Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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All Spiritual Common Sense originates from cognizance of Bible Doctrine not ignorance of it, therefore, believers have always been trapped into erroneous actions by ignorance of Bible Doctrine and lack of Spiritual Common Sense. Even the noblest of unbelievers have their areas of weakness. If the noblest unbeliever has an area of weakness so do believers and often believers try to think, say, and do exactly the same things as the unbeliever and they try to cover over, erase or ignore the reality of what they have actually done. Reversionism always compromises the honor and integrity of the believer. Reversionism avoids facing the true issue of failure and sin in the Spiritual Life and thus avoids rebound. A prominent characteristic of reversionism is lack of rebound. When life is more important to you than honor, integrity, freedom, the Will of God and Word of God you are a walking reversionistic ghoul. To consider your life more important than honor, integrity, freedom, Bible Doctrine, and the Justice of God, all which are our spiritual heritage from regeneration, is a total disorientation to reality in the Spiritual Life. Life is by no means as important as freedom and as Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty or give me Death” and this is what our forefathers believed when they fought against King George III. We have lost track of these facts because Bible Doctrine must reside in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul to have a proper scale of values and proper orientation to reality and proper understanding of history. You can be honorable and great one day as a believer and in a very short time you can be dishonorable through reversionism. No believer can afford to neglect Bible Doctrine and it must be more important than life itself otherwise The Lord Jesus, The Christ does not have his proper place in our souls, our love, our life and our affections. Once we are born again we come under a whole new set of rules the unbeliever has never heard of and thus honor and integrity should be paramount with the believer. There is no asset in the life of the believer and no spiritual momentum without the consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine under daily Operation Z Grace Apparatus for Perception function. Without this momentum the believer reverts to a dishonorable punk. This is why many times we find our association with unbelievers much more satisfactory than our association with believers.

Wealth, promotion or success without capacity for them is a source of unhappiness rather than happiness. Capacity for wealth, promotion or success can only come from Bible Doctrine and this capacity is coincident with our appreciation of the source of these blessings. We CANNOT have this capacity without maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul which is a requirement for Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God therefore true capacity for life only comes to the believer who has reached Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. WE often find at times that we have accumulated all sorts of ‘THINGS’, many which we have long forgotten and which have been stored away and finding them, they remind us of times or things of the past. We cannot go through life without accumulating things and this can become very dangerous without first having capacity for life and for the things which blessings bring to us in life.

Sooner or later one of the great blessings which comes to every advancing believer is development of Spiritual Common Sense which is the perspective of life to see life as it is and relate everything in life as it should be related. As long as a believer is alive he must remember God still has a plan for his life. Spiritual Common Sense dictates that life is too short to remain in reversionism and the count down to the Sin Unto Death which is:

3 – neglect of Bible Doctrine

2 rejection of Bible Doctrine and warning Divine Discipline.

1 – Intensive Divine Discipline and maximum unhappiness

SPLAT Dying Divine Discipline the Sin Unto Death

Life is also way too short to be caught up in cursing by association. Spiritual Common Sense demands reversion recovery and separation from those who become a cursing by association. When a believer recovers from reversionism he must be wise enough to consistently take in Bible Doctrine until Spiritual Common Sense catches up with principle. As long as a believer is alive God has a purpose for him and there is no recovery apart from Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine therefore there is no recovery apart from returning to the teaching of your right Pastor Teacher. We must remember that The Old Sin Nature is with us as long as we live. This means no believer is perfect, flawless or has a superior righteousness and we all still possess the Old Sin Nature, therefore, as long as we live we will continue to fail. When you meet a believer who says he no longer sins he is a reversionist and lacking in Spiritual Common Sense and filled with his own Self Righteousness and is according to 1st John 1:8+10, a Liar and Bible Doctrine is not in him. The Old Sin Nature should never be permitted to hinder advance of the believer to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. The provision of God for the failings of the Old Sin Nature is the rebound procedure and Filling of God the Holy Spirit. Therefore the Old Sin Nature should never be a deterrent and the mature believer always lives between Super-Grace and the Old Sin Nature. We will always have the Old Sin Nature and when we arrive at the peak of our spiritual advance we will will have it on the other side.

God always waits until you should, can have and often do have the correct doctrine to understand how he is dealing with YOU in any situation. We must understand what God is doing and if we do not understand it is because of OUR failure to take in Bible Doctrine at some place or time. The doctrine is available and the information is there and to misunderstand God’s dealing with you it is failure to maintain your spiritual momentum.

The Justice of God & Human Sacrifice

Human Sacrifice is truly an evil concept and practice. Only one time in Human History did God demand human sacrifice and that was the efficacious sacrifice of The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross. The Lord could not have been spared by God the Father in judgment of our sins in order that his sacrifice might free the Justice of God<