Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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Luke 12:51-53

v51: Do you presume that I have come to bring peace on earth? No, but rather I come to bring division;

v52: for from now on five members of one family will be divided, three against two and two against three;

v53: they will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother- in-law."

Jesus said he came to break up families and the idea that families are somehow sacred is unreality. Families are made up of people with Old Sin Natures and it is nice to see a family where everyone is advancing in the Spiritual Life but this however, is extremely rare. If you are in one pray that they all stay under Positive Volition and keep moving to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. This status and consistent spiritual advance is a very rare thing. It is not surprising to hear The Lord saying this and to see him historically have to break up families 3 or 4 times to separate the believers who would reach Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God from those who would not. This always occurs because out of dividing families comes blessing and this is very encouraging. If families who have members who are constantly negative are not divided it means they are totally weak. There must be someone strong in the family and the strong ones advance and the weak fall by the wayside as they split. Whenever the strong return to the family to help the weak they will always be weakened instead of the weak becoming stronger. Spiritual Common Sense, therefore, emphasizes the principle that you do not bring people UP to your level but they will CERTAINLY drag you down to theirs. There is nothing wrong with family but if you are weak and they strong and if they pull you away from Bible Doctrine then separation from family is the only answer. Some people are strong enough so that they can enjoy their family and have a sense of humor about them and see them occasionally and never miss Bible Doctrine even when they visit. There is no place for togetherness when Bible Doctrine is assigned 2nd place in life, which is in fact the last place in your scale of values. Bible Doctrine must be first in the scale of values else Bible Doctrine is out of business and you are put into reversionism.

When your family keeps you from Bible Doctrine then you must be saying, “good bye family”. If not there will be maximum trouble in your life. “Good bye family” will bring “Hello Blessing” or alternately “Hello Family” will very often bring “Good Bye Blessing”.

Anyone who allows his family to keep him from Bible Doctrine will inevitably wind up as a reversionist believer. However, this is not an excuse to divorce and if you made a mistake with the other half not being interested in Bible Doctrine then you just get Bible Doctrine as you can. If you are female and the husband says NO bible class then you don’t go to bible class, he is in command and he will take responsibility for his decisions and if you are really under Positive Volition to Bible Doctrine then God will provide a means of getting Bible Doctrine. If a woman cannot kiss the feet of the man she marries then she should not marry and she must totally submit in her SOUL to the man and this is extremely difficult, especially for women in our distorted society today. Marriage has a very simple Table of Organization and the man is the absolute dictator and authority in the marriage and holds 99.9% of the stock and the woman is under his command.

Anything which keeps you from Bible Doctrine must GO. In effect there can be a strong conflict of interest and never can love, respect, or the authority of family ever take precedence over divine command. The authority of The Lord Jesus, The Christ, as savior, Lord and commander, vs the authority of family is unquestionable. This is not an excuse for women to disobey husbands or children their parents when prevented from bible class attendance. God will provide Bible Doctrine for believers with Positive Volition in some other way. Allowing anything to take precedence over Bible Doctrine is how you get a dried up spiritual life and an experience with reversionism. There is nothing more miserable than a dried up spiritual life and this is where legalistic fundamentalism came from as a result of believers resisting Bible Doctrine having totally resisted the word of God.

As an adult, there is nothing wrong with having a relationship with parents and it is desirable but when parents get in the way of Bible Doctrine it must end. This always depends on YOU and separate from people must often occur because YOU ARE WEAK not they and YOU WILL STOP TAKING IN Bible Doctrine if you remain with them, but they will not ever stop distracting and drawing you away from Bible Doctrine. The many commands in the bible to separate are for weak believers who cannot resist the desires or demands of family over Bible Doctrine. Many people would never have to separate from family if they were strong enough in their Positive Volition toward Bible Doctrine, but most are such weak people that they let the family get between them and Doctrine. When You have no strength of your own. being weak, you allow other people to run you.

There are 2 essential principles of separation:

It is required regarding EVIL in all cases.

The believer who is too weak to handle people and distractions must separate from them.

Options for Salvation

The unbeliever, in every case, has every chance to be saved and rejection of God at God Consciousness is without excuse. It