuality.  The Koran’s paradise delights in homosexuality of faithful Muslim young boys as pearl as the virgins.  Famous Saladin (Salah Al-Deen) for his Jihad against the Crusader was homosexual.  Many caliphs were homosexuals:  Al-Ameen, ruled 809, Al-Mutasim, ruled 833, the Aglabid Ibrahim, ruled 875, Abd Al-Rahman 912.  Public sauna baths (Hammams) are the go places for male and female (Lesbian) homosexuals decorated with erotics.  Male prostitution is common; homosexual love is glorified in poems and big in the separate place of harem.

We are like Cain, the first human birth who dreamt about possession of the earth and above all the possession of his own interest to possess all the rest to