Spiritual Families and Tribes by Dickson O. Adelusi - HTML preview

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End Notes

IN Matthew 22:1-14, Jesus gave a parable showing how the Almighty God sent Jesus to His chosen people --the Israelite-- who eventually rejected Jesus and ensured that he was killed.

Who would ever guessed that the people of Israel could kill the Son of God? Stiff-necked people of ancient Israel who boast of the Almighty God whom they did not honor. An hundredth of the miracles which God performed for the Israelite would turn Africa and Asia around from their idol worshiping towards the Almighty God. There is another proverb for the People of Israel which Jesus told in Matthew 21:33–46 who are fond of persecuting the Messengers of God that preaches against their lifestyle and vain religions.

When it was time to fulfill Matthew 22:1-14, a vision was shown to Apostle Peter to take the 'Invitation' to pagan [gentiles] and other unGodly cultures of the world, but Apostle Peter could not afford to mix his life with idol worshipers and pagans. Acts 10:9-16. Paul was then chosen to replace Peter in the mission. Acts 22:1-21.

Then, Jesus met Saul and transformed his life and name into Paul the Apostle who later took the salvation news [the 'invitation'] of God to the pagans and idol worshipers. The works of Apostle Paul to introduce man more People of Rome to God through Jesus is the fulfillment of Paul's calling to build a bridge for as many that would walk into the arms of the Almighty God who manifested through Abraham, Isaac and Israel. Paul strengthened the earlier Christian community in Rome through his ministry.

Church of Rome gained more power and state influence about the time of Constantine and many people who are easily attracted to power joined the church which was like a ruling [political] party. Many without genuine encounter with God held on to some of their cultures in the church and try to find similarity in their culture and the Christian culture brought. This and other influx made many questionable Christian positions [doctrines] emerged from the Roman Catholic Church which has many branches all over the world.

For example, the seeming idolization of Mary who bore Jesus and also the bowing before her statute and others’ in the Church. Perhaps, there is an equivalence for Mary in the Roman culture so she probably fits. Whereas, Mary is just one of the servants of God who was part of those mortal vessels to fulfill God's purpose of salvation for humanity. Just like other Apostles and the old Prophets including John the Baptist who was declared the greatest messenger so far [greater than Mary because she was already on earth at the time of Jesus’ comparison in Luke 7:28]. Mary was simply one of the messengers and she is not their queen. There is no Queen of Heaven or Queen in Heaven [Matthew 22:29-30], if it were, such role cannot be hidden throughout the scripture just like the Office of the Son of God was not hidden. Mary is just another messenger and if you want to understand the role of Mary better, connect through the Holy Spirit [with prayer and fasting], then look into how the first woman [Eve] conceived the evil desire and was determined to convince Adam and gave the evil to the world. For this, another woman was revealed to annul that evil of Eve! In Revelation 12:1-5, the Holy Scripture refer to Mary as a woman not Queen. The crown of twelve stars on her head symbolize the 12 tribes of God among all humans that she was meant to bear their Leader, Lord and King Jesus. This same twelve tribes of God among humans are repetitively shown in the likes of 12 tribes of Israel and 12 disciples of Jesus. The interpretation of the sign of the Sun and Moon in the same Revelation 12:1 would require more writing.

All the Offices of Jesus was clearly stated including the Office of the Son of God. If Mary was part of Heavenly beings [John 3:13], it would be recorded about her but she is just one of the mortal instruments. Rest in peace Saint Mary! Each of the messengers served and are still serving their purpose.

"Woman, you are one of the messengers assigned by God and you have completed your mission already. I am not your son per se and this you should have understood by now but I will give you a son in my place. Look at John, he is now your son and for you John as well, take her as your mother henceforth" John 19:26

Another doctrine of the Roman Catholic is the Holy Trinity since idols with three godheads are popular among the deities of Rome, whereas, God is monotheistic in Abrahamic culture. Including in Islam which is one of Abrahamic religion, God has been known to be monotheistic until the intervention of Rome in the Church, then it became the same God having three forms.

