Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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God does better for those who depend on him than they can ever do for themselves. God has the capability to do infinitely more than anyone can ever even imagine doing for themselves. We lack many abilities, capabilities and capacities but God has the capability to actually know how many particles of dust are in fact on the earth. God honors his word and must vindicate it, therefore God honors those who honor him with the consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. There is only one time which is perfect and that is God’s time. There is only one blessing which is perfect that it God’s blessing. This blessing comes when the Will of God and the Divine Decree meet in your life. The Grace of God always goes beyond our ability and if we have any illusions about our ability then God graciously shows us how weak, helpless and useless we are. He puts us in a place where we cannot help ourselves and no matter how smart or how much ability we have we are stuck for answers. Being in a hopeless situation where there is nothing we can do about our situation is where we learn something about his great ability. It goes back to 2nd Corinthians where Paul reflected, “My Strength is made perfect in your weakness or helplessness”. The danger in receiving the benefit of any promise from God is to rationalize it with Human Viewpoint rather than accept is under the Faith Rest Drill (4 categories). God always does more for the believer who functions under grace than the believer who tries to do it for himself. God does not help those who help themselves but only the Helpless. Legalism cannot gain what God has provided and in fact legalism postpones what God provides. Legalism whether Self Righteous or Lascivious legalism rejects what God provides. The helplessness of a believer brings him to the grace solutions. Man’s inability to solve problems gives free rein to the Justice of God to function in grace and compatibility with the Essence of God.

ONLY God by his own effort can solve man’s problems. MAN BY HIS OWN EFFORTS ALWAYS TURNS CURSING INTO MORE CURSING WHILE ONLY GOD CAN TURN CURSING INTO BLESSING THAT BEING A MONOPOLY OF GRACE. Man must come to the end of his resources before the resources of God can solve his problems with justice. God cannot solve your problems if he is going to have to be unfair to someone else. Therefore, we must make Adjustment to the Justice of God so he can be free to bless and blessing only comes from making Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. The human side is that you cannot build your happiness on the unhappiness of another person. The divine side is that the Justice of God must be free to bless you when it will not at the same time be unfair to anyone else.

When it comes to big choices use Spiritual Common Sense. LET God do it for you. Whether this is judging others who malign you or a relationship with a believer where they have been unfair and taken advantage of authority, or some other situation. Blessing may be held up for some of us who consistently are taking in the word because of being unfair in our relationship to others. Our primary concern must be our relationship with the Lord and the sooner we will think in these terms the sooner we will see many principles of Spiritual Common Sense.

Recognizing divine authority an Ultra Super-Grace believer will instantly obey the commands of God. This instant obedience shows a recognition of authority. Today all divine commands come to the Royal Family of God through Bible Doctrine all having been recorded in the word of God. We no longer have direct verbal commands such as occurred before completion of the canon of scripture. The Church Age believers receive all instruction and commands in writing and thus we have the importance of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.

Blessing vs Behavior

If any blessing from God depended on our good behavior we would be OUT OF LUCK since none of us are perfect. Many blessings which come to us come with our greatest sins still ahead of us as with David, Paul, Abraham and others. We must constantly remember that NO COVENANTS OR GRACE PROMISES DEPEND ON GOOD BEHAVIOR. There are some good behavior promises but all good behavior promises are related to the Laws of Divine Establishment so that the unbeliever can fulfill the Laws of Divine Establishment and on that basis be blessed by God. This is a great issue in grace orientation and many believers think that by being good you are going to be blessed by God. At some point we must understand grace and we must recognize that there is no such thing in the Human Race as perfect behavior including from the believers who have achieved the most in spiritual advance.

There is nothing wrong with the believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God possessing the most expensive means of transportation, the finest home, the most rare artwork, etc., as this is a part of his Super-Grace and Ultra Super-Grace blessings. In as much as he is under Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ the greatest of ostentation can in no way destroy his Spiritual Life or attitude toward the Lord. Not only is he not to be the subject of criticism but neither should he be the subject of admiration or commendation. Believers today have the wrong concepts of life and it is not the possession of things which holds a person back in the Spiritual Life, it is lack of Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ. When you are a Super-Grace or an Ultra Super-Grace believer in the secondary or primary zones of blessing there is no such thing as lording it over people nor trying to be humble, sweet or equal and not making the others feel bad because they don’t have what you have. This is the thinking of the apostate believer and typical of their stupidity. The proper attitude of those who have not is to rejoice with them who rejoice who have. The proper attitude of those who HAVE is to ENJOY the things they have and share that EN