God and Jesus Christ are different beings, the Holy Spirit is poured out of the Seven Spirits of God. (Joel 2:28). In John 10:30, Jesus said my Father and I are one [united by purpose, tightly close and inseparable by intruders, we are so transparent to one another and giving no room to mischief makers]. In John 14:28, Jesus said He is not co- equal with God like what the Roman’s Holy Trinity says about co-equality –when he said my Father is greater than I In John 14:28, Jesus said I am going to my Father [in Heaven because I am still here on earth], if Jesus was the same Almighty God, there would be no need to go to Him again. In Acts 7:54-55, it reveals two beings –the God on the Throne and Jesus standing on His right hand.

Besides, who was Jesus Christ always praying to? He was always praying to his God, read John 20:17. Oh! How the culture of the heathen have corrupted the sanctity of the church of Jesus Christ in different parts of the world, and boldly exported into other nations. The effect of wrong fundamental doctrine is that it limits the believer from developing great relationship with God based on unclear understanding. The more anyone knows God on personal level, the greater that relationship. Therefore, imagine a man who comes before God all the time full of ignorance, praying or giving his worship in manner that has potential to stir jealousy and anger in Heaven if God were not wise to discern thoughts, reasons and intentions.

Wrong doctrines make ignorant Christians to direct their worship to Jesus or kneel before Mary and bow for the statutes of other saints. The Angel warned John in Revelation 22:8-9, FOR ONLY GOD MUST BE WORSHIPPED.

Wrong doctrines is the reason that gospel singers use lyrics like “Jesus I worship you”. Although, Satan would want another chaos in Heaven, especially between Jesus and the Almighty, but thank God that no intruder can come between them even though the Almighty is Jealous – Exodus 34:14. [Remember –my Father and I are one in John 10:30]. Wearing upon him all the Seven Spirits of God makes him look like the Almighty but he did not rub God of His position –Philippians 2:6.

The reason Jesus was called the Almighty Father by Prophet Isaiah is because he saw that Jesus would come with all of the Seven Spirits of God without measure, wherefore, he did not rub it of God. See how the entire Seven Spirits of God was placed on Jesus in Revelation 5:6 I write having the gift of a Prophet too and you can ask from any local Prophet around you, we do not see all things. Even things that are revealed to us by God, human incapacity still miss some descriptive details. To further confirm this, compare the Throne of God which Isaiah saw in Isaiah chapter 6 with the same Throne of God which John saw in Revelation chapter 4 and you will realize that one is more detailed than the other. I can confirm to you that the difference is the calmness of the Prophet to calmly and attentively look in for more details, but for the fear and ecstasy, we cannot see enough. This explains why Isaiah referred to Jesus as the Almighty Father, he should have checked the detail. However, when Jesus himself came, he said he is not the Almighty Father as shown in the scriptures above.

Have you seen Holy Trinity in Matthew 28:19 which says baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost? God is the Master-planner of the salvation of mankind and Jesus is the sacrificed lamb where the Holy Spirit sustains the work done by Jesus. Each played their role in the salvation of humanity and it pleases God that we are baptized not only in His name but also in the name of the sacrificed Lamb and Holy Spirit, the Sustainer of Christ's works. Study the Book of Revelation chapter 4 and 5, there you would discover that Jesus was brought into the picture of God’s Throne where he played a role in the salvation of humans as testified to by one of the twenty-four Elders in Heaven. The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit were mentioned in Matthew 28:19 because each played their role at ensuring the salvation of humans and that they make it through to the eternal paradise.

False doctrine is the reason that makes people go into Church and bow the slightest for the carved image of great past saints. Exodus 20:4-5 sternly warn that “you and I shall not make any sculpture, graven image, painting or photograph as an object of worship [of any kind whatsoever] for yourself [not even of the things in heaven, not even the original photograph of the Jesus who came from heaven, no image at all. You are forbidden to make them and secondly forbidden to bow the slightest for them. I am God]. Keep this phrase in mind and it can help you “I do not bow!”

There are also several other inconsistencies in the church with published articles available to defend every questionable doctrine. Do your research on Trinity or Triad Gods in Rome's culture. Many old church denominations that broke out of the grip of the Roman Catholic Church at that time also adopted most of their doctrines which now looks like norm in the church today.

It is the same way that the People taken from Africa and turned into slaves during the slave trade era held to their cultures whilst pretending to worship the God of their slave masters in the Christian way. This birth different Christian-lined idolatry religions in South America.

Many cultures have mixed up the sanctity of Jesus' church --the family of God.

The Temple during Jesus time is Orthodox and the fear that Jesus' practices challenges their existence is part of the reason for persecuting him by the Jewish Leaders [church leaders today hunt down the truth just like the Jewish Leaders in the days of Jesus our Lord]. After Jesus, by his disciples, the church of Jesus Christ is Pentecostal in relation to the experience of Holy Spirit on the Pentecost day. The church is also Evangelical to increase the number saved souls worldwide. At the death of Jesus, the veil of Orthodoxy was torn apart. But if you have found God in Christian Orthodoxy rooted in Jesus, kindly stay put because some local Pentecostal churches are dens of evil spirits and Satan. However, any Church that silence the role of the Holy Spirit in all its diverse ways should have a rethink. Different manifestations of the Holy Spirit that are widely silenced in supposed Christian gatherings include speaking in tongues, foretelling, visions, healing, spiritual inquiries through prayers among others.

Jehovah Witnesses Organization, another Christian denomination on the other hand, works assiduously the work of evangelism but would do better if they allow and promote the Holy Spirit and its manifestations. To also prayerfully discern that eternal fire is literal and that this world would not be repaired but destroyed and new earth and heaven shall descend from God. I have attended several meetings of the Jehovah Witnesses to find out what they believe and teach and I found that they are making some mistakes that can easily be corrected. One of the very sensitive errors is that they tell that God is too good to destroy the world. Please if He destroys the world, who would arrest Him? When He burnt down Sodom and Gomorrah, did He not warn them ahead? Were there no young children and pregnant women in the days of Noah who drowned in the flood? God is not afraid of anyone’s opinion and He does not predict like the new age refer to prophecies as predictions, He foretells what He would do and He surely lives up to His words. Resurrection of all good and bad people to Judgment Day is real, destruction of this world is real and eternal lake of fire is real according to the Holy Bible, we must not twist the scriptures.

Those who want to change the Hindus to Christianity and the Muhammad followers to Jesus followers but who cannot even change their fundamental doctrines, beliefs or practices are people to be concerned for. When you see the truth, you can easily identify it. Instead of writing the next publication by logic and impulse to counter the truth, just make the necessary changes under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

All church denominations are one big family of God and there is no perfect church. The Church of Jesus Christ for God is one and universal where every identity name is a denomination [denominations such as the Catholic, Jehovah Witnesses, Anglican, Methodist, the Sacred Order of Cherubim and Seraphim Church and many others] form the universal church. If a church denomination is God ordained, do not attack their ways because their practices might be the right appeal to attract their audience. However, by their practices, you shall know whether they are Jesus' because there are universal benchmarks and theme. False doctrines and teachings are forbidden by the scriptures, therefore, we must fight it off.

We must grow, unlearn to relearn and seek God's corrections. The Universal Church of God must come together because they can only reach their potential to change the world for the best if united in Jesus Christ. There is need to stop hating on one another for example, hating a Christian praying with candles or criticizing those who worship in white garments. Remember that there are different appeals for different people because God Himself created diversity. No matter the diversity [tribes] in Jesus Christ, with discernment and good knowledge of the scriptures, you can tell the wolves who come in sheep clothing. The Universal Church --the Family of God on earth-- is one